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Help Please first time grow plants are dieing quick


New member
my plants are really struggling leaves dieing off and yellowing all over they are in flower and flowering ok put started at bottom leaves and working its way up. I am at a PH of 6 after nutes( calmag, liquid Karma, & problum) my ppms are at 920?? I can't figure it out I am using arrowhead water please look at this chart and see if you can tell me if this water is like poison or something??


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Way more info needed. Fill out the form! (Your water is NOT causing your problems.)

From MynameStitch's sticky thread on Sick Plants: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

*NOTE: Please Cut And Paste only the section that applies and add your response. The more information you can give the better and faster people can help you out.Pictures should be added to every thread to ensure a proper diagnosis, when using pictures please ensure your HPS if using one is not turned on while taking pictures, as the lighting hides the plants problems. Fill out

How long has this problem been going on?
What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
How Tall are the plants?
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
What Nutrient's are you using?
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
How often are you watering?
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?


New member
How long has this problem been going on? 2 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing? Bloody Mary, 3d, Jacks Cleaner
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Plants were given to me ready to flower at 19" Problems started about 1mnth into flower
What is the age of your plants?
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? Since they were potted to thier last pots and then into flower
How Tall are the plants? about 30"
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? FLower
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) Not sure
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 3 gal 1 per pot
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) 60 Black Gold, perlite, and worm castings
What Nutrient's are you using? Cal-Mag, Lugid Karma, & ProBloom 1cap full of each
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* per gal see above
How often are you feeding? about once every 2 to 3 days when they feel light
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? started using 1wk into flower
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) random
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? 6ph, 917ppm
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? not sure
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? digital testers
How often are you watering? one every 2 to 3 days when pots feel light
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? every watering
What size bulb are you using? 1000w
What is the distance to the canopy? 3ft
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) low humidity live in las vegas
What is the canopy temperature? 78 when light on, 72 off
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 8" can fan
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? running 24/7 in & out
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? i have a fan blowing right at plants
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? moist
Is your water HARD or SOFT? been using Arrowhead bottle water
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
Are you using water from a water softener?no
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?no
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?no
Are plant's infected with pest's?



Even in Arcadia I exist
Hey man, would it possible to see a "whole plant" pic? Maybe a shot from a few feet away to get an overall view?


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hmm. You really need to pH your run-off . . . don't water early just to do this, but be sure to do this at your next watering.

Your pics look a LOT like a Potassium deficiency, which may just be a "lock out" issue, so get a pH before you feed to be sure this isn't lock out.

Potassium (K) Mobile Element and Macro Element

Potassium plays a big role as well. Having good amounts of potassium in your plants helps in having sturdy and thick stems, disease-resistance, water respiration, as well aids in photosynthesis. Potassium is also found in the whole plant. It is necessary for all activities having to do with water transportation. Potassium is necessary for all stages of growth, especially important in the development of Buds.

Having to little of Potassium in your plants causes the plants leaves to show retarded growth and show a scorched tip and edges around the leaves. Plants may stretch and your branches can be easily broken or weak. Don’t get this deficiency confused with iron, because it almost acts like iron but to tell the difference in the two is: for potassium the tips of the leaves curl and the edges burn and die. Older leaves may show a red color and leaves could curl upwards. Dead patches (Necrosis) can happen on the margins of larger fan leaves thus, the leaves will eventually die off and turn brown. The Older leaves will show different patches of color (mottle) and turn yellow between the veins, following by whole leaves that turn dark yellow and die. The plants overall growth slows down, mostly when they are in vegetative stage. To little amount of potassium also slows the growth of buds during flowering stages. Dark edges will appear around the edges of the leaf when the deficiency is starting to happen. When your Relative humidity is low, you can almost bet your going to soon get a potassium deficiency from your plants perspiration.

Potassium can get poorly absorbed when having too much Calcium or ammonium nitrogen, and maybe cold weather. Having to much sodium (Na) causes potassium to be displaced. SO keep those in mind… Parts affected by a Potassium Deficiency are: older leaves and leaf margins.

When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency. Your fan leaves will show like a light to a dark yellow to whitish color in between the veins. Due to a molecular imbalance, potassium toxicity can cause a reduced uptake and lead to the deficiencies of Mg, and in some cases, Ca. Also leads to the other nutrients to not be absorbed properly leading to lots of other deficiency such as: magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and can cause problems with calcium as well.

Problems with Potassium being locked out by PH troubles
Soils with excessive Leeching and High ph soils and or water.Soils that are potassium fixated. An excess of kitchen salts (sodium) in the root system/enviroment.


