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hi to all


ICMag Donor
i have question and hope someone might have some info

i am going to visit poitters or neort south west i think,does anyone know the area
is it easy to get any weed or hash in town( just small amounts 1/8 or 2)

whats it like if you get caught with a few joints
i know it is harsh but anyone got any real info

thanks all my french friends


Hi ojd
I live there in France and I second HhF...
Don't know more about Poitters... You mean Poitiers? Anyway, it isn't my area.
Take your own dope cause it will be quite hard to find something, except crappy as hell soap bar 'hash' (...).
But maybe you'll be lucky enough and meet some grower ('open' your nose :wink:) or a cool guy with smockable morroccan..

Magic words:
haschish, hasch, shit...
herbe, beuh, ganjah...
bonjour, s'il vous plait, au revoir...

No idea about prices since I didn't buy any since a while now and prices must be different from a place to another.

I'm sure you can safely come in France with your dope... That's not the usual drug route :D

Hope that helps,


ICMag Donor
thanks all for the reply's

but bringing with me is not an option

my dad lives there,its been 3 or more years but ive never been to see him there,this is why(he comes back to england alot so i see him )
my brother went 1 time,me and a friend give him a lift up to the airport blazing all the way up there(i know he shouldnt of but its tradition)

when he got back he said he got harased at the airport in france(a litle airport, i mean tiny he said)when he got into the customs they must have smelled the joints we was toking hours before when we dropped him off
they ripped through every thing he had,they brought the dogs in and they just run passed my bro because obvisouly he didnt have any thing on him but they kept draging the dog back time after time to nothing.he also had boxes of crackers and soup(for my dad)the guys were opening up the tins and the crackers,my brother was geting pissed but luckily they stopped and let him go,but boy after that story i didnt feel like going myself

also what would happen if i got caught with an 1/8
thanks for all the help


You didn't stated anywhere you were going to use air way mate...
Those last years, few people are stupid enough for bringin drugs into airports, even in a tiny old european french one...
I thought you wanted to come by 'the tunnel' or by sea and by train... the safest, cheapest (plus less polluting) way for guys like us (smokers).

We use metric system so 1/8 doesn't talk a lot to us (50gr.?)
Anyway, I've never heard about big problems for small amounts.
If you're a friendly guy and cops are too, they would only keep it and let you go your way. imo, the worst thing you should get is a fine (Procès-Verbal)...

my :2cents:


ICMag Donor
hi trapik

oh,i see

so train sounds like my best bet

also an 1/8= 3.5 g
Hi ojd,

For an eight, you shall not get caught, and if you do, they may just throw it away.
I remember that we had to pay twice the amount for an eight of Super Skunk in England, something like 15 pounds for border or african weed, and about 25 pounds for the great weed!Is it still the same?


now I remember some years ago it was about the same amount in France...
for 7 grammes you got a 700 francs fine..
so 1/4 (thanks for translation :smile:) should be about 100 €uros (about 65 gbp) now. A buddy of mine were caught by customs on an highway in south of France.. customs are sure baddest guys than simple cops (like Pinot lol).

Have a good trip anyway ojd
good luck


ojd.... just got back from france and spain. Hash very good in spain, drove over border to france with no problem. Be careful, the french can be a humourless lot in these matters. Never had a big problem finding what I needed in France. Hope to hear from you about a successful trip
Much more something like 60 euros fine for 10 g, they can also make you sign a piece of paper sayin' that they kept your gear, or make you throw it away or even leave it to you if you were lucky enough to met nice cops and that you didn't play a game with them going straigh to the fact!(no bs)

Spanish hash is much better and closer from marocco than French one for sure!