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Herbwarts is no more


Sept 10 I was busted for growing a Medical Cannabis just spent two week in the loving arms of the county. Got a court date of Oct 4 I'm looking at 5-15 years I'm 52 now. Stay safe and be kind to each other your all you've got.


Now in technicolor
Sorry for the bad news.

I don't understand. You posted a few weeks back stating your friend got pulled over and you ended up cutting your garden down. What's up?

How bad is it? Priors? # of plants? State? We understand if you don't disclose any info but I'm sure I'm not the only one interested.

You'll get through it.. fucking war on drugs

Lawyer up, stay positive


Sorry for the bad news.

I don't understand. You posted a few weeks back stating your friend got pulled over and you ended up cutting your garden down. What's up?

How bad is it? Priors? # of plants? State? We understand if you don't disclose any info but I'm sure I'm not the only one interested.

You'll get through it.. fucking war on drugs

Lawyer up, stay positive

Thanks everyone! So far the hardest part is dealing with the back pain without my Medication mmj and the worry of what happens next. Not to say anything on the lose of the garden which feels like the lose of a child. My Garden was how I spent my days it was my job the reason to get up in the morning. Now it's daytime TV and pain meds. I live in Mo. That were my folk are things are very different here. http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?wtm_view=&Group_ID=4547
Look under Sale or Cultivation 5g to 30kg no I've never been busted before.


well, if there are no mandatory minimums in your state, AND if you lawyer up, you have a very good chance of just getting probation with a suspended sentence. I wish you the best of luck friend!


Active member
that sucks. time to consider moving to a med friendly area. best of luck. its a sad day when you can get all the pharmacutical drugs you want and not weed with no side affects. i am on pain meds too but wed allows me to use em less.