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High Potency Marihuana Sentencing Enhancement Act of 2009


weed fiend
EDIT: It appears we have at least one Mark Kirk fan so I edited my post. It is not my wish to offend Mark Kirk supporters. If you're a Kirk supporter don't click the "edit" link at the bottom and read the original post.

Take a good look at this gentleman, Mark Kirk. He represents the 10th district of IL. He's the sponsor for the bill.

If you vote in the IL. 10th district, make sure this politician doesn't get another chance to advance more ignorant legislation in 2010. This country has enough problems w/o overzealous politicians trying to scare grandma.
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Owl Mirror

Active member
Congressman Kirk works to advance a Suburban Agenda that is pro-defense, pro-personal responsibility, pro-environment, and pro-science.

Please contact Congressman Kirk office at (847) 940-0202 or 847-662-0101


weed fiend
Congressman Kirk works to advance a Suburban Agenda that is pro-defense, pro-personal responsibility, pro-environment, and pro-science.

Please contact Congressman Kirk office at (847) 940-0202 or 847-662-0101

Yep, sounds like he's your typical conservative except for the pro-science part.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Did I mention our Congress is worse than an a case of post bone marrow transplant graph vs host disease shits.

Lemme tell ya, it's pretty f'ing nasty too.


Active member
What a pile of sensationalist Prohibitionist propaganda.

This Bill was introduced by Rep. Mark Kirk, Republican, 10th District, Illinois. Remember that name. That man is The Enemy.

It's been referred to three separate committees. Which means it is likely to go absolutely nowhere. Still, keep an eye on this one.

Mark Kirk needs something like santorum named after him, just so nobody forgets his name.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
He was in the news at the beginning of the summer doing interviews about how worried he was to see the ultra potent 'kush weed' showing up in his suburban district.
Drug dealers are increasingly cross-breeding plants to produce high-potency variants of marijuana, which are called "kush" in street slang when they have 20 percent THC, according to Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran.
"When you amplify the strength of it, you are increasing the harm to the system," said Curran, who supports the legislation, which would amend a federal law. "They are more dangerous behind the wheel of a vehicle. It's not a good idea to have people that messed up."


For some reason I thought he was an Illinois state senator though.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I don't understand how one can both promote pro-personal responsibility while restricting others personal responsibility. Why is it always the inanimate objects fault and not the individual who may behave irresponsibly.

I wonder if we should submit legislation that NO PAIN RELIEVER medication can exceed that of a motrin. If you possess a vicodin or valium and are caught driving while under the influence, you shall do 35 years to life in prison.


It is already bad in California. If you are pulled over driving with a vicodin or a valium, you are looking at 3,4 or 5 years in prison.

If you have a prior similiar conviction it is 6,7 ot 8 years. My situation is worse, if I were to be pulled over with a single valium or vicodin I would be looking at 13 years at 80%, even though I haven't been arrested in over 20 years.

I researched this because I was at a job site and needed to go to Home Depot or Lowe's for materials. I left my employee at the job site and was pulled over while driving to get the materials. I wasn't cited as I argued that my turn was legal. When I got back to the jobsite I told my help about getting pulled over and how shitty I got with the cop. He said, man I have some weed in my bag on the floor of the truck. On the ride home my help showed me his weed and he had a few Vicodin in the container.

I started thinking about how they classify Vicodin in the Penal Code ( I wasn't concerned about the weed ) and went home and researched it. Health and Safety Code of California doesn't differentiate between heroin and a long list of other opiates and opiodes. They are all treated the same in the Code.

So, my prior transportation of a controlled substance kicks in a 3 year enhancement and a prior assault (dude burglarized my mom's house) kicks in the three strike law which doubles the sentence and results in you having to serve 80% of the sentence.

So, as near as I can calculate, if the cop had searched my truck, found the Vicodin and came and testiLied that it was in my pocket (similiar circumstance has happened three times to me already) I would have been looking at doing either 80% of 13 or 16 years. I am not sure if they double the entire term or just the base term. I actually hope I never have to research to find out.


weed fiend
I don't understand how one can both promote pro-personal responsibility while restricting others personal responsibility.

