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help with dying fan leaves

have a few plants about 4.5 weeks into flowering under 600w hps couple days ago one of our blueberry x lr (seeds from a friend) its leaves are slowly fading to yellow and with that one im assuming its just on its way out and theres not much to be done about it but now our trainwreck (ghs) is starting to do the same thing on the big fan leaves. im thinking possible lack of nitrogen due to the fact i didnt give them much at all in the beginging as they were clones going straight into 12/12. it might also have to do with the fact im using foxfarm open sesame feeding once a week and flushing with water in between...any ideas guys i dont want all my leaves dying before the buds are fully done!

first 3 pics are of trainwreck last one is of a lower bud on the bb.

any help apreciated


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Hard to tell but looks like a Magnesium def. Are you only feeding with the open seseame?
It is only 5-45-19 ( your plants need more than just P ). It has no Magnesium. I assume this is soil? I would use a regular balanced fertilizer such as the tiger bloom, or I hear lucas formula can be done in soil. I would add a few tsp of epsom salts

What are your temps like? HOw often are you watering? How good is the drainage? does the pot get light and the top soil get time to dry between watering?
no we water with casting tea too that has dolomite lime added to it. i could see it being mag. temps are cool high 60's low 70's its a basic soil mix coast of maine potting mix with some peat moss and worm castings no dry ferts added which is why i think it to be a deficiency, there in milk crates lined with burlap so drainage is good water comes out the bottom easy. the top does get dry between waterings.

do you mix the salts with water or top dress?


Active member
It's normal...it's what happens when a plant dies of old age...especially an old maid that's never been fucked. You may have exaggerated it with your flushing.

Why are you "flushing" so much? You're leeching everything good from the soil. Give it a small dose of a general purpose fert with minerals (dare I say it? General purpose Miracle Grow will do). Then stop "flushing". Water as you feed...just enough.


halfway into flowering yellow is normal? That plant still has 5 -6 more weeks, leaf edges curling is definitely an environmental stressor or deficiency, healthy plants dont do that

your mix the salt with your water. i use calmag plus

the lime should be adding plenty already tho so im out of ideas, ill let someone else step up


have had the same prob before and it was my ph(too high),mag gets locked out.would definitely invest in a ph meter
thanks guys apreciate the help. just gunna try and ride this round out and hope for the best while doing what i can and then try and make a better soil mix and switch to ferts that arent quite as strong.
Claw looks like pH (or overwatering). Are you adding the dolomite lime to the water? It takes quite a while for it to release, so adding it to the water probably won't do much. If it's hydrated lime, that's a different story. That will work, but hydrated lime doesn't have the magnesium that dolomite lime has. Why are you using open sesame throughout? You are really only supposed to use it during transition AFAIK. I could be wrong, I haven't used it much.

Your leaf margins are standing up, which can be due to a few things. I would recommend leaching to get any built up salts removed from the soil, and figure out the pH because it's very likely that's causing problems.

Leaves start to die from the bottom up as the plant gets older - especially if they are not getting enough light. If it's only a few, it's not a huge problem, but nutrient deficiencies speed up this process greatly.
yeah well im kinda broke so i got the open sesame and cha ching and skipped out on the beastie blooms and we have been flushing it out which is why we watered so much but after watering it straight for a week the yellowing increased so i feel its a defciency. and yes i am adding the powdered dolomite lime to the tea..is that not good? i also am thinking of switching to a lower power bloom fert any suggestions?? ones that arent to easy to get into trouble with.


flushing for a week will wash everything out of the soil which causes lots of deficiencies including the nitrogen needed to keep your fan leaves more green and less yellow. your plants are leaching the nitrogen out of the fan leaves as needed. feed your plants. a little n and more pk & p. dont feed any n the last 3 weeks of flowering as you want the plants to use up the remaining n in the soil and leaves. yellowing fan leaves is what you want the last couple weeks of flowering.



The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
It is sometimes hard watching your dark green girl start yellowing BUT it happens to them all, well if you flush and let the plant eat up the N. Some feed until the last day of being cut so it is up to you.

I have yellow leaves on most my girls and have only a couple weeks left at most, I miss the green leaves everywhere BUT know that in the end that is what's needed for the taste I am after.

I yellow up my girls with a flush and cure for 1 month +. Some say one is better than the other or 1 better than both together as far as flush OR cure goes. I like the fact that it finishes everything up and after a cure really brings it out smooth.

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