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Yes I have seen it before, yes it is intersexed. I don't know if the variety carries the trait or if it is a mutation on the one plant. Either way don't use the plant for breeding unless you want the trait to pop up again.



ICMag Donor
Raco said:
Have you ever seen this?? :jump:

Nice exemplar... but this is something i definitely don't want to see again :wink:
...hey was this only one flower or was the hermie expression all over the plant? maybe this flower is a mutation?


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"I wish it's unfertile"
I found one mature seed in the plant!!.Damn..it looks nicer than the original!!Not sure if it´s developing new ones but maybe...
the pollen source? hard to say..it could be selfed,pollinated by one or more males of the same strain,or by esbe´s Leb 27 males,and even by pollen of my Destroyer male..doesn´t matter anyways.I still have the plant (isolated hangin with another hermie from the same line).The thing is that this one started as female and then popped a few (noticeable) nanners.The other was initially labeled as male.Then started to show pistils...I´ll post pics of both.These are slightly different from the rest of the population (very homogeneous).

"I should of asket is that on just one flower site or is it showing all over the plant"

as I´ve said,the plant has only a few bananas.I checked it thoroughly and the rest of the male flowers are normal,same with the female ones

"Either way don't use the plant for breeding unless you want the trait to pop up again."

Thx for the input.I´m not going to do any breeding with it:But I still have it (isolated) under natural light and photoperiod.I´m just curious and want to see what happens :D

"but this is something i definitely don't want to see again"

man,I´m glad that i found this freak flower and took pics.Its just because I like to know my plants :D

Where can I find more pics of weird flowers??
here´s another one,different angle : :wink:



Here's a more pronounced expression of the intersex trait, Mexican bagseed:



ICMag Donor
Raco said:
Where can I find more pics of weird flowers??
here we go, this mutation appeared on a balcony Flo...it's funny to see it one time but hope it will not appear again'


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XyZ said:
here we go, this mutation appeared on a balcony Flo...it's funny to see it one time but hope it will not appear again'



oh i saw one like that once xyz , just had a small bud in the middle of the leaf and also threw a nana out of there , ,, wasnt any other abnormality on the plant though and the nana i think was sterile as no seed was found ...



Herbal relaxation...
Xyz & Wallyduck, those are really interesting looking mutations you guys got there. However, I really wont like to see them on regular basis;)


ICMag Donor
wallyduck said:
oh i saw one like that once xyz , just had a small bud in the middle of the leaf and also threw a nana out of there , ,, wasnt any other abnormality on the plant though and the nana i think was sterile as no seed was found ...

I think my was not sterile, there was a seed found in the nug right under this leaf ...lmao hermie on a leaf... RIP, amen




Well-known member

Bonecarver_OG, it is not the first hermie that I found but never that way. I also found triploids hermies.
I always grew them from seed outdoor and shared the rest of the seeds so right now I just have seeds from the last trip (last june).
What I mention is that during these years, this genetic has more hermie tendency and the leaves look more sativa.
However, if you want to check them, just PM.

Raco, if you just got a few bananas, it will be interesting to see how they finish.
I never saw that in any genetic!
From the last pack of seeds, just Ras Pablo report something. From 10 seeds that I send to him, I think that he just got one female and it looks like any banana.
I am not shure from wich pack I send you the seeds. Were them from 2005?


Outdoor grow on beginning of 90’s. Any hermie.



male first

male first

Well, anyway, this one was full on male, then once the balls started to mature, hairs popped out and still are growing.
and this one is hermie also
So, I am so happy that this first batch from seed went hermie from stress. I had heattemps up in the mid 90's for the first 4 weeks veg, and 5 weeks FL...stunted growth and hermies. Why am i happy... well, i wasn't planning on growing these strains anymore, now I have Fmale seeds....hope...

Most plants went hermie, but not like that crazy dude in pic 1.

Do you think that the second pic looks to be some strain of acapulco??? Bud shape etc... never mind the heat burn.



secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
"surgery done with what appears to be a nail... hardcore, man. OUch "

ejjeejejje!! :biglaugh:
I use my nails (often) and also surgical blades (from time to time) :D
cuttings of X-18 fem. and ACE Panama m. :wink:



Nice man, nice. :rasta:

Whatever works is the key to solving an infinite number of problems -- so long as invention and not lazyness is the main intent...:joint:

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Active member
TomHill said:
Hypothetical situation:

We grow out 1000 Thai seeds & the top 10 regarding quality of smoke all have the ability to produce a few seeds on their own. What is the best course of action? Do we shitcan these individuals in favor of true females of lessor quality? Or, do we temporarily accept their imperfections & try to deal with their undesirable traits further down the road? The easy answer is to do both or plant another thousand but this may also interfere with our other responsibilities etc, & in reality may not always be an option.

The Chem & Trainwreck lines are two good examples of plants that have the ability to make seeds on their own. I believe these are fixed & prepotent in their valuable traits for this very reason. Should we not cross breed them even though a bit of progeny testing would locate pollen that masked this undesirable trait? Should we not grow them though we find 1 seed per ounce to be quite tolerable?

My primary goal is to have & produce the best that i can & i feel it would be a big mistake not to keep an open mind regarding intersex plants, & particularly those of exceptional quality.

Hell yeah good read this thread!

Looks a lot big names have weighed in here and clearly i see 2 sides.

1st side is happy to work with intersexed plants for the sake of producing the best they can right now.

2nd much much smaller side are the ones leaning toward only using plants without intersexed genes.

Im going to have to lean heavily towards wally n sams side

Clearly the 2nd side is thinking long term.

In Toms hypothetical situation i would take the best quallity true famale and work with that. Lines with tolerance to environmental conditions is something i would really be interested in. Breeding with true males and females would surely increase the percentage of true males and females in the offspring.

From 1000 plants the difference in the quality of smoke would be negligible at absolute best. In the offspring even lesser so. Its like compound interest one side is moving in positive direction for a short term goal (which i view as a negative) and the other side in a positive direction for the future.

Edit: i liken the difference in quality of smoke to that of 3.2 & 3.4GHZ processors. Who the hell can tell the difference? In time the gap will shrink.
With a view of the bigger picture clearly getting out intersex genes in more important than quallity of smoke. Think about 1000 years from now im %100 sure the people arround then would be glad some of us saw the importance of addressing these intersex genes

Think ahead to the end of the race at the end of time. One side will be true and one will be a bunch of seedy buds.

Think back to who or whatever built the pyramids. How many of them do you think knew that the actions they were taking in each and every day would affect people far into the future. A few surely did. The actions they took affected and will continue to affect people actions in the future. Where people go, what people do, where they build... everything!

Every choice we make, every action we take has an affect. The future is in our hands. Make no mistake, we control it. How far ahead can you see? :rasta:
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