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help the frost is coming


ok so I have 2 girls one is like 12 ft the other 6...not sure if that matters or not but anyways Its going to hit 33 tonight and am wondering if this means I have to cut...hopefully not since Its almost dark already and that a lot of work but any advice is appreciated. and also it surrounded by other plants/trees not sure if that makes a difference either. If anyone has ne other solution that mighjt help please share as I'm desperate cuz the 12 ft'r not ready yet probly still has 0% cloudy


Well-known member
Smokey is right and frost usally hits lower lying plants first so yes taller is better. Also if there is any canopy(trees near by) coverage at all it will help. We had one small frost and my plants did well just depends on how cold and how long.

Good Luck


Size matters cheecha. A frost isn't going to hurt either plant that size. Small plants or seedlings can be damaged and killed by frost but it's going to have to really get cold to take out the big ones. Most strains,(Im sure there are some exceptions, Ive just never seen one) are quite cold resistant in the end and can handle multiple, continual frost and even light freezes to 30 degree's or so as long as it warm up some during the day, to above 55 degrees. Last year, I harvested Mikado on Nov. 6th, alive and well. We had our first frost on Oct 18th and our first light freeze ,(30 degrees), on Oct 25th. Between Oct. 18th, and november 6th, we had 9 frosty mornings and 2 light freezes but the plants were green and alive when I chopped them. This performance is typical of cannabis in my veiw. The forcasted 24 degrees on the 6th of nov, and a high of 33 on the seventh, then down to 20 on the 8th. The show was over.

Don't worry.
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thanks for the good info I checked them today and noticed about half the hairs are purple and the other half orange/brown makes it look like some sick bud so I'm kinda happy about the cold temps in that respect but yeh tommorrows high is mid 50's so I'll keep that tall beast going until its ready. I was wondering since its almost time to harvest if it matters whether or not ur hanging crop is subjected to freezing temps if so I gotta think of something fast.


cheecha07 said:
thanks for the good info I checked them today and noticed about half the hairs are purple and the other half orange/brown makes it look like some sick bud so I'm kinda happy about the cold temps in that respect but yeh tommorrows high is mid 50's so I'll keep that tall beast going until its ready. I was wondering since its almost time to harvest if it matters whether or not ur hanging crop is subjected to freezing temps if so I gotta think of something fast.
Ya I would find a place to dry that isn't freezing...


Listen to JC. Frozen resin glands will fall from the plant like needles from an old christmas tree. Attmept to avoid freezing, if not possible, avoid touching or moving them while in a frozen state.

two heads

Active member
Cheecha, if drying is an issue you could try outdoor drying. I did some for the first time this year, including a night with 8 hours below freezing. It is not a cure-all but it might help. Here's the thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=100683

Sorry for the hi-jack but silverback, you said you harvested a Mikado Nov 6. I had considered that strain but thought it matured much sooner. Was Nov 6 typical of Mikado?


thanks I looked at that a outdoor cure thread couple days ago but I'll have to re-read it, sorry guys but I have one more question...i promise its the last. with my sativa girl its just starting to get the crystal amount that my other one had close to a month ago, my question is should I give her some nutes...keep in mind I havent fed them since they started flowerin the crap said its continuous release or w/e but I dunno if that means nething or not.