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High from Finland


Hello IC members!

Just joined last week, but have been lurking for a while now. Lots of good info here :yes:.

Anyways, been smoking for several years now, actually started in West Palm Beach, Florida, where I have lived most of my life. Now I'm back in my home country of Finland... "The asshole of Europe" as I saw one member stated it.

In terms of Cannabis, Finland sucks... overpriced and low-quality for the most part. That's why I started growing myself last Fall, and have had two successful harvests. I'll put some more pics up if anyone is interested. Here are my two GHS Trainwreck, cut and dried, about 110g. It's nice:canabis:


Looking forward to seeing you all out there on the boards!



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Big Top welcome to IC...Finland can't be that bad...you seem friendly enough..and those jars certainly show you growing skills..make yourself at home, looking forward to you posts..DD


Hey thanks for the warm welcome. I'm a little late in replying, kinda forgot I even posted this. But please forgive me, as I was just in Amsterdam for 5 months, and well, you know, short term memory doesn't function well there :biggrin:

I had to take a break from growing while I was there, but now I'm back in Finland, and will be starting a new project soon. Keep an eye out for my log once it's up and running. Hope to see you there!

Happy growing :wave:


welcome bro!!

Some of us like assholes and some like.... :D Oh yeah more Finns !

It's not going to be your last post to forget..;) :D You gonna get much better weed than Dam :)

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