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HELP! Plant growth completely stunted for 3 weeks!!


This is getting a lot of attention m8. Please do the favor of posting more pics as we are all very interested. I got my lawnchair out and im watching this.

Some pics from the TOP would be cool to see.. not that i got a solution, but I would reallly like more pics PLEASSeee :D



Waxy leaves and almost no internodal distance. Hmmmm...............

A close up of the plant with some extra clarity would help.

Looks initially like it's possibly a seriously abused mum!


Active member
over fed reveg by the look of things. in nature if a reveg did could take place it would be in late winter comming spring growth would be slow and wouldn't need much food.

I do my reveg under lights have some idea what the plants should be doing, outside if your out of season you just have to wait bought soil must be alittle rich a few watering on and longer days should see some improvement. Newest growth still kicking single blades? if so atleast 3 weeks under 18/6 needed to get her right fast or try to expose her to more of your summer sun. Any fences or bush blocking morning or arfternoon sun?.
over fed reveg by the look of things. in nature if a reveg did could take place it would be in late winter comming spring growth would be slow and wouldn't need much food.

I do my reveg under lights have some idea what the plants should be doing, outside if your out of season you just have to wait bought soil must be alittle rich a few watering on and longer days should see some improvement. Newest growth still kicking single blades? if so atleast 3 weeks under 18/6 needed to get her right fast or try to expose her to more of your summer sun. Any fences or bush blocking morning or arfternoon sun?.

ive had this plant exposed to summer sun the entire time (it's been about a month since reveg and is getting 14+ hours of full sunlight a day).
i got some more pics for you all too. the last one is of another plant, same age but different strain. it was watered and fed the same amount of nutrients, same pH and everything but it looks WAY better


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pure dynamite
that's just so f#cked up... I'd not use a plant that had been stressed like that.. I'd look for another mother plant.. :2cents:

You can almost swear it isn't a cannabis plant by how it looks..


different individuals can respond differently to the same stimuli

that plant in Q looks gross, reveg or not.... the other one looks way better.
did you harvest anything from the fucked up one/is it really worth keeping?


wow, i was sooo sure tht it wasn't weed! but it is! - srry but it is funny
goodluck, will be interesting to see wot comes frm it


If you want a lot of responses on your infirmary thread disguise your plant as a pineapple, fake mustache is a bonus


for some reason it does look reveged. The other healthy plant has a bunch of 3-fingered leaves aswell which wreak of reveg.. I would keep the plant.. reduce the ferts and see what comes of it.. Also take a bunch of cuts from the healthy plant... it looks really good.. mom-worthy even..

BTW thanks for the good pics

take care


Wow! Anarchy, do you have some pics of the same plant before the re-veg? Maybe with some flower. I saw in the past some really strange mutations after re-veg, like twisting leaves or strange new growth, but NEVER seen anything like this.
I think that at this point the best would be throw it away. The plant already gave you its flower once. Looking at it, I'd say you have to really consider to start with another one.

I didn't see the pics of your plant before re-veg, but maybe it had already shown some sort of mutation, and re-vegging it had definitely compromised the health of it.

Maybe it will grow, slowly, but it will grow. Maybe it will flower. I do not know. But for sure it will end up with poor production.



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
One look and I knew that was a re-vegging plant - or will be hopefully.

It's a slow process - be paitent and don't over-water. with all the slow growth etc, it's need for water and nutes is greatly reduced - so be aware. slow and easy does it. Good luck!
do yourself and your lungs a favor and start a new plant or go to the dispensary and buy some cuts or mothers, by the time that plant straightens out you could be 4 weeks into flower with a healthy new plant(s).

time it takes to get that plant back on track and vegging again and then you are going to flip her to flower after the reveg has completed you are reallly sending that plant very mixed signals on what to do.

if possible that plant would hop out of its pot and roll down to the local firing range and walk out into the line of fire. or it would buy a bullet and rent a gun and do itself in.

JK but seriously get a new one and save yourself time and money!


Hey man,

In that last set of pics you posted, it looks like you have Thrips to me (and/or a possible mold/mildew problem as well). I only looked at the small pics in the post (I didn't enlarge them or anything - but thats what it looks like from what I can gather from the small pics).

If I were you, I would go and buy a Leaching(flushing) solution like "ClearEx" and use that to flush the plant.
After a good flush with the "ClearEx", I'd water with plain water or with just a mild nutrient solution for a good week or 2 at most.
I honestly think that it still needs to be flushed out a bit more.

Also, I would Foliar Spray that plant with plain water & a few drops of Dish Soap. I'd spray them once a day with that mix for a good week or so.
That may get rid of the pest and/or mildew problem.

Or, if you want, you can go to the store and buy a pest treatment like "AzaMax" - that is my favorite one because it covers a wide range of pests on the leaves and in the soil.

I had a similar problem that I just fixed. Mine were clones that were taken a few weeks into bud and given to me by a friend.
They were doing ok and then I started to see leaves that were drying up, dying and I could see the spots from Thrips on my leaves. And they first started to show leaves without the cerrated edges that all pot leaves have - they shot out those oval leaves with the straight edges (which only happens when the plants get stressed out pretty good). Then they just kinda stopped growing.

I flushed them real good for a couple weeks while using the soap/water spray (plus i'd add a drop of soap to the water for the plants the first couple times I flushed them).

Then they began growing nicely again but the thrips were not totally gone. So I decided to just go to the store, buy the AzaMax and treat them with it to completely get rid of the pest problem.

So, now its been about a week since the AzaMax treatment and it appears that all the Thrips are gone.
Plus, they are now growing at a great rate & the smell is about twice as strong as it was before hand.

Anyway, I hope all works out for ya.

Stay safe,



Do you know what chemicals "Spinosad" is made with? Is it made with the same active-pest killing- chemical that neem oil uses?

That is what I liked about the "AzaMax" is that it used the same active ingredient as neem oil - but it's much more potent.
Plus it also has 2 other types of pest-killing chemicals - so it works for more-less ALL types of pests & their eggs etc.

But I don't like the fact that it is a poison - which is why I never use it anywhere even remotely close to harvest time(making sure that I never use it any time past the half-way point in the budding cycle (I've only had pests like 2-3 times total indoors - but every time I've had a pest problem, I made sure that ALL the pests were gone before I put the plants into Flower; and I plan on doing the same thing this time as well.

So is "Spinosad" a poison as well? Or is it an all-natural pest treatment?

Also, if you or anyone else know of any home-made pest remedies PLEