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Hi from a noobie


Hello everyone.

Just signed up for the site as I wanted to see more pictures :)

I started growing about 5 years ago but stopped for about 2 years due to laziness and having a friend who could keep me supplied. I have moved to the UK now and know nobody who might be able to get me some so I'm back into the growing again.

I set up my NFT Hydro system the other day and I now have 1 little baby Blue Cheese starting its life.

I've had a look round your forum and it looks great so far.

I look forward to learning new tips and tricks from all you experts :)


Hey welcome,only one thing missing from this near perfect site...scratch and sniff pictures...Also don't forget,SEEDS {cannabis}are legal for sale in the U.K.! BUY! BUY!!BUY!!!

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