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heres why the feds want mmj stats

the cocksuckers have no money because they squandered it all, no worries, theyll steal and spend yours.


Strapped U.S. Police Turn to Marijuana Busts for Cash

Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko, his budget under pressure in a weak economy, has laid off staff, reduced patrols and even released jail inmates. But there's one mission on which he's spending more than in recent years: pot busts, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.
The reason is simple: If the California lawman steps up his pursuit of marijuana growers, his department is eligible for roughly half a million dollars a year in federal anti-drug funding, helping save some jobs. The majority of the funding would have to be used to fight pot. Marijuana may not be the county's most pressing crime problem, the sheriff says, but "it's where the money is."
Washington has long allocated funds to help localities fight crime, influencing their priorities in the process. Today's local budget squeezes are enhancing this effect, and the result is particularly striking in California, where many residents take a benign view of pot but federal dollars help keep law-enforcement focused on it.


check above link for complete article

headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL LOL holy shit you guy didn't know this LOL oh yeah they came down here to Canada 5 years ago aswell telling us how to do things and our guys that are dumb as fucking ROCKS!!!!!!!! are all like" oh yeah really heres our wallets how much do you need"???....
OH yeah your guys have been going all over the fucking world looking for cash and finding it too .. OH Yeah spending it on vacations too when you look real deep !!!!!

Did you read about what they just did in Jamaica killing 73 guys to get to that 1 guy .. Don't you think that was a bit much .. NO MATTER WHAT DRUG he was wanted for .. seriously give me a break .. Who are these guys and who put them incharge?? A bunch of killers if you ask me!!!!! Headband707