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Help using floating seed tray?

I have a HTG seed starting system that I just through some seeds in. In these floating seed trays do I leave water on the bottom thus the tray float and is constantly wicking' or do I let it wick for an hour then pour it out? The plugs are HTGs own tree bark variation like rapid rooters


Active member
My idea is that once the seedlings start emerging, get them out of the water. Good luck. -granger


Active member
I wouldn't even mess with it. Get some rapid rooters....with a heat mat and thermostat. Set it to 78f....make sure you have a pretty air tight dome...for super high humidity....and just set and forget.

But yeah...if you do go through with the floating seed thingy...just take them out of the water as soon as they sprout.

I have about 75% sprouted already, the plugs seem to be very moist but also spongey. Should I let my plugs dry out a bit, or are they like rockwool in that they can remain moist and still have good oxygen in the medium? The cube I don't think is sitting in water, just wicking from the bottom.
So I émptied the tray out, figured they should retain moisture till the am. It definitely is good for germinating. Almost all have popped and look healthy. Anyone with experience with these?