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Help with drug test... any advice?

Admin, sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.

I've smoked that sweet ganja daily, for about 3 years now. However, I stopped smoking about 3-4 days ago for a drug test tomorrow. I understand I quit a bit late, but I wasn't really concerned until I got a letter saying if I pass I will be let off probation. Which is HUGE, as many already know.

I passed the last two drug tests using the Stat detox pills and drinking a gallon or two of water. Unfortunately I don't have the cash this time for a bottle of 40 dollar detox pills.

I've heard that daily smokers detection time decreases, as opposed to someone who rarely lights up and gets tested.

My test will be the standard EMIT tests and the proctor for the test is a total cock smoke, he stand over me like a hawk. I am wondering, do any of you experienced guys know of sure-fire false negatives?

I used asprin last time and I passed, but I can't be sure if it's the detox pills, water or asprin. Should I just drink a shit load of water to keep it diluted? How can I tell how much I need, I'm about 6'1, 215lbs.

Seriously, I appreciate any help I can get from my friends at IC. Hopefully I can nail this and get this ridiculous shit out of the way.

Thanks, IC


a friend of mine once drank a ton of water, and took it, it came back inconclusive, i guess it was too diluted, so he had to go back and take another, so, it could work to give you a few more days to scrape up the cash for the detox...


Active member
worst case,
claim that you take the precsription drug called Protonix.
It is known to give false positives for THC.

hope it doesn't get to that point.

med_breeder said:
worst case,
claim that you take the precsription drug called Protonix.
It is known to give false positives for THC.

hope it doesn't get to that point.

You: I take Protonix.
Them: Oh. Can I see your prescription, or a doctors note, please.
You: Uh.... No?
Them: (As Donald Trump) You're fired.


Active member
protonix is a drug that fights acid reflux.
with Doctors giving out oxy like candy, I'm sure you could get a script for one.
It may not help in this case, but for other tokers with great jobs, or on parole
it may be a hail mary, but having a valid script and bottle on hand may help.

the small print instructions that come with protonix mention several times that it will cause a positive ThC reading.
just something to have in the vault.

and when I have health insurance I will go to a doc and get one script, fill it and then just leave it in my drawer just in case.

If it actually comes down to it, I'll lie to the jerk and tell him a friends mom gave me samples from work. She happens to be a nurse.

What can he say, it's legal and totally legit.

Thanks for the help guys, I go today at noon.


Active member
Good luck medgrowr02,
I pray for a day, when a man is not judged by the content of his urine, but by his ability to get the job done.



I pray for a day, when a man is not judged by the content of his urine, but by his ability to get the job done.

So after not sleeping all night, due to stress, no reefer and just plain worrying. I woke up 3-4 hours early to dilute and prepare for what this asshole had lined up for me. I get to the probation office in a faux hurry as always, pretending I have to fly a plane in 10 minutes or something.

He calls me in, I'm freaking trembling.

Jerkoff P.O. - " How's it going this month? Anything I need to know about?"
Me - Nope, all set. School keeps me busy, speaking of I've got an exam in just a few.
Jerkoff P.O. - " Good, glad to see your keeping busy. So, you decided to go behind my back and opt for early termination?"
Me - I did indeed, sorry for the short notice.
Jerkoff P.O. - not a problem, get back to school for that exam.
Me - (almost fucking hyperventilating now) You got it.

So after all that fucking worrying, no test. I feel so bloated and sick I could hurl, after 8 asprin and a package of rolaids too. Not to mention a lost night of sleep, no herb for days and so much water & gatorade I can't stand to look at either. What a dick this guy, seriously.

Thanks IC, for the luck and for the tips. Means a lot.

medgrowr, over and out

Centrium P

New member
drink a glass with some vinegar for 1 hour. thee other hour drink it with baking soda and so on. and try having a fruit SHAKE!!! =]
Are you kidding me Centrium, thats the sickest most hoax shit I've ever heard. Appreciate the congrats genetics, surely I will blaze a fat one for everyone who helped.


medgrowr02 said:
He calls me in, I'm freaking trembling.

Jerkoff P.O. - " How's it going this month? Anything I need to know about?"
Me - Nope, all set. School keeps me busy, speaking of I've got an exam in just a few.
Jerkoff P.O. - " Good, glad to see your keeping busy. So, you decided to go behind my back and opt for early termination?"
Me - I did indeed, sorry for the short notice.
Jerkoff P.O. - not a problem, get back to school for that exam.
Me - (almost fucking hyperventilating now) You got it.

So after all that fucking worrying, no test. I feel so bloated and sick I could hurl, after 8 asprin and a package of rolaids too. Not to mention a lost night of sleep, no herb for days and so much water & gatorade I can't stand to look at either. What a dick this guy, seriously.

Thanks IC, for the luck and for the tips. Means a lot.

medgrowr, over and out

This had me rollin lol ace!!! Glad u made it kid

Now stay out of trouble u digg :joint:
No kidding guys, I appreciate the love. See, potheads are so fucking nice. Oh I digg homie, no more 5-0 in my life.

I'd like wipe my ass on the dudes face at least once though. I'd be fully satisfied for all the money i've given him.


Active member
Hey Now, My probation ended in Nov. I was also really worried about the last visit, but like you no test. I don't ever want to worry about pissing again. To anybody else that just getting the tested regime, screw those detox miracle cures. You could spend the money, then not get tested. After two times of that I just stopped smoking until they had enough of my piss.