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Hey now......

Stu Pididiot

New member
I finally signed up for a forum again.
While lurking for a few years(since the downfall of OG) I see that there are several people here that I know & recognize from some older forums.
I'm an organic dirt farmer that has been growing my own medicine & food for the past 35 years.
I thought it would be polite to say Hey now
to everybody before I start posting places.



welcome my friend, i was at OG and thats getting to be ancient history now. dont post any coms or links, they get huffy here about that. read the TOU. terms of use see ya around.

Stu Pididiot

New member
Thanks astra & Sam! Glad to be here.

Astra, I read the TOU & that will be my last mentioning of "the old hangout". No links from me on anything.

I saw that there's a dead head group. What does one have to do to become a member?
What aboot custom avatars? I would really like to use my old on if I could


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