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help with girlfriend

the more you talk about it the more she will think about the tattoo when you fuck her.keep her thinking bout you. you want her to forget about that tattoo when you're fucking her.

LIE TO HER, and tell her that you're over it, but still want it removed. just tell her what's done is done...fuck her in the dark when you turn her around...also think about the fact that her exdipshit is out holding his wank while youre fuckin this hot girl...

again....you dont want her thinking about that tattoo EVER...if she thinks youre thinking about it then shelll be thinking about it then shell be thinking about the ex more than you!

let it go, or thjis will poison both of you to the point of breakup. again...if shes not thinkin about that guy then in the end its just a stupid tatoo...its not like she got it AFTER you were dating..

thats some pretty good advice. thanks. ill try that.

ill just bring it up for a minute and tell her how i feel about it and leave it at that.. and just get over it. and ill just turn the lights off
I cant fuck her doggy style,I cant fuck her doggy style,I cant fuck her doggy style!!What a fuckin selfish tool,its all about you rite!!WHAT?did ya think you were the first guy to fuck her???Really???LOL,if a fuckin tattoo bothers ya little man,how do ya get over kissin her?You know,those pretty little lips used to loooooove sucking his OCK!!!!!!Try not to think of all the abuse that body has seen by other men,they had fun,now you can too!!Enjoy :tiphat:

its not so much about what happened in the past. ive done my fair share of other women too.. and its not about me. im the least selfish person i know. so chill bro.

its the idea of that tattoo and what it represents.. when your fucking her and it stairs you in the face.. thats all.. i dont even care.. its just that fucking tattoo.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
she got really high last night and told me her ex-fiancé wanted her to get it so he can always listen to guns and roses and see the tattoo on her back while he fucked her doggy style. thats what she told me and my jaw dropped.. why the fuck would she tell me that.

she didn't even pick it out, her ex did. how stupid is that? her ex's mom used to follow guns and roses around and so it was her ex's mom that even got her into the band in the first place. every part of that tattoo is about her ex fiancé.

Your girl is stupid. Move on. Either accept that she's really really stupid and has zero ability to make good decisions or dump her. Then again, she has a track record of bad decisions, maybe she's going to be the best you get.
Your girl is stupid. Move on. Either accept that she's really really stupid and has zero ability to make good decisions or dump her. Then again, she has a track record of bad decisions, maybe she's going to be the best you get.

she doesn't make a lot bad decisions. just that one. probly a couple more that i dont know about. but dont we all? she is really smart. and maybe the best i ever will get. thats why this is important to me.. otherwise i wouldn't date her after that. because i can really trust this girl. and she feels bad about the tattoo. she told me she got it when she was 16 (she is 22 now). and she regrets it. but she never told me why. she first told me she just dont like "tramp stamps". and regrets where she put it.

Amos Moses

Everyone has a history. It sounds like it's not her tatto, rather your insecurity that makes you feel the way you do.

Your emotions are a product of how you feel about yourself with respect to the world around you. This is an important realization for you. Use it as an opportunity to understand yourself and deal more maturely with these types of situations.

Have a good day!

Amos :wave:
Everyone has a history. It sounds like it's not her tatto, rather your insecurity that makes you feel the way you do.

Your emotions are a product of how you feel about yourself with respect to the world around you. This is an important realization for you. Use it as an apportunity to understand yourself and deal more maturely with these types of situations.

Have a good day!

Amos :wave:

yeah maybe you are right. but i didn't feel insecure until i realized what the tattoo was about. so i dont know. i got over feeling insecure after high school..


Active member
Dude she had a life before you Im sure you were not an angel either. If you cant look past shit like this your doomed to a bunch of crappy relationships. Had a girl who was the same way, anytime we ate at a place she'd ask if i went there with anyone else etc etc. of course it did not work out. Don't create your own baggage. Let shit go. your lucky its not his name on there anyway
Dude she had a life before you Im sure you were not an angel either. If you cant look past shit like this your doomed to a bunch of crappy relationships. Had a girl who was the same way, anytime we ate at a place she'd ask if i went there with anyone else etc etc. of course it did not work out. Don't create your own baggage. Let shit go. your lucky its not his name on there anyway

i never bring up her ex's or ask anything about. i never ask where she is or tell her what she can and cannot do. i do not control her or anything. i always keep my lips sealed and let things be and see how it works out. its just the tattoo man. just imagine it. how would you feel?

and thats probly what im gonna do in this situation. not say much at all and get over it. just wanted to get if off my chest and im scared to mention it


Active member
Ya know shes thinkin about him when your behind her doin it!!All the other guys said she loves it from behind,pull out and flip it in her mouth when ya ready,they all did,dozens of em!!Give her a kiss for me,:thank you:
He was much bigger too,ya can tell by the g n r tat!!She misses it!!

