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Hemp Against Hitler: How Cannabis Helped America Win World War II


Bent Member

Seventy-seven years ago today, nearly 95 percent of registered German voters turned out at the polls to give 38 million votes (or, 90 percent of the vote) to Adolf Hitler. From Reich Chancellor to Führer, Hitler now brandished absolute power by the people’s will, and began forging ties with Italy and Japan. Eight years later, stretched thin against Axis powers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture released arguably the direst American wartime propaganda film ever. If we really wanted to smash the fascists into oblivion, the reel argued, we needed a whole bunch of Cannabis sativa L. And quick.
From the outset of WWII, in 1939, Japan cut off American supplies of Filipino hemp and Indian jute, and by 1942 our bulk war supplies were dwindling. Hemp for Victory was an urgent appeal: We needed rope for naval towlines, webbing for parachutes, thread for shoes! A primer on successful planting, reaping and bundling techniques, as well as information on equipment and tips for rope binding, the 15-minute short goaded farmers to prove their patriotism by harvesting lush stands of industrial hemp. It called for an appreciable bounty increase – 50,000 total acres – of product for 1943, a 14,000-acre bump over 1942.

Marihuana-producer tax stamp (Wikipedia)

The overture opens with a pan across crumbling Grecian ruins. “Long ago,” begins some grandfatherly narrator, “when these ancient Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind.” The ancient Arabic word for canvas was the same as cannabis; hemp had been used for cordage in ancient China; the Conestoga wagons of America’s westward expansion had hemp hides.
Why? Not to get all patchwork-shorts burnout-ball bro on you – and because none of this is anything new – but the fibrous stalk of this distinct, non-psychotropic strain of Cannabis sativa L is pretty amazing. Not only is hemp insanely durable, with fibers that are longer and stronger and more permeable and mildew-resistant than cotton. It can be grown in a range of soils and requires few pesticides, and can typically yield 3-8 dry-fiber tons per acre. That’s four times what the average arboreal forest can turn around.

Plant cannabis, fight fascists

Of course, possessing and transferring weed was first criminalized in 1937. And while hemp can’t get you even remotely stoned, its relation to what can has kept it illegal. We’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t allow for the production of industrial hemp.
But we made an exception then, like we always do, to ensure the maximum output of our military forces – and because where we’ve fought wars, we’ve come up against drugs. Northern hospitals during the Civil War liberally administered morphine and opium for painkilling; countless veterans who’d begun using narcotics for legitimate medicinal purposes became addicted. Many American troops in the Vietnam conflict who shot up heroin for the first time overseas returned home addicted. In spring of 1986 the Reagan administration disclosed a three-page memorandum admitting the CIA’s involvement in trafficking cocaine in Nicaragua during the Contra war. U.S. military interests in the ongoing Afghanistan conflict are battling a war machine financed through the opium trade.
Hemp for Victory, all campiness aside, is testament to liminal legalities, wartime’s privilege.

Pig Pen

No surprise because the real source of the prohibition was William R Hearst and Dupont, both of which financial empires rested on the shoulders of wood paper vs hemp paper. These two spearheaded the prohibition in order to feed their personal greed. Now too much bureaucracy with associated money flow has been been in place too long so it will be up to us to return this plant to it's rightful legal place.


Active member
heh, you could say the rulers of today are hitler´s heirs in all but name.

just different minorities being hounded (whats better, life in a horrible prison or gassing?)


(whats better, life in a horrible prison or gassing?)

what you know about concentration camps?anyway hitler made the same hemp for victory bullshhit... so the plant s on the bad side too ;)


Andinismo Hierbatero
what you know about concentration camps?anyway hitler made the same hemp for victory bullshhit... so the plant s on the bad side too ;)

proof or it didn't happen.

it would suck the nazis grew it too.

but if they did, there must be substancial proof.

also, if they did grow it, it goes to show the imparciality of nature.



Active member
proof or it didn't happen.

it would suck the nazis grew it too.

but if they did, there must be substancial proof.

also, if they did grow it, it goes to show the imparciality of nature.


i met a guy from spain whos family is very wealthy. while sharing a spliff he starts to tell me about a pamphlet he saw whith swasticas on it telling you how to grow hemp for the war. i have been searching for it ever since. he said it was owned by some guy who collected nazzi memmorabilia.


