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Help Sexing My Plants

DJ Herb

New member
Hi Guys,

Been a while since my last post. I have three plants on 12/12 for almost a week and Im looking for a bit of help.

I cant tell whether their male or female! :/ Oops...

If someone could take a look at the pictures and try and distinguish for
me whether their male or female it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards DJ Herb :D



Starting at the bottom right of your photo and working left and up, following the main trunk, we come to the first branch. A new branch is forming between the trunk and that first big branch. Just to the right of the base of the new branch is a tiny little nub nestled right next to that blade like thing. That is the pre-flower. In general the early female flowers are more pointed at the top than the male pre-flowers. This immature flower is small and not clearly leaning one way or the other yet. It usually takes about 21 days, from onset of 12/12, to sex them reliably. It is progressing nicely so give it a week or so and it should be easy to tell.

DJ Herb

New member
Starting at the bottom right of your photo and working left and up, following the main trunk, we come to the first branch. A new branch is forming between the trunk and that first big branch. Just to the right of the base of the new branch is a tiny little nub nestled right next to that blade like thing. That is the pre-flower. In general the early female flowers are more pointed at the top than the male pre-flowers. This immature flower is small and not clearly leaning one way or the other yet. It usually takes about 21 days, from onset of 12/12, to sex them reliably. It is progressing nicely so give it a week or so and it should be easy to tell.

Thanks man, Check out my album see some other pics in there!

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