Amos Moses

I would feel that she was honest with you. No bullshit type of person. Deal with it....or not.

Amos :wave:

Zen Master

when she brings up a comment about her ex, let it slide till later, a few hours, maybe even a day, then when the time is right, drop a bomb about one of your ex's and the amazing head/ass/threesomes you had. Keep it in the same context as her comments so as to not elevate it...

then again, fighting fire with fire against a woman is not good advice.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
We all have a past and it should stay there. Not cool of her to say that kind of shit....that's something I would expect to hear out of some tequila whore's mouth. Now, I'm not saying she's a whore at all....that's not even cool, but what she said was hurtful. Where the fuck was her filter? You don't have to hide your past from your partner, but they don't need to hear the nasty details of what you and your ex did between the sheets.

I would call that a mark of immaturity....sometimes girls say shit like that in effort to be more desired by a guy...only they don't know that kind of shit makes men despise them. Or, she's completely insensitive....either way, I know I wouldn't have wanted to hear that shit.
Ya know shes thinkin about him when your behind her doin it!!All the other guys said she loves it from behind,pull out and flip it in her mouth when ya ready,they all did,dozens of em!!Give her a kiss for me,:thank you:
He was much bigger too,ya can tell by the g n r tat!!She misses it!!

she has only been with that guy.... and i dont take your post seriously obviously. we have great sex :p

its just weird now. ill get over it though.. thats what i got to do.. fucking sucks though.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Cockslap her! J/K...sort of. Sorry dude, her saying that to you wasn't cool.
We all have a past and it should stay there. Not cool of her to say that kind of shit....that's something I would expect to hear out of some tequila whore's mouth. Now, I'm not saying she's a whore at all....that's not even cool, but what she said was hurtful. Where the fuck was her filter? You don't have to hide your past from your partner, but they don't need to hear the nasty details of what you and your ex did between the sheets.

I would call that a mark of immaturity....sometimes girls say shit like that in effort to be more desired by a guy...only they don't know that kind of shit makes men despise them. Or, she's completely insensitive....either way, I know I wouldn't have wanted to hear that shit.

yeah thats all it was.

i dont control her. i dont care what she did in the past. its none of my business really.

it just hurt. and it made me almost want to break up with her but im hanging on cause she is pretty cool and i can see a good future for us. but im just having trouble with this.

i think she should have "filtered" it as well. she was pretty blunt about it. really i would have been completely fine never knowing the true origin of it. and i could have dealt with it. shitty band tattoo's are no big deal for me. but damn.


burnt out og'er

:laughing: too funny :laughing:

I hate guns and roses too, especially that rose dude

As for the tattoo...Two words...

"Duct Tape"

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Bummer man, you sound like a nice guy with a heart. Talk to her when you know you're ready to bring it up. If she's a nice girl, she'll understand why you feel like you do and try not to hurt your feelings in the future. I know that would have hurt me...but maybe she just doesn't realize that men actually do have more feelings than we think.


I have been dating this girl for about 8 months now and we get a long really good. we even live together now. she is cool with everything that i do and she loves weed too. she has pretty good taste in music as well. laid back, sexy, etc.. she is almost perfect for me....


okay my problem is, she has this guns and roses tattoo on her lower back (tramp stamp area). I like guns and roses a little bit so i didn't care that much at first. i just figured she was a big fan of them or something. she is pretty into them but it had more meaning than just the band.

she got really high last night and told me her ex-fiancé wanted her to get it so he can always listen to guns and roses and see the tattoo on her back while he fucked her doggy style. thats what she told me and my jaw dropped.. why the fuck would she tell me that.

she didn't even pick it out, her ex did. how stupid is that? her ex's mom used to follow guns and roses around and so it was her ex's mom that even got her into the band in the first place. every part of that tattoo is about her ex fiancé.

so now i know every time she listens to that band she thinks of getting fucked by her ex.

now it is impossible for me to fuck her doggy style.

i dont know what to tell her? what should i do? i like this chick so much. its kinda fucked but its bothering me. it even worries me when she listens to that band period.

and i fucking hate guns and roses now.. i never want to hear another song.

am i being childish or what? i know this is a stupid post but its really getting to me.

i trust her and all that. she is very trustworthy. it just really fucks with my head.

its almost like dating a girl with her ex's name on her back. so you always see it while you fuck her. but i think i would even rather it be a name than the guns and roses tattoo. at least a name doesn't have much of a story behind it. its officially a tramp stamp now. that tattoo is all about getting fucked by her ex while he listens to his favorite band...

If something as trivial as this keeps you from getting a boner for your girlfriend then you might be gay. If the girls is cool, has a nice bod and a a wet pussy that should be all ya need.