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Hi from Ecuador


Active member
Hey everyone! I wanted to introduce myself before I went posting anywhere else. I'm originally from Washington State via Oregon, but I'm currently living in Ecuador working at a hostel through at least June. I worked in nurseries before I came here, a career path that was initially inspired by wanting to grow and breed Cannabis, but after a while I discovered that I really kind of dig plants in general!
I only have one grow under my belt that was flowering nicely before my ladies were stolen. Since then I haven't lived anywhere that I was able to grow, even after getting my medical certification in Washington.
Since I've been in Ecuador, I've found most of the smokeables to be decent, but I'm a gringo with only a basic knowledge of spanish, so I imagine the good stuff is out there, but I haven't come across it. That being said, a coworker of mine brought me some nice Colombian sativa after a trip home to Medellin, and I found quite a few viable looking seeds in it. I plan to hold on to these until I go home and renew my certification, then see what pops!
I've always been really fond of sativas, as the indicas tend to give me a bit more paranoia/social anxiety than I prefer. Though they're pretty great for sitting at home alone zoning out and making music... as long as I don't have to go anywhere :biggrin:

Anyway, I'm super glad to be here, and while I haven't delved too deeply yet, I've read a few really great, informative threads from start to finish. I'll probably lurk for a while, but I look forward to talking to all of you... There's so much to learn!


Active member
Get more seeds!!! Such a wonderful opportunity to acquire stuff not many people in Washington have. Enjoy the rest of your trip and good luck.
Hi there! Where do you live in Ecuador?
I lived in Santo Domingo for a while back in the 80s. Loved it. Should have never come back to the states!
Good to see ya here :)


Active member
Hey Ellie, I intend to keep all the seeds I can find! I'm also going to bring back vegetable seeds that I think would grow well in the Northwest. There's a type of chili here called Rocoto that's super hot and tolerates the cold really well. I'm thinking it could be a fun breeding project to breed them with habaneros to try to develop a variety that's still super hot with a habanero like flavor but would produce more in the cold, wet summers we sometimes get in the northwest.

Thanks BL! I'm in quito at the moment. Come spring I'll either be moving to Alausi, about three hours north of Cuenca, or I'll go home and start playing with these seeds. I haven't been to Santo Domingo, but I've seen a fair amount of the Ecuadorian Andes. Somehow, I still haven't made it to the Amazon yet, but I'm thinking that might happen in December.

Also, a question regarding seed storage: I've got them in a film canister with a small dessicant package, separated by a little piece of paper. It's maybe 65ish degrees in my room. How well do you all think they'll last in that environment? I would put them in the fridge, but I worry that they'd get thrown out.

Thanks for the warm welcome guys! It's great to be here. There's SO much info on here.