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help with phoenix tears hash oil


Active member
I just found out my dad has cancer. I want to make some hash oil for him. I only have sativa buds right now so Im gonna use those. Next run Im gonna use indica like rick simpson suggest. I hope the sativa works to fight cancer too. The problem Im having is I cant get napththa like rick uses. Ether alcohol is to expensive, and so is butane. I need to process 448 grams like the video suggest. Rick says Iso alcohol does not work as good. Im in california so some solvents like naptha is not available. I need 5 gallons. So grain alcohol, hexane and butane are too expesive. What can I use. please help me.


Denatured Acohol Works S L X. Check out Lazyman's thread. I hav several cancer patients. Watch dosage this is MEDICINE. Read Read Read.


I just found out my dad has cancer. I want to make some hash oil for him. I only have sativa buds right now so Im gonna use those. Next run Im gonna use indica like rick simpson suggest. I hope the sativa works to fight cancer too. The problem Im having is I cant get napththa like rick uses. Ether alcohol is to expensive, and so is butane. I need to process 448 grams like the video suggest. Rick says Iso alcohol does not work as good. Im in california so some solvents like naptha is not available. I need 5 gallons. So grain alcohol, hexane and butane are too expesive. What can I use. please help me.

any high-ranking spirit will serve you brother -)


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Coleman camp stove fuel is light naptha.

Denatured alcohol at $10 a gallon is the cheapest I've found around here and no special equipment is required.

In the past, we have used denatured alcohol to extract oil from fan leaves and stems for our topicals, but with our new butane recycling system, butane extraction is actually now cheaper.

We use $36 per 1.75 liter 190 proof ethanol for oral extraction and making absolutes from our BHO, or other alcohol extractions, but we recover a high percentage of that using a simple pot still.

I made that out of a stainless asparagus steamer and some copper tubing in a stainless mixing bowl full of ice water. I set the pot in a hot oil bath in an electric fondue pot.


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Active member
wow thanks guys. I like that youtube vid freedomgrower. It gives you the option of using pure grain alcohol which I think would be better than solvents and it allows you to collect some of it. Ill check out lazymans threads for info also. Any other threads or videos or threads please let me know. Thanks again


Active member
graywolf Is your way as safe as using a countertop water distiller. Can I see the inside of the asparagas pot? Its like something Mcguyver would make!!!


Active member
I´be only made oil once but iso worked fine and the product is good with a mild taste.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
graywolf Is your way as safe as using a countertop water distiller. Can I see the inside of the asparagas pot? Its like something Mcguyver would make!!!

Good question brother DV! Both are safe if everything goes right as designed and planned. What happens if it doesn't?

Both are capable of venting flammable vapors into your living space, if something goes wrong.

I am unable to see the internal design of your unit, but I previously looked at a similar counter top unit offered by our brothers and sisters down under, for making 120 proof out of a corn sugar wash. A sweet, well designed system actually, for around $400.

Looking at it from a safety standpoint, or what could possibly go wrong, go wrong, go wrong..............., theirs had an air cooled condenser in the head, that would have ceased to function if the fan had been disabled for some reason. Hence the vapors would be vented to atmosphere.

If I were to blow a hose, or fail to keep the condenser cold, mine will vent to atmosphere as well.

From an over pressure explosion standpoint, both systems are low wattage, low back pressure, so there is not imminent danger from someone overheating it by setting a dial wrong.

An uninformed soul could set my pot directly on a hot burner, instead of in the oil pot as designed, but it would be hard to get more heat into the countertop unit out of ignorance and stupidity.

I can't see the mode of over pressure relief on your counter top unit, but if there is one, it would vent flammable vapors directly into the room.

The o-ring seal would be the first failure on my system, which would also vent flammable vapors directly into the room.

Sooooooooo, with either system you are working with flammable liquids and vapors, so you gave up perfectly safe as soon as you entered that territory.

For instance, what if you dropped the bottle of alcohol and it broke all over the counter and floor just trying to load it in the distiller? What if it ignited?

I would recommend having fire extinguishers handy when using either.

I do keep two extinguishers handy, but in perspective however, I don't feel seriously endangered by either system venting a small amount of flammable vapors. I cook flambé with ethyl alcohol and boil small amounts of it off in open containers in the oil bath sitting on our stovetop, with the vent hood on high.

I also lit my still off outside on the patio to see what would happen. When I lit the open pot, I was able to easily extinguish it just by laying my hand across the top.

When I installed the lid, but left the o-ring loose and lit off the escaping vapors, it didn't explode but produced an invisible flame. I could feel the heat but not see the flame. I put it out by throwing a kitchen towel over it.

I consider either system safe enough for me to use, but not safe enough to not pay close attention to what I am doing. I wouldn't put either system on line and then leave and go shopping!

