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HELP with temperature control?


New member
How is the air getting past that first shelf? and don't tell me the 1/2" gap between the door and shelf.
What size is your exhaust opening?
And a 1 gallon DWC is going to be to small!
My reservoir holds 9 gallons of water and I have two WW in there are consuming 1 gallon of water a day!
we have the big black fan in the pic on the bottom shelf and you can feel it moving air all around the cabinet,

Exhaust holes are bigger than the pc fan blades and they are now also doubled up which has helped out to bring it into the 80's but still would like it lower,

How is a one gallon to small? Where not trying to grow tree's here! There just not going to get much veg time. We got most of are ideas from pipedreams set up who also uses one gallon's

I like your journal very nice setup!!


Thanks for all the inputs. As far as intake goes we do already have 4 1.5" wholes in the bottom and our exhaust IS mounted to the wall so i believe our problem could be not enough power pulling out so im doubling them up now. We just put our white widdow in a 1 gallon DWC this morning :biggrin: so im trying to make sure all conditions are perfect. Thanks again

If the PC fans are 3" in width, you have just over 14" total area for exhaust ports (25" if 4" fans). At 1-1/2" 4 intake ports total about 7" of intake flow area. You might want to consider doubling your intakes, at a minimum.

Also, and this is just my :2cents: , at about 3.33 sq/ft of floor space, I think you could fit a 250w in there, but, you will need a bigger exhaust fan.