Remember. The party this guy belongs to is all about getting up in our personal freedoms, policing morality and spelling marijuana "marihuana" (haven't seen that since the Reefer Madness days.)

"Personal responsibility" isn't some romantic philosophy that makes us better citizens. It's political speak that advocates (among others) tort reform and deregulation, pesky government controls that keep the greedy rich from fleecing us any faster than they already are.

Why is it always the inanimate objects fault and not the individual who may behave irresponsibly.
:chin: It's not the object that goes to prison.

I wonder if we should submit legislation that NO PAIN RELIEVER medication can exceed that of a motrin. If you possess a vicodin or valium and are caught driving while under the influence, you shall do 35 years to life in prison.
Maybe I misunderstood the earlier post but it sounded like you were defending this guy. It's hard to separate policy from politician. Instead of advocating even more oppression, consider voting for another rep.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This bill wont pass. If it does I will seriously go hunt down the asshole that wrote it. As far as I'm concerned they are pigs. I will get a group of people as pissed as me, and we will start a silent hunt. As long as we make progress in our goal I will remain peaceful, but if we start going backwards, then I'm getting ruthless. I will make it to where anyone in the government is scared to every vote yes on anti-pot legislation. fuck them. its has been time for the fucks to disapear a long time ago anyway.

Owl Mirror

Active member
Maybe I misunderstood the earlier post but it sounded like you were defending this guy.
not in any way was I defending this action.
I'm the one who brought this to the forums attention.

Perhaps rhetorical quips don't translate well on the Internet without using smileys ?

Owl Mirror

Active member
It is already bad in California. If you are pulled over driving with a vicodin or a valium, you are looking at 3,4 or 5 years in prison.

If you have a prior similar conviction it is 6,7 ot 8 years.

I'm assuming you are talking about NOT having a legal, verifiable script for these drugs, right ?
As far as I can tell, there is no language exempting MEDICAL Marijuana patients supplies from these penalties.
Therefore my suggestion regarding no pain relievers of a strength beyond asprin or motrin.
Under this law, he is saying the strength of a pain reliever must be limited and rendered an ineffective treatment.

I do not believe this legislation should be dismissed and forgotten, believing it has no chance of coming out of committee.


Of course if you have a prescription for morphine, Dilaudid, Codeine, Hydrocodone or even Methamphetamine (Desoxyn) for that matter you can transport it in your vehicle.

Yes, some other Politician should add a rider to his bill. Make it illegal to prescribe more than .00001 of a milligram of ANY pain reliever, or to prescribe it for more than once a day.


Patient Grower
I do not believe this legislation should be dismissed and forgotten, believing it has no chance of coming out of committee.

I sure won't pay it much attention unless it seems to be revived. No co-sponsors, has been sitting in committee since July, and is an obvious piece of political grandstanding. If it ain't dead it's sure doing a goddamn good job of looking like it. Sheesh, even Barney Franks' cannabis bills get a number of co-sponsors.

If you worry about every law proposed for the purpose of political grandstanding you won't have time to sleep at night.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
This bill wont pass. If it does I will seriously go hunt down the asshole that wrote it. As far as I'm concerned they are pigs. I will get a group of people as pissed as me, and we will start a silent hunt. As long as we make progress in our goal I will remain peaceful, but if we start going backwards, then I'm getting ruthless. I will make it to where anyone in the government is scared to every vote yes on anti-pot legislation. fuck them. its has been time for the fucks to disapear a long time ago anyway.

yall know im just talkin shit right.

Owl Mirror

Active member
yall know im just talkin shit right.

I will make it to where anyone in the government is scared to every vote yes on anti-pot legislation.

The words above could be construed as terrorism, especially in this day and age.
You may be pissed and, you should express yourself yet, I would be careful how you express yourself.

Remember TED ?


In his Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization.


It is okay hash, we all know it is just the alcohol and tobacco talking. Now smoke a joint, calm down and let's form a peaceful 10,000,000 deep posse to voice our opposition.


Active member
It wasn't the speech that got him into trouble, it was the mail bombs. I happen to agree with him that our freedoms are being eroded at an incredible rate and that the US as it exists today doesn't resemble at all what our framers intended.