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hermied crop / new crop question(s)


Hi all. So sadly i got some poor genetics and tried the whole pick off the pollen, killed half and now I can see seed formation (30 days in). This crop is getting the axe now. My questions are these:

-How long does pollen live?
-I have my veg room seperated but now that I am behind I am *want* to just move them all in the main room under the 1000w hps for veg+flip.
-The new ones still have 3 weeks or so veg time and I know that even if pollen exist in veg they are fine, correct?

Any thoughts or advice?

Never had hermies and this I cannot bare happening again, I just wanted to cry :(

PS - In case anyone wonders the strain that I think was the culprit is some random CO strain called "electric avenue", so beware.


Not to worry Dude, it's probably happened to most of us. I grew some bagweed seeds last winter and they hermed with no light leaks or stress that I could figure out.

Pollen only lives for about two weeks in room air. Also moisture will kill it, so before your next grow, all you really need to do is to mist the floor and walls with plain water and you'll be ok.


Active member
if you have 3 weeks till the next crop is ready grow them till then and chop. I would then run through a set of bubble bags and get all the hash you can out of them.


Ya, well out of frustration I already chopped it all and am in the process of cleaning the shit out the room. Case in point I now know to never grab clips from random shops and stick to friends /guns. Just not worth it. Now if it happens again.... :)

Thanks all.