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Here's the way it's going to be.

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ICMag Donor
Every damn time I log on someone has sent me a PM saying someone has called them a name or hurt their little feelings because of some thread in the TD. So I take the time to look and the people that complain were doing the same damn thing themselves the day before. It gets real old real quick.


Is that clear enough?

And if that's not enough the reported post forum is flooded with reports.

So listen. If someone calls you a dick or an asshole ot tells you to kiss their ass because you chose to get involved with a heated topic, deal with it. If you can't, then don't get involved.

And don't PM me and ask if this is pointed at you. ITS NOT POINTED AT ANYONE. IT'S POINTED AT EVERYONE. OK?

So from now on if 2 people get arguing and someone calls someone a name and hurts their feelings, we'll just bin the damn thread. Is that clear enough for everyone?

We aren't going to take hours everyday to decide who "won the argument", or anything else. So if you can't take it, don't get involved.

I'm sorry to be like this but enough is enough.....


The Voice of Reason
I can understand you feeling that way, but it sets up a system where any troll who wants a thread closed, need only troll the thread long enough to piss someone off, and the first time their inappropriate postings are pointed out, the whole thread is gone. This does nothing but reward bad behavior and curtail good discussions. I think the old cliche' is "throwing the baby out with the bath water."


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Someone will always complain no matter what or how we do things. We are being over worked because of silly, petty arguments in threads that are borderline against the TOU and all of us are tired and sick of dealing with the same stuff day in day out. What JJ said has my backing too...


May your race always be in your favor
How about you just ban the crybabies, then we all don't have to read the whine. MY TWO CENTS FOr WHAT EVER ITS WORTH>


Trying to have a good day
Fighting and arguing..take it to the chatroom.."Thunderdome rules"..Two enter only one come out..

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor


The Voice of Reason
Gypsy Nirvana said:
Please let us know ASAP if there are any postings that violate these guidelines, especially if they offend you! Next to every post there is a link to report it for review by a Moderator, Super Moderator or member of Admin. A list of our Moderators, Super Moderators and Admin can be found by clicking on 'Forum Leaders'. We encourage members to use the 'Report Post' feature (shown here: ) so you can report TOU violations or anything else that requires the attention of a moderator. However, abuse of this function will not be tolerated and can result in sanctions.

So why not just sanction those who abuse the function, as per site policy?

Panama Red

Active member
JJ, I happen to know that your post was directed specifically to me.

You leave me no choice but to email and PM my complaint to Kharma Girl, who insulted me indirectly in her post

I suggest you give each other a temporary ban, say 3 or 4 days, until you can decide which one of you hurt my feelings the most.


Freedom Fighter
Absolutely amazing that this is even an issue--
C'mon ppl....do you really "Dial 911" every time somebody calls you a name??
This is a Grow Site...Grow some Skin!!
"Any Haterz here that have nobody to Hate on...feel free to Hate on me!!" Gotta love Katt!!
I don't blame Mods for not wanting to be bothered with this shit--
I am sure that there are occasions that a Mod need step in...but like stated...don't participate if you can't hang--
Names....too funny!!


if a weed site causes so much hassle and drama imagine what modding a meth website would be like.

fair play though wouldn't be able to do it myself


~Resident Puck Bunny~
So why not just sanction those who abuse the function, as per site policy?

Because it's getting to the point where people don't care...warning points, temp bans, they just come back and do it all over again. Some people are quite disrespectful...they know they shouldn't be doing things, but do em anyways and then come to us to clean up the mess...no more. This warning is needed at this time.

Classic Seeds

bro i hear you i have lost my cool over the petty bickering that goes on and thats not very mature of a senior citizen such as my self and it is stupid to complain like you say if you can not stand the heat get out of the kitchen and its a real shame because if a old fart like me can learn something new practically every time i go thru the posts here it must really be a whole new wealth of info for the new growers

i know we will never all see eye to eye about every thing to do with how to raise this miracle plant but we can all agree she is our chosen medication or recreation tool for a better life peace everybody and if you can chill and be polite we can all learn more no one way to grow or strain is the answer for everyone so why ague about that .

i know i have been guilty of trying to down size a few egos and if i have hurt your pride i am sorry ,i am only here to try and help anyone else who can use my limited knowledge i am a soil guy end of sentence that is what i know soil and i am amazed at all the other mediums for growing and shut up about what i do not know and listen in awe of where this journey has taken me aloha


~Resident Puck Bunny~
JJ, I happen to know that your post was directed specifically to me.

You leave me no choice but to email and PM my complaint to Kharma Girl, who insulted me indirectly in her post

I suggest you give each other a temporary ban, say 3 or 4 days, until you can decide which one of you hurt my feelings the most.

You are mistaken...I bet there's 10 other people thinking it's them too...Who re you and when the heck did I insult you?????


The Voice of Reason
Absolutely amazing that this is even an issue--
C'mon ppl....do you really "Dial 911" every time somebody calls you a name??
This is a Grow Site...Grow some Skin!!
"Any Haterz here that have nobody to Hate on...feel free to Hate on me!!" Gotta love Katt!!
I don't blame Mods for not wanting to be bothered with this shit--
I am sure that there are occasions that a Mod need step in...but like stated...don't participate if you can't hang--
Names....too funny!!

indeed, using the report post function for something so trivial and unrelated to the TOU, should result in the person abusing the report post function being warned, and then sanctioned if the abuse continues.

Gypsy was clear in laying out guidelines for using the function, and when one clicks the report post button, there is another reminder not to abuse it, just below the text field.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
you clearly need more staff... and maybe some of you need a break... I'm not being arsey.. I've run enough sites to see this clearly.

and p.s I most certainly wasn't making an application with this remark.
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