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Hey dude,what's wrong with my plant?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
George Hayduke is coming to the silver screen in 2013. That's the promise anyway.

Some of R. Crumb's best illustration work is in the 1985 edition (10th Anniversary).



$1400.00 You guys wanna buy it for me?



Are you saying that the 1985 version is selling for $1,400.00? I wonder what a first edition would be worth.

Keeping it until the movie is released in a couple of years might be prudent.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
well guys... I had to teach mr ganga guru, from the ground up, what organic growing is, what compost tea is and how that works, and what root exudates are. He wouldn't put the compost tea organisms in the book, took out everything on FPEs, cakes, meals, the whole thing on citric acid... but I did get root exudates in there. I also managed to slip "microherd" into the text ;) Rize up!

Throw him under a bus!


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Had just weeks before expounded the virtues of The Monkey Wrench Gang to my English lit students....rolled south of the 49th for some R&R. Was kicking it at some pub when a USA redneck asshole started hacking on us for talking tree hugging shit. Well I surprised him by lighting him on fire along with his chair with my zippo and we beat a hasty retreat out the side door. We had to pull into the first gas station we saw to fill up an empty milk jug with octane 90 and off up the road. Bushy Bolinski through the Oldsmobile rear view mirror dashing back kicking his heals, silhouetted by a flaming billboard....ahh those were the days.


Had just weeks before expounded the virtues of The Monkey Wrench Gang to my English lit students....rolled south of the 49th for some R&R. Was kicking it at some pub when a USA redneck asshole started hacking on us for talking tree hugging shit. Well I surprised him by lighting him on fire along with his chair with my zippo and we beat a hasty retreat out the side door. We had to pull into the first gas station we saw to fill up an empty milk jug with octane 90 and off up the road. Bushy Bolinski through the Oldsmobile rear view mirror dashing back kicking his heals, silhouetted by a flaming billboard....ahh those were the days.


I was lucky that in high school I had an English lit teacher who assigned books from the beats and he especially liked Kerouac - first one up was The Town & The City followed by On The Road - still a favorite novel of mine. We finished with Dharma Bums

Quite a class.



my history prof in high school called us "all you Jah loving rastafarians" and at the end of every class he would say "who loves you" and we were expected to chant in unison "jah". this was the top rated public high school in the state. i have no idea what we read.

ps. VF: I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to learn. Thanks for the visitor message and deleting that thread. It's a good thing the OFC suppresses knowledge with propaganda and trolling. Sorry to the real organic gurus, I do appreciate the responses.

pps. I submitted a 90 word tip of the month to HT. neem + silica. Can I give you (CC the OG) credit?

I was laughing at your inability to be social.

Suppressing knowledge? LOL the only knowledge that was suppressed were the posts by the other members that you bad repped. And CC of course.

Don´t tell me the great Mxxx Rxxx is coping and pasting information in High Times from our members for his own self advancement. Lame.

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mad librettist

Active member
come on now, Matt.

You were the butt of jokes here long before VF deleted your post. You are a semi-public figure and fair game for parody and satire. the flipside is in your bank account.

before I knew who you were, I asked you point blank if you were marketing something, based on your use of the english language. You lied and said you were not selling anything. You are, indeed, a salesman. So please don't complain. You are getting free info here, which you will in turn sell to others as your own product.

lame. very lame.


I did not see that post. It was deleted before I had. If I had seen that post first there would be an infraction in that members file......that you can be assured of.

And I am not trolling you in a thread in which I have more posts.

I will explain....

I do not respond to your long winded PM´s.

I do not respond to your VM´s.

I participate in my forums threads. With ALL members. And when I feel a member is being unfair or arrogant to other members I deal with that member personally. That Mr. whiner is not trolling. That Mr. whiner is Moderating. So, the next time one of my members has a differing opinion than yours it is not a kiddie rep fest it is simply a differing opinion.

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mad librettist

Active member
VF if you really wanted to moderate you would delete all references to Swami Kushendez.

He has led more people astray than any other single factor.

He puts apples in razorblades. He puts shoes in your eggs. He will lick his ear and stick it in your finger.

These things are unholy. The moon cries at such twisting of the reality-plane-soilfood-root-bottlefert-orbit.

Moon out, trollface.

mad librettist

Active member
Bank account!? FOOL I'M SO FAR IN THE RED THESE PAST FEW YEARS. IF I DIDN'T GROW I'D BE BACK IN THE KITCHEN. I make hash, trim, teach, and grow for a living. WTF do you not understand about that?!

sorry... did not realize you were a bad businessman on top of it all.

can we get back to joking? this is the joke thread. you can flame me on my personal site.

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