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Here's how to get the weather forecast for your EXACT location!

Here's a great tool for growers in the US provided by the National Weather Service. It's literally a "pinpoint" forecast, and is exceedingly accurate-for a weather forecast. They also provide useful warnings and advisories whenever hazardous, or unseasonable weather is impending.

-Go to http://www.weather.gov/ and enter your city, st. in the upper left corner of the web page.
-The forecast for your city and State will appear. In the "Detailed Point Forecast" section there is a map with a red box in it. Find your exact location on the map and double click on it. (You may have to zoom in or scroll around to find it.)
- That's all it takes. The page that appears is your specific forecast.
-So that you can easily navigate back to that page in the future, simply click on the bookmark icon, and save the link to your "Bookmark Toolbar".
-Once the link appears on your toolbar you can right click on it, go to properties, and shorten the name so it doesn't take up as much valuable space ; )

I hope this helps some of you in the future.


Well son of a BITCH, it works! I am *never* able to get the precise forecast for MY location, but this site is telling me what conditions today are to be. Since I have my own weather station I can double-check the forecast with what I actually experience.

Uber-cool! Que suave.

Hey, hubster and I are going to be in Portland/King City next week. What's the weather like?


great link!

they are talking about hail for me tonight! good to have a heads up on things like that.

you already helped my future! thanks DB!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
i use the weather underground site (wunderground.com).

the closest weather station to me is like walking distance. i get very accurate reports :D

now if only it could predict the weather 8--9 months ahead, that would be golden.


heady blunts, NOAA gives 30, 90 days forcast for temps and rainfall. Google

Our cable gives current conditions, current forcast and extended forcast along with current local and regional radar 24/7. Lucky me i guess.


Active member
Great web site. Now knowing what I know from this, I am going to start putting out my outdoor plants, the weather looks clear.


This "Pinpoint Weather" is also available as an app on a smartphone. I travel around the country and don't even have to put in where I'm looking for, it finds me. As long as location services are on for that app.


This "Pinpoint Weather" is also available as an app on a smartphone. I travel around the country and don't even have to put in where I'm looking for, it finds me. As long as location services are on for that app.

Really? I want.

Every other weather service gets kind of close to me, but hardly anything resembling 'pinpoint' predictions. We have so many little microclimates here, I can drive a mile away and see temp differences of several degrees. The rain does what it does, but getting more precise with everything overall is really nice, instead of guessing based on nearby reporting.