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Help when will it ever be ready to harvest?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Not at all Anti, I find your response refreshing...:tiphat:

School me as I would love to learn something today...

Not really in a position to "school" anyone... but I was surprised by my own results. I am not in the habit of regularly taking pictures. Don't like the unnecessary exposure. However, I did take some pictures a while back:

I'm not disputing that you can grow larger plants with HID... you can. But I've found you can grow some surprisingly potent, sticky, stinky, trich-laden nugs with CFLs. People kept telling me I would only get wispy, wimpy bud.. but that is just not my experience.

The only reason (IMHO) to go bigger is ... well... to go BIGGER. :)

I'm currently working on a combination PLL/CMH cab at the moment. Nothing against HID lighting.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
lights are PL-L 55watt....four of them, 360 degrees vertically around the plant...medium is FFOF with light nutes and mollasses.
yes 12/12 started august 27.....looooooong ass flowring sativa!

What are the dimensions of your box? What's your intake/exhaust situation?

With 4x55w pll, I'd personally want a box that was no bigger than maybe 1.5'x1.5'x3' (or maybe a foot taller if the scrubber and fan are in a separate section inside the box) and with plants finishing about 2ft above their soil line. I'd mount the lights from soil level running vertically from the corners. My goal would be to keep all parts of my grow within 6" of at least one lamp.


Active member
Nice Buds Everyone, I'm very Impressed...:tiphat:

Anti... Very nice Buds in photo 3 to say the least...

I hope the OP Takes this all in....:dance013:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you need some quick bud this is the way to go. 12/12 from seed with 300w or less. Your yield will sufer but qaulity is very good. I think we all get suprised our first time trying this method and we see what we get. Many grows grow like this all the time 100 plants no more then 12" tall they just grow the main top bud this style will yield very well. You will need to use hid for this though.

big twinn

Super Member
ANTI: OP here...see my album..my box IS vertical pll's like the high pod...3-6in away from the lights


Active member
What makes good genetics, and what makes bad genetics? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If the beholder is ignorant, then it's very possible to mistake that bud as being poor quality. What you have there is a Mexican Sativa. It looks VERY much like some previous Mexican Sativa phenos I have grown out, and I can tell you this--this is EXCELLENT weed.

The buds are thin and airy. The trichs are damn near non existent. Junk, right? Except because of this, when properly dried and cured, this bud is the BEST for rolling joints. It will burn damn near like tobacco, smooth and easy, while being very easy to draw through, and won't self-extinguish from tar buildup.

The smell isn't "lemony", it isn't "pine", it isn't anything that you can label with one word. It stands on its own. None of the individual terpenoids are overpowering; it's a good blend that melts together into a mild, pleasant, sweet aroma. This bud smells amazing, and that is the first thing people tend to notice about it when they pop the jars open.

The high won't blow your socks off. It won't fry your brain or trip you out. It's not a one hitter that will knock your dick in the dirt. It's a super nice, pleasant head high that is not at all debilitating. It's the perfect bud to smoke while at work. You can smoke it every day all day long and function just fine.

This plant is a living testament to the difference between traditional breeding methods which span decades or centuries, where the plant is gradually bred to exhibit pleasant and practical characteristics, vs. the Western commercial cannabis industry which seems to only want more, more, more. Aggressive breeding and inbreeding to get stronger smell, more trichromes, more resin, stronger high, more colors, more weight, more THC. But does anyone ever stop to wonder, does this actually result in BETTER smoke?

In my previous grow I grew this Mexican Sativa alongside some generic commercial hybrid, both of which came out of bagseed. The Sativa was light and airy, barely any trichs, looked like nothing special. Took FOREVER to flower--16-18 weeks or so. Yield was 1/3 to 1/4 that of the commercial hybrid.

But dried and cured and side by side with the much denser, much fruitier, much more colorful, etc commercial bud, which do you think people immediately gravitated to? Which one got the better after-smoke reviews? Which one did people rave about because they like the clear headed high with no trace of Indica stone? That's right, the humble Mexican Sativa.

Now that you know what you have: judging by the last pic, your plant needs another good 1-2 weeks. It's almost there but not quite. Most/all those hairs should turn brown. What you are waiting for above all is for the plant to develop a slight red/brownish tinge overall. It will probably start from the top of the plant and work its way downward. Thats when the few trichromes turn amber, and it will tint the whole plant. All of the big leaves will be gone and many of the small leaves will be browned/yellowed out too, as in your pics. But the amber tint is what you're looking for. Not long now!

big twinn

Super Member
very true^...well i just chopped her 3 days ago...every time she looked finished more white hairs would form...trichs were so few it was hard to scope them...over all really heady clear high...burns nice just like gingerale said...had 61ish wet grams currently jared up but i plan on making a malawi cob out of it...so it will be a few more months till ready...in the mean time, i have a new cab being developed and more seeds germing...this time, dutch genetics


Active member
how do you make a malwai cob man.

cfl.s can produce denser bud then hps if you know what your doing due to less stretch i grow with cfl's and hps you need to lst the main cola really i find though to get best results and let the bottom branchs catch up to the top

big twinn

Super Member
malawi cob: they take a landrace sativas, wrap a corn husk tightly around the freshly hang dried weed and bind it in twine. it is then buried underground for 3-6 months in which case the weed gets a surprisingly great cure and supposedly ferments the weed to a more potent psychoactive experience...just google it if you want an indoor DIY guide.