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HELP?? Roadrunner Strain?????

Hello All,

Today my 2 packs of seeds arrived from the Boo and I got 5 free seeds but theirs no Info wether their Indica or Sativa the silver sticker just says ( Roadrunner ) anyone who has ever heard of this strain & has grown it our can you please give me some Info please.

Thank You Gypsy & Seed Boutique for the Freebie's :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Roadrunner,, autoflowering variety,, we just composted x2 of them,, grown in glasshouse in spring... too cold,, waste of space!

Bred in Spain so, they'll need nice warm temps to get them growing well :D

All the best :canabis:
Thx Doc,

I am a medical patient who will be growing indoors flowering under 2 - 600 watt hps lights so with that said can this grow be a success with this strain, vegging will be done under a 400 watt MH grown hempy Bucket style useing fox farms 3 part nutes.

being a newbie I have to read up and understand what Autoflowering means??

Thx Again DocLeaf ;)


ICMag Donor
The seeds can be grown/flowered on the edge of a large plant pot of soil in 18/6 with a female mother plant in the middle :yes: They will grow small and auto-flower to harvest at 65 days,, while you are waiting/taking clones from the mother :D So these autos have there uses..

You may get some meds from them,, but being feminized and auto seeds means you cant keep them in seed or clone form (real bummer if they are OK as medi. grade) :no:

Hope this helps
Thx Doc, now all I need to find out is what are they Indica's or Sativa Strain?

I'm just thankful the Boo Included them with my order :)


ICMag Donor
They are OK freebies ,,, to grow/flower/smoke/enjoy,,, while you are waiting on your main seed plants to grow up and mature / flower :yes: so it's all positive.

Roadrunner = Low Rider x Dina Fem #1 (Skunk #1 we guess).
The Low Ryder is a Ruderalis (Russian ditch weed) x (Skunk #1 we guess).

Technically the Ruderalis is a seperate sub-species of the genus Cannabis,, neither indica or sativa... this is what makes them autoflower :joint:

Hope this helps


Active member
Might be a good outdoor strain. I got a free pack of them the other day. I'm going to try them outdoors this year and see what happens


Active member
mine were not that small 3 feet an ounce a plant,65 days is about rite ,not bad smoke but nothing special either
ya thx people I wish I would have received something decent after spending just under $200 you would think we would get a better freebee but if it's free it's for me right ;)

the Boo is a kewl place to buy from even though it was my first order i was a bit worried because the envelope rattled like a rattle snake tail so us customs could have opened the package and hearing the seeds freaked me out.

I might just trade them or give them to a friend who knows maybe i might get lucky and trade all 5 seeds for 1 top quality seed strain.

thx for all your opinions!!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
The idea behind the 'freebies' is for you to share them with another .....who will/might grow them out. Many prospective growers out there might only grow if they are given the seeds in the first place....so this is all part of a cunning plan to get more people growing their own 'erb....


The dinafems Ive seen and grown have been exceptional Id expect at minimal very good things from those roadrunners. Give them a try or make sure to give them to someone who will.
I don't have anyone to give them to at the moment but i would like to give them to a med patient like myself and his caregiver can grow them out for him, that's why i had asked if it was a good medical strain. I'm in a wheel chair and use a walker so with a broken back it's hard but my wife helps me around and will with my grow but Gypsy is right make someone happy who can get into growing meds and shre the wealth around ;)

Cheers Mate, Gypsy's the Man!! I have been saving enough to get good strains and it takes me a while but i'm saving for another $150 to $200 order soon.


New member
i just germed the freebie 5 pack of RR i got with my order - they all popped within a day, and currently boast the only sprout out of the rockwool that all 17 have been placed in after popping. Seem to be some determined little guys (or girls!) ..if I were you and had the space, I'd try out at least one of em, just to see what this whole 'autoflowering' deal is all about ! or just ask me in '65' days... :yes:
All I know is my bag has a silver sticker [_______] that big that just simply says roadrunner, I wouldn't have a clue to wether it's RR #1 or RR#2 ????


There fairly recent stock from what I understand the dinafem freebies are seconds stock. So typically smaller and less mature. I took the best looking critical plus in my 5pack of freebies and germinated it the other day. So I would lean towards it being a roadrunner2.