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hey fellow aussies

:tiphat: hi there guys im aussiepurp i joined a while ago and have been here there and everywhere ive decided to get into growing my own meds as im a medicinal grower as i suffer cancer, im ok in remission but im just lookinto my alternative methods, with that said i just wanna say gday to you guys out there and see if you guys can steer me in the right way ive been reading up on alot of stuff and have decided to finally go with what i wanna do not with what the doctor recomends
so i just wanna say gday to you guys and girls and would like to make a friend or two cheers

G'Day mate welcome aboard, all the best with ya growing mate, plenty of info in here if you need some, and everyone in the ozy threads will lend a hand if need be.

thanks bundy & coke , yeah im happy to finally decide to do it im gonna go with some more indica style of strain to relax my body etc and work up an appetite but im glad to get the ball rolling :)

cheers mate. aussiepurp


Well-known member
Hi mate, I'd like to recommend the literature of Dr.Ian Gawler, a melbourne author who kicked terminal cancer using meditation. As a health care professional I have spent a lot of time doing research and the only therapy that has repeatedly had a positive impact on cancer is meditation. I would recommend sitting in a quiet place daily or twice daily and breathing in and out of the nose, slowing down and deepening your respiration rate, and learning how to engage the diaphragm by gently pushing the tummy out on inhalation. If you are dealing with the side effects of chemo or radiation therapy I'd suggest that acupuncture is very good for counteracting the deleterious effect these therapies have on the immune system. Having a balanced diet is also very important - so lots of fruit and veges, whole grains, fish and lean meats, but definitely cutting back on processed foods, white flour, white sugar, deep fried foods, and look into omega 3 & 9 fatty acids (fish and flaxseed oil), wheatgrass, spirulina, green barley grass and probiotics. Gentle daily exercise for half an hour is also very important. Cultivate a positive outlook with the central theme being that any illness can be overcome and perfect health can be regained.

If you are going to consume ganja, I'd recommend a vaporiser, and using as little as possible. Pain is there for a reason: to encourage the person to concentrate their awareness combined with breath on that part of the body. But by all means use ganja to encourage appetite, counteract nausea and induce sleep.

All the best.
thanks heaps for the info bushweed yeah im recovering from chemo and im just starting to get on with it i have adopted a good diet and a healthier lifestyle , 2 points that u hit was the using ganja to induce a better appetite and to help me rest well at night ,
i like the meditation tips and i will try to do this from time to time , as for ganja im thinking canna butter or some brownies but also the vapouriser looks good too , i totaly appreciate all
advice i get i was wondering if i should get a indica based strain or a 50/50 strain im thinking about where to buy my strains i like seed boutique but i seen some nice ones in seedbay im just not sure :) cheers guys keep safe

Aussiepurp :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Welcome to ICMag mate :gday:
All the info you could want on growing the ganja is available here (oops I just realized you joined in 2008) ;)
All the best with ya garden mate and good vibes from a fellow aussie
:smoke out:
thanks heaps boom yeah i did join a while ago and ive been unwell for a few years but im feeling great at this point in my life so i want to have , some good vibes for the rest of the life i got left , im not asking for anyone to feel sorry for me shit happens and we move on
i just wanna move on to greener pastures :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Well I'm glad to hear you beat the Big C :good: and now you are powering along wishing to fulfill your life even more :D
You'll find plenty of good vibes here @ ICMag and especially here in the OZ section ;)


Hey aussiepurp, I've also begun to grow for medical purposes but thankfully nothing as serious as cancer. It's great you're in remission! I hope it stays that way for you :)