I do know a couple of things. Stoners are their own worst enemy when they enter into debates uneducated about reality. A couple of examples, legalizing weed will not fix the economy. Also, no one is going to be persuaded just because you want to get high. You have to find other reasons, like the medical reality of cannabis. Right now, people are wanting too much...that's why things like Prop 19 are failing.


no, really, post something serious, not some pics of a supposedly hitler pamphlet on hemp.

wtf ???learn german than and you will understand !!! are you facking kidding me ? this is common knowledge it aint my problem you dont know anaything about third reich. man im freakin here.
this is a how-to-grow book from the ns-party(hitlers party...) i could start translating the whole chapter into english but its quite a lot so idk ... acctually the book even states the nazis had the " hemp for victory"slogan just in german " hanf für den endsieg" ,again not my problem you dont speak german.


Active member
what you know about concentration camps?anyway hitler made the same hemp for victory bullshhit... so the plant s on the bad side too ;)


there are guys that got 20 years or more for a joint.

people in the middle east (american inspired laws) get years of jail for a speck of hash (true zero tolerance policy)

"hey, you people are slightly different looking to alot of other people and we dont like you, die! here´s gas, inhale!"


"hey, you had a joint! go die in a prison!and get possibly unwillingly buttfucked on your way to the grave!"

so the nazis were perhaps a little bit more insane.
at least with the "nazis" of today.

its "dope clouds the mind! be pure like us!"

there is an option to "turn" become "pure"

while the nazis went "well, you wont never be "pure" might as well kill ya :) (unless we need labor force :))

but its not really that much of a stretch sometimes.


Active member
so yeah, basically today its

"this is the herd, become like the herd"

vs the

"we are humans, you are the herd" "except for those of you that are pests (rats and ticks))" "and most of you are pests"

of the nazis.

well, yeah, its a step up :)
we get better all the time. (yeah, almost added a maniacal laughter to that :))



but its not really that much of a stretch sometimes.
the nazis killed 6 million ( billion ? dont know american numbers ...) jews and 6 million gays/communists/jobless people ... i dont think we stoners/growers are treated that way. ww2 killed 50 million people. i mean drug war is shit i completely agree with you, but thats a little over the top.


Active member
the nazis killed 6 million ( billion ? dont know american numbers ...) jews and 6 million gays/communists/jobless people ... i dont think we stoners/growers are treated that way. ww2 killed 50 million people. i mean drug war is shit i completely agree with you, but thats a little over the top.

well, i did say they were a step up,

just dont think its all that big of a step sometimes.


Active member
6 million,

million is the same in america (and im european (though actually right in the middle between both)


weed fiend
no, really, post something serious, not some pics of a supposedly hitler pamphlet on hemp.

Let's think about this one. Hemp has been used for thousands of years.

Japan cut off US hemp imports.

Nylon was around but relatively new. However, one needed bulk nylon resin and spinning machinery to make fiber.

Even though we had man-made fiber as early as the 1930s, many products with fiber reinforcement are still made of hemp today. It's not illegal in the US to have hemp reinforced products, we just can't grow the hemp ourselves.

Yes, Hitler was diabolical but that's no justification to suggest hemp wasn't part of Axis war industry.
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Andinismo Hierbatero
disco, I agree that it is not outside the realm of possibility, what I'm saying is that if the nazi-version of "hemp for victory" was as big as it was for the U.S, there should be ample proof, not just pictures from a pamphlet.

lets see, the U.S version even had a film made about it.

the nazi version, only a pamphlet, plus, as you point out, the nazis were not cut off from japanese grown hemp, like the U.S was, which was one of the reasons why they made the film and encouraged farmers to grow it in the first place, right? so why did the nazis even had the need to have their own 'hemp for victory' movement?

also, before national socialists in Germany, I'm sure there were many tutorials on how to grow hemp written in german, afterall, the german intellectuals before national socialism were very smart, capable and surely had already seen how useful hemp is, as you say, with 1000s of years of history. so why do we assume that because a pamphlet is written in german, it must automatically mean that it was a nazi creation?

so again, where's the proof?


Andinismo Hierbatero
wtf ???learn german than and you will understand !!! are you facking kidding me ? this is common knowledge it aint my problem you dont know anaything about third reich. man im freakin here.
this is a how-to-grow book from the ns-party(hitlers party...) i could start translating the whole chapter into english but its quite a lot so idk ... acctually the book even states the nazis had the " hemp for victory"slogan just in german " hanf für den endsieg" ,again not my problem you dont speak german.

the nazis were huge film makers.

I always forget the name of the woman who filmed the nazi olympics, I watched many of her films, she became an influence for many future film makers in terms of 'picture'. a friend of mine who teaches at a film school made me watch a lot of nazi films about ten years ago.

if nazi 'hemp for victory' was big, there must be more evidence than just a pamphlet written in german.

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