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High octant espresso?


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
is that a panic attack or OCD? my friend does this shit where when we leave his house it takes about an xtra 20 mins to get out of his parking lot at his apartment.. Cos he is like shit did i leave the iron on? or did i lock the door, or did the oven accidentially get turned on.. Im like NO its FOCKING ALL OFF AND the door is locked lets GO!!!! were late.. LOL.. I dont think its from quittin stuff its just a disease i believe now im no doctor.. lol good luck



Cautiously Optimistic
Ill be 40 in a month or two...

My 215 Dr said I should see a shrink though, in fact he is the third Dr. that said I need some kind of help.

First step?

Really bro? The advice of 3 doctors wasn't sufficient? You now need to come onto a weed website to get advice? You're not a child anymore. Man the fuck up and take control of your shit and stop looking to do shit on your own. No one on here is going to have better advice for you than 3 fucking doctors. Unplug the internet and go get the help you need.
I said espresso is freaking me out and thought about quitting as a positive life change.
I really drink way to much espresso and might be abusing it.


Active member
Really bro? The advice of 3 doctors wasn't sufficient? You now need to come onto a weed website to get advice? You're not a child anymore. Man the fuck up and take control of your shit and stop looking to do shit on your own. No one on here is going to have better advice for you than 3 fucking doctors. Unplug the internet and go get the help you need.

You having a bad day bro? You seem kinda salty.


Active member
Caffeine and nicotine make anxiety disorders harder to handle, OCD can be triggered by stress and stimulants. Go to a good shrink and discuss your problems.
Try cutting it out for a month and see if it has a positive effect. Might = less roadrage, less psychotic outbursts... which is good ! ;)


seeker of greater knowledge
hey jay maybe cutting out the coffee all together might be a step in the right direction..

but if its OCD then stimulants of ANY kind whenever its food or drugs...this includes pot....
will help bring of OCD episodes..

im not a doctor just some guy with a brain in his head

if you recieved advice from 3 doctors saying you might need a little help then maybe its time you really got some........dont mean to be harsh but c'mon get it together man