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Hey guyz planning a trip!



Hello fellas i'm planning to make a trip to Copenhagen for 20 days!:woohoo: My gf sister lives there and we gonna visit her. Also im gonna make a trip for 3 days to Amsterdam. Anyway i want to ask for someone to guide me. Im really gonna smoke alot of weed there so i heard Christiania its a good place for that :). any recommendation? Christiania its not a shop but its open on Dec/Jan on cold days? good strains to buy etc?


Active member
Weed, hash, oil... You name it. It's still available there. It's nowhere near what it was 20+ years ago. But still a super nice place to hang out. Lots of friendly people. And a shitload of dogs :D
If for what ever reason, that it's not being sold openly when you are there (Police do show up from time to time). Just ask friendly looking people :)

I hope you have a great time on your trip :)


Thanks for your help and your answers Therealzemi. How about quality for their stuff? Also their selling bong etc?


Active member
I havent been there for over a year. So cant tell. Normaly theres a wide range to pick from. Dont expect to see tons of different strains available though. Import hash is there in various types too. When it comes to smoking green in Denmark, it's rare you get super high quality weed "on the street". For that you need to know a grower. But hey.... Go take a look and a taste. I'm sure you will like it there :)