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Help!! What is this?



They are about two weeks into flowering. Tds is at about 700. All new leaves are darker green and curling under, while older leaves tips are turnimg yellow.


How bout a bit more info???

What medium are you using + how are you watering/feeding... the scheduling...?

Is the 700 your feed mix, average of the rez, or at run-off??? pH?


May your race always be in your favor
How about a picture in normal light, its to hard to see what,s wrong when everything is yellow. It may be nute burn but its hard to tell
Yeah...there's a form you can fill out (check the sticky) to provide us with all the conditions of your grow. Would help a whole lot!

Also, HPS photos are always that funky orange/yellow. If you could snap a photo right when the lights go off (or right before the lights turn on) we can see more accurate colors.


O.k. I am using a 4x4 table with a 40 gallon reservoir irrigation type system that sprays for 15 minutes every 30 minutes. Don't understand why it would be nute burn, the tds is only at about 700. Ph holds steady at 5.8-5.9. Water temp is 69. Room temp from 74-78. I let plants veg to long and the have no more room to grow. The roots look healthy. I took another pic but that's the best one
Hm. Nute burn will show on the top of the plant as yellow. Overfeeding will show up as dark green clawing. Guess you have a bit of both, but at 700ppm? You sure your meter is calibrated correctly?


Active member
Back off on the Nutes, Nitrogen will cause this(too much). Whats your Nute & Additive schedual/programme? TDS conversion - 700 at what, .5 or .7, when people ask you, its better to give EC, easier to understand for everyone!.

Anyway its my guess that this 'Claw' effect is caused by too much N, either in your feed or in an additive you are giving. It aint Chronic so backing off the N just a little should fix you up, not too much though at this stage. After Adjusting EC or reducing N you should start to see improvement in the new growth.

I think i see some Tip Burn/singe, first indicater of over-feed.(Starts at the top on new growth)


do you think i should flush a few days .

what about the lucas formular . think i should try it ?
about 1:2 micro to bloom. Hard to screw up! Just take it easy on the nutes and watch your plants from now on. Clawing won't recover when it's good and settled (from my experience).


well . i flushed for a day and im going to give it the lucas today 8/16 micro bloom . .
i moved things around and i think im going to cut some of the rope that helps support the plants wieght ( just cut a few ropes ) what do u thhink ??
Something that hasn't been mentioned is that "clawing" will also happen to buds/leaves that are shaded.. I noticed a few large fan leaves right above some of those budlets.


well i gave it 8/16 lucas today . been flushing plain ph water for 2 days . i also cut a few ropes to let some stuff try and fall over . i only hope . . i also put a light over the mother and trimmed a bunch of stuff from her .. im switching the mother to lucas tomorrow .