There is nothing worse than a dumb hammer and you must be smarter than the hammer to use it safely.


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Active member
wow!! Did not excpect such a complete comparison. thanks brother for taking the time and I appreciate the help.


New member
phoenix tears question

phoenix tears question

Hello. I have a question to anybody who read this,

My mother is 56years old has lupus,diabetes, myocardial infarction. had a bybuss surgery,she has been sick for about 25 years. We started oil early of this December.

First week of oil was ok, we started quater sze of rice and gradually added more. she just arriverd from different country so she was tired and jetlag. but when she took a oil she felt a little bit spacy but ok. And then a few days later, she felt like a she had a fever, we thought maybe because of flying too cause she just came from different country, but as soon as we switched to new oil. she had a more fever so she took feverdrop medi from hospital and she wasn't able to eat so much nither. next day she was sweating for all day and was not able to stand up on her own. weak and her concious wasn't good.

we were so worry we didn't know it was her low blood sugar level due to diabetes or oil was too much or oil lower too much blood pressure.. a day after her condition got better and there was no fever anymore and her concious got back good, but we were too worry to start again so we waited for over a week to start again.

last night we gave her way smaller than last time and she was just little spacy but ok.

I'm wondering how much oil will drop blood pressure because she already has low blood pressure. is that safe for people have low blood pressure ??

after taking oil, do people have fever with sweat like a really bad flu??

I can't find much information with heart condition and oil nither

we don't have much time so I'm a little bit in hurry

if there is anybody who can answer any of my question, I'd really really appriciated.


Active member
It's likely different, but when smoking oil I can get a very intense sweat if I smoke too much at once. You should discuss with her Doctor potential effects occurring from her meds/cannabis especially if they continue/get worse.

Stolen off another forum, just some information, not a solution -

According to the NAS, the effects of marijuana on blood pressure are complex, depending on dose, administration, and posture. Marijuana often produces a temporary, moderate increase in blood pressure immediately after ingestion; however, heavy chronic doses may slightly depress blood pressure instead. One common reaction is to cause decreased blood pressure while standing and increased blood pressure while lying down, causing people to faint if they stand up too quickly. There is no evidence that pot use causes persisting hypertension or heart disease; some users even claim that it helps them control hypertension by reducing stress. One thing THC does do is to increase pulse rates for about an hour. This is not generally harmful, since exercise does the same thing, but it may cause problems to people with pre-existing heart disease. Chronic users may develop a tolerance to this and other cardiovascular reactions."

This is taken from an awesome report "Marijuana Health Mythology". You can find it here: http://norml.org/library/health-reports/item/norml-s-marijuana-health-mythology#15

From 'wondrous' of another forum.


Active member
Lotus Flower:

Almost sounds like she greened out a bit...but instead of a few hours it was days...

Remember if she is not a cannabis user you need to start her off very light...

With a perfectly healthy person it can cause them to "green" out...if too much is administered to quickly...a sick person..depending on what other pharma she is on can react much differently to the meds than a healthy person....

Did she eat other food with the medicine, did she eat before, or after? Any alcohol (doubtful but you never know)....

Did you make the oil yourself, or did you purchase it. Have you tried it yourself..

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hello. I have a question to anybody who read this,

My mother is 56years old has lupus,diabetes, myocardial infarction. had a bybuss surgery,she has been sick for about 25 years. We started oil early of this December.

First week of oil was ok, we started quater sze of rice and gradually added more. she just arriverd from different country so she was tired and jetlag. but when she took a oil she felt a little bit spacy but ok. And then a few days later, she felt like a she had a fever, we thought maybe because of flying too cause she just came from different country, but as soon as we switched to new oil. she had a more fever so she took feverdrop medi from hospital and she wasn't able to eat so much nither. next day she was sweating for all day and was not able to stand up on her own. weak and her concious wasn't good.

we were so worry we didn't know it was her low blood sugar level due to diabetes or oil was too much or oil lower too much blood pressure.. a day after her condition got better and there was no fever anymore and her concious got back good, but we were too worry to start again so we waited for over a week to start again.

last night we gave her way smaller than last time and she was just little spacy but ok.

I'm wondering how much oil will drop blood pressure because she already has low blood pressure. is that safe for people have low blood pressure ??

after taking oil, do people have fever with sweat like a really bad flu??

I can't find much information with heart condition and oil nither

we don't have much time so I'm a little bit in hurry

if there is anybody who can answer any of my question, I'd really really appriciated.

How was your oil made? Excessive chlorophyll will sicken some folks.

Was it tested for residual solvent? We've seen folks sickened by residual naphtha.

What strain are you using. Do you know the THC to CBD ratios?

A higher CBD to THC ratio will lessen the undesirable side effects and enable higher dosages faster.