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Help! plants went from this to THIS in just a weeks time!


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
please help me diagnose this....

I am growing these organic with EJ products under 1/2 strength... in soil. under a 1k sun...

I do not usually need to adjust the ph much. IT stays right around 7... not sure exactly as I am still checking with the vile... their last feeding was on 5/18....

Double Kush#2 5/19

Double Kush#2 5/26

WonderKush#4 5/19

WonderKush#4 5/26

At first I was thinking phosphorus def... but now I am not sure... gets worse by the day. IF anyone has any Idea what is wrong... please let me know.

Its the first run in the new place so I am trying to work the kinks out. so far a few others have a few leaves like this... I do not want my whole garden to look like this..

any other info please ask!

Thanks for the help! :wave:
Hey milo...

No organic expert, but have seen this before in my own garden. (Organic soil-less.)

I think the cause was a pH issue. My pH had crept up out of ideal range. I hadn't checked the pH of the water until I started seeing things in the leaves... pH of the water going was in the upper 7s. Sometimes in the mid 8s...

So I watered them heavily with pH adjusted water. Side dressed EWC ( to make me feel better :biggrin:). Then feed them 1/4 tsp / gal nutrient w/ 1 tsp / gal cal / mg+ pH'd to 6.5 ish. Once they seemed to be less stressed and on the road to recovery, I adjusted the above formula as I saw fit...

good luck with 'em.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya milo

long time i have been inhere :eek:
i tend to agree with Billy here just try to straighten out the ph a bit and things should go a little better....ime at the 7 mark and up plant start to yellow out,and start to show def's


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
That was the other thing....ph issues.... thats what I get for having a kid and not paying as close attention for a few day! :D

so what range should I get the ph down to to try and correct this? 6.5ish? and should I just use ph downed water? or with a mild nute solution as well...?

thanks :tiphat:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i think you should just follow your scedual.....if not bump it a bit?....still feeding 1/2 strenght few weeks into flower could be also one of the reasons they start to yellow.but thats my opinion with this liitle explenation

ohw yea optimum rang should vary between 6.3 -6.5


Registered User
Milo~ are the leaves (the necrotic portions) soft or crispy?

Only reason I ask is that I've only seen plants go that far south (in a week) from root rot... and that was in a CAP system. You'r in soil, so wouldn't nec be first on my mind, but...?

Just doesn't seem that pH is what would cause that kind of specific die back... and so quickly. Usually you would get varying spotting & the like... plus not all of the plants are being effected.

Just odd bro...


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
The necrotic leaves are crispy...

I hope it is not root rot! that is one of my main fears....


Active member
Milo~ are the leaves (the necrotic portions) soft or crispy?

Only reason I ask is that I've only seen plants go that far south (in a week) from root rot... and that was in a CAP system. You'r in soil, so wouldn't nec be first on my mind, but...?

Just doesn't seem that pH is what would cause that kind of specific die back... and so quickly. Usually you would get varying spotting & the like... plus not all of the plants are being effected.

Just odd bro...

Another vote for root rot. I had the same thing happen in a cap system. Looks just like it.


New member
My first instinct is to say that they are nute burned.


I agree that pH is the issue.
You're getting nutrient lockout from elevated pH
Good luck..


Milo~ are the leaves (the necrotic portions) soft or crispy?

Only reason I ask is that I've only seen plants go that far south (in a week) from root rot... and that was in a CAP system. You'r in soil, so wouldn't nec be first on my mind, but...?

Just doesn't seem that pH is what would cause that kind of specific die back... and so quickly. Usually you would get varying spotting & the like... plus not all of the plants are being effected.

Just odd bro...

Mang I'm a have to shoot you with the "no" gun.

Picture 1 is a Phosphorus deficiency during vegetative growth.
Picture 2 is what a phosphorus deficiency looks like in flowering.
Picture 3 shows phosphorus being locked out due to cold temps for the seedling

(Picture 1 is Mine)


Photo Credit:TikTok420

Anyway that's from MyNamesStitch's Guide to sick plants on this site.


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer

Photo Credit:TikTok420

Anyway that's from MyNamesStitch's Guide to sick plants on this site.

yes. MyNamesStitch's Guide to sick plants is where I went first. I had the book but lent it to a "friend" last summer...

that is the pic that made me think it was a phosphorus def....

:thank you:

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