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helpful link for circuit loading


Active member
Well fellow growers, I don't know if any of you will get as much use out of this as i did, but here goes.
this link http://www.angelfire.com/pa/baconbacon/page2.html
has a calculator that will convert watts to amps or amps to watts, and is very helpful in maintaining a safe load for your circuits.
here is how i used it - i took each piece of equipment that i have and plugged them into the calculator, some i knew the watts and some i knew the amps, at 110 volts, and this was my results.
400w MH = 400w or 3.64 amps
400w HPS = 400w or 3.64 amps
400w switchable = 400w or 3.64 amps
extraction fan = 363w or 3.3 amps
oscillating fan = 32w or 0.29 amps
fluorescent light(2 tube shop light) = 68w or 0.62 amps
I grow in soil so there are no pumps to speak of, and i kinda figured that the timers use so little elec. that i didn't figure them in.
now you can also factor in your circuit to this calculator, for example, my room is run entirely on one 20 amp. circuit, so am i within the limits? let's check
20a at 110v gives a total of 2200 watts, now you only want to use 80% of a breakers capacity for safety reasons so 80% of 2200w = 1760w, and 80% of a 20a circuit breaker is 16 amps. so what were my totals?
i am currently running a grand total of 1663w or 15.13 amps, so as you can see i cannot add any more to my room without bringing in another line.
also i would suggest reading the post about wire sizing and safety located here http://www.icmag.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4573
i sure hope that this helps someone as much as it helped me.
peAce and keep it green pacT.

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
"One out of ten grow operations results in a fire"

"One out of ten grow operations results in a fire"

According to the The Electricity Distributors Association (EDA) of
Ontario, Canada...
[EDA Grow House Conference - April 18, 2002]Uprooting Grow Houses: What are the Safety Risks?

Grow House Hazards:
The main hazards are fire and shock.

Fire Hazards

* High heat producing equipment placed on or near building combustibles
* Wiring passing through holes made in floor or walls
* Overloaded circuits with inadequate or bypassed overload protection
* Supply side of meter bypassed
* Overloaded circuits with inadequate or bypassed overload protection
* Mast cut in concealed portion of attic
* Equipment left unattended for extended periods
* On average, one out of every ten grow operations results in a fire

Shock Hazards

* Equipment not bonded or grounded properly
* High humidity and wet grow areas with open wiring
* Unapproved wiring methods such as “open wiring”
* Equipment being used for an application not intended
* Timer circuits control operation of lights and equipment

General Hazards

* Some wiring appears to be done by the “unskilled”
* And some equipment and wiring appears to be “professionally” installed
* In many cases the home wiring is also modified i.e. Adding feeders
* Breakers & fuses jumpered within panels
* Direct tap off the bus
* Concealed alterations
* Damage due to overheating


[Electricity will always find the shortest or easiest route and you may represent it, so be very careful ]
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best bet

best bet

Best bet is to buy a high quality volage amp meter to test all lines in house regaurdless of if they go into grow room!!!!

Baccas125:abduct: :alien: :alien: :alien:

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