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Hermantg LED micro Tent


Knight of the BlackSvn
Hello Blynx,
On the top I but some hydroton to prevent the roots for drying out. HuffnPufferfish wrote it before and I thought it is a very good idea. I noticed that there are a lot of roots near the surface.

Did you rinse the hydrotron? I've had pH issues in the past when I forgot/neglected to rinse them.


New member
Did you rinse the hydrotron? I've had pH issues in the past when I forgot/neglected to rinse them.

I didn't know that I have to rinse the hydroton -.-
But I just checkt the packaging. pH value 6.5-9.0

I think I will remove the hyroton tomorrow and but some more soil on it.

Here are some more Pics:

I checkt the temperature and It is a little bit lower with the new bulbs:

Two leafes doesn't look that good. Some of the others are a little bit yellow on the leafe tips

But not everythink looks that bad :)
try giving it some mineral water (unless soil is still wet/heavy) rainwater is more acidic than tap/min water but it also doesnt have much in the calmag department, and i think thats waht im seeing (those, and nitrogen get leeched first)

for the gnats you can sprinkle some fine sand over the hydoton, so it falls between the gaps and stops them getting access to the soil