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heres my 2013 OD grow.


Well-known member
here r some new shots of my big lady. the other plants r doing fine as well.

so whatch ya think of her now? :) also her flowers are super cristaly. woo hoo.



Well-known member
OK so we just got a new home irrigation and now we won't ever have to water our yard or GARDEN
which is gr8 cuz we going on our trip to cali end of august.

anyway now I have a question about yield. besides giving my plant some bloom nuts what else can I give to help beef up the denseness of the buds. what about like some black strap molasses? I hear it helps with denseness of the flowers.

here are some new shots of my leading lady. and the rest to follow.






Well-known member
heres a little up date. on some of my plants. Im thinking they might need more N. because they will be starting to flower more by middle of September.


Well-known member
Ok so hers and update on what femals are left in the garden.
in D first shot all these r female. which last year they turned out hermmie. so hopefully they give me some dense flowers. tomorrow I start the bloom feeding. I been feeding my plants BIO thrive GRO. for all my ladies Ill go with a light feeding at first then gradually step up the bloom food as the weeks/months role on.






Well-known member
So here is my OD garden. I wish I could grow as much bud as I did back in 2011. cuz I ended up with enough to last me till may and Im a daily toker. these last 2 years I didn't get as much as I could have do to many mistakes like not planting enough plants and not giving them enough bloom ferts.
so this year I tried again but still didn't plant enough seeds. but on the plus side I still will get something out of my mess of a garden. also my pepper plants didn't grow any peppers, but I do have a shit load of basil to cook with.
and the buds I did get r nice and crystally buds. but sadly most of them r on the small side. anyway now on to the pix.

these r from Mexi brick seeds btw.
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This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1016x762 and weights 118KB.


Well-known member
here r more pix and if U all could give me ur opinion on how me ladies look. I was gunna harvest at the end of November. I like to see a lot of amber trich on me ladies before I harvest. so I can get that nice body stone. and for a sativa yummu yumm.

there are 4 or more different Mexican brick strains in that bucket.






Active member
Very nice, #1!! Just read over your entire thread.. It's amazing what you can produce from some mid-grade seeds, when you give the plants the care they need. Imagine what you could do with some name-brand strains!! Have you ever thought about trying some from a seedbank?
.. And something is always better than nothing. I'm pretty sure I've seen you comment on my thread this season - this year I'm hoping to harvest about 4 or 5 grams total from 4 little puny plants, that I unfortunately neglected a bit. And that's if this recent battering of rain and cold doesn't kill them before I can get to them!
Your lucky you can keep them out til late November!! You don't usually get a frost until around than?


Well-known member
thanks fo stopen by bro. in texas it doesn't hardly ever gets frosty. and even when it does it only happens around march or so. now I seem to say Im gunna plant much more seeds next year but then time comes and I only plant a few. but this next year I really plan on planting more seeds if all goes well.
Im also gunna try to do a spring harvest. I read u can plant seeds in jan and get some buds by spring.


Well-known member
In the metal pot there is 4 different strains of buds and the smell is fantastic. one of the buds smells like super duper stAnKy cheese. so it looks like I have a lil bit of my cheese buds back. I know its not the true Exodus UK Cheese buds but they do smell a whole lot like stanky cheese buds. yummy yummy. and the other ones smell gr8 also. new pix of the other 2 ladies I have later on. :) theres a tall one that smells like a skunk and another one that smells like a peace of rotten fruit mixed with sweet candy.
And the ones in the metal pot r starting to turn purple a bit. :)