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High humidity (and or low airflow) prelong flowertime?

Hello got a question.. as topic states.. and since im growing in coco im posting it here..

So does these 2 factors by themselves or in combination prelong flowertime?

do they stretch more in flowerphase when humidity is higher?


Hello got a question.. as topic states.. and since im growing in coco im posting it here..

So does these 2 factors by themselves or in combination prelong flowertime?

do they stretch more in flowerphase when humidity is higher?
stretch in flower has many factors; i.e.g., diff (difference between day time and night time temps); ambient air temp; pruning style; fertilization methods; and specific cultivar.

higher rh may or may not prolong flowering. plants can acclimate to environments just like other organisms. some thrive during and after migration, some decline and perish.

select plants that best suit your environment, if cannot change specs to suit plants. make plants be vigorous enough to survive in garden setting.

higher rh? what is 'high'? day? night? plants have a broad range for acceptable rh, or vapor pressure deficit. generally between 35%-75%. prevention of condensation and/or plant's micro-climate becoming too dry is only issue.

can speed up metabolism w/ lower rh, but have to have other variables in check.

should be ok w/ rh anywhere between 35-75%. if they have issues, adjust it accordingly.

hope this helps. enjoy your garden!
Well after some testing .. if anyone wounders... adding more fresh airflow into the room i took away 1 month of growing.. from 4 down too 3..


Ya know I've got my humidty super high right now, its around 70%. Its been two weeks flowering, and I'm not satisfied on how they look, I know I overfed a bit, but also I wonder if that high humidity is a factor in a slow start to flowering....


Ya know I've got my humidty super high right now, its around 70%. Its been two weeks flowering, and I'm not satisfied on how they look, I know I overfed a bit, but also I wonder if that high humidity is a factor in a slow start to flowering....
well, yes...

the plant functions by transpiring the water uptaken from the roots...
when the external pressure on the leaves exceeds the internal pressure to push out the water in the roots, may have issues...

including... the media being saturated due to lack of transpiration. this could lead to lock-out, due to nutes held in water not circulating...

already posted bunch of data on rh in this thread. hope it helps:

RH importance

enjoy your garden!


thanks Mistress. Ya know I wasnt having any problems with the medium, its drying out every two days or sooner....I think I overfed a bit at the start too which could have slowed them down. Thanks again, you seem to be the top gun with coco these days Mistress....


other opinions/methods that can also be successful, from a tree grower... most of the old kbs/chow mix threads went after 60-70% rh, & still do... others stay around 45-55% & still grow trees...

really depends on what is manageable/doable for gardener over entire season...

w/ emphasis on lowering it for last 1-3 weeks to prevent mold...

enjoy your garden!
Hey Mistress, Great info on RH in the thread you linked. I would love to ask your opinion on a room I am currently working in. It is a sealed room with central air, and CO2. Day time is very manageable because of a/c a little more of a temp swing then I would like to see but what are u gonna do? The question I have is its week 2 of flowering and night time RH is going off the charts. I requested and got a big ass dehumidifier and it is now it is maxing at 78% in the night time. Plants are taking off (stretching like crazy) and now I'm starting to get what I thought was a Boran deficiency but after reading your previous post I'm wondering if I am experiencing a calcium lock out? Rockwool, GH 3 part, RO. Thanks in advance for any ideas to kick around.