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Help! These plants are dying!


You also said that you just poked holes at the bottom, how long have you had them in those pots with no holes in the bottom to drain? Roots could be rotted.


Active member
That Perilite Dust Causes Lung Cancer. Bad Stuff 2 Use. :booked:

Everything causes cancer.

Just don't inhale perlite dust. :dunno:

You only have to deal with it the first time you open the bag. Wet it immediately and you don't have anything to worry about.


Active member
How do you figure? He's growing in very small containers with soil that has a very small amount of nutes in it. I dunno about you, but I don't wait 1.5 months to feed my plants. :dunno:

Just by looking at his pictures, it looked like they were 2-3 weeks old. But yeah, you're right, I don't wait 1.5 months until I feed my plants either.

Either way, it probably doesn't matter one way or the other, since those plants are probably dead by now, and he hasn't returned.

throw that shit away im willing to bet it had to do with ph issues and to humid is what it looks like to me but im not looking at them right here in front of me i use roots organic and prefer it over FF anything it has more perlite has coco in it has alot of good stuff in it i dont feed my plants anything i just put them in roots organic soil and pour RO ph'd water on them thats it in the roots soil theres more than enough nutes in it to carry your plant for a good 3 months in fact i dont feed my plants anything if you can call it feeding at all i start molasses and carbs and i use a liquid bone meal and a worm tea at day 30 and day 45 only then inbetween 30 n 45 i water with the carbs and molasses until the next watering at 45 days depeding on the plant size depends on how much water they get the bigger ones suck up a lil more so ive been feeding them twice a week instead of one suckers just slurp up that water esspecially after ive hit it one time with the liquid bone meal and the worm tea i got it really maskes them beef up im going to start turning my co2 off 2 weeks before my harvest my brother tells me its not necessary by the 6th week because the plants in dull on bud by itself and nothing is going to help it come along except to keep watering it :)

and last time i bought a bag of FF soil it came with visitors fungus gnats so end of the line for them with me