Potassium gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 4.0-5.5
Potassium is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 6.0-9.5. (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Potassium deficiency.

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Potassium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0-4.5, 6.0-6.5.

Potassium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.7-5.3, 6.7-8.5. (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a potassium deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Potassium deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a potassium deficiency. Again Peters All Purpose plant food 20-20-20, will cure the potassium deficiency , Miracle grow Tomato plant food, Miracle grow All purpose plant food.( Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!) Some other supplements of potassium are: Wood ashes, which are fast absorption, Kelp Meal, which is medium absorption, Greensand, which is slow absorption, granite dust, which is slow absorption. Sulfate of Potash, Sulfate of Potash Magnesia, Muriate of Potash, which are medium absorption. FOXFARM GROW BIG HYDROPONIC CONCENTRATE, which is fast absorption. (FFGB can bring your ph down as well) Earth Juice Meta-K, which is fast acting. (Can bring down your ph as well) Leaves will never recover, but the plant will show recovery after about 4 to 5 days when using a fast acting nutrient.

Note: Wood Ashes, can make your ph go up a bit, so please monitor your ph when using it.
Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics, (which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) you need to flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.

Picture 1 and 2 shows a Potassium deficiency ( Thank You General Ganja for letting me use Picture 1!)



Read what i've posted, it mentions early warning signs for Potassium issues, any of this seem similar to what you experienced or do you think perhaps it's something else?

Neo 420

Active member
This maybe premature but your nutrients level are suspect. 1 cap full needs to be more in depth. Specially since you have different strains. the ladies are going to be using and needing different amount of nutrients.
You need to be more exact on the humidity. We all know LV can have low humidity but what is the RH in the growing space of the plant? It is a inside grow correct?

Off hand just by looking at the pics, I say potassium or calcium (Calcium lockouts at 6.0 in soil. Not sure about potassuim) deficiency. Please post more info and lets see what we can do. (Some one chime in and tell me what you think? I grew for 5 years and lapsed for about 5 years and now I back but I'm a bit rusty and I do not want to give out faulty info.)


New member
Yea that sounds a lot like what my problem is, but when I check the soil PH which I only have a cheap soil ph tester not digital it reads at 7.2 so my ph isn't low so not sure how it could have locked up. On my next watering would u recommend using something like what is suggested above even if the soil ph is reading around 7?


Even in Arcadia I exist
Ignore the soil tester, they're inaccurate as hell (i'm assuming you're using one with a little gauge with a needle that goes right to left). I used one forever till i pHed my runoff and noticed it was way low.

Did you amend your soil with lime? (I recommend adding crushed/powdered dolomite lime at a rate of 1-2 Tablespoons per gallon of medium)

Test the runoff - water with neutral water and see what you get.



New member
the guy i got the plants from has the same exact plants and uses these nutes exactly like this and his are amazing, he set me up with same everything basically the cap is about 1 teaspoon It is a indoor room with canfan & fan 100 filter and a duct fan for air intake. the airflow & temps are very good The room was built in my garage fully insulated so I don't have anything to test the RH, but I Would u recommend putting a humidifier in on low?


New member
Ok thanks everyone it sounds like the first thing i need to do is test my ph run off. I will do that in a day or so when i can water again, or should I go ahead and just flush it enough to get a ph run off reading now? & yep the soil ph tester is the one u are talking about, but i have a dig h2o tester, and ppm tester so i should get a accurate runoff reading


Even in Arcadia I exist
Ok thanks everyone it sounds like the first thing i need to do is test my ph run off. I will do that in a day or so when i can water again, or should I go ahead and just flush it enough to get a ph run off reading now? & yep the soil ph tester is the one u are talking about, but i have a dig h2o tester, and ppm tester so i should get a accurate runoff reading

Good question. I'm not a fan of flushing, others here are, so take my post as just an: "in my experience".

If you have a bunch of plants and REALLY want an answer now, go ahead, I've done it in past grows, so what the hell?

If it was me I'd wait to water @ the appropriate time, but that's only because I've discovered so so so many problems caused by improper watering schedules.

Either way post back with your results :)


New member
Sounds good I am going to wait until its time to water again. I will be able to water the Jacks cleaner prob 2marrow & take a reading from it I will post again, but i believe it is prob (K) locked out THANK YOU!!!!! Will keep u posted

Neo 420

Active member
Seems like your on the correct path. Keep us posted on the results. If your humidity is around 40% to 60 %, I wouldn't worry about. Anything lower and you may need to add to your setup. Good luck.!


I co sign on the measuring your nutes....get a mm/teaspoon/tablespoon shot glass so you know your giving 20ml per gallon of the pro-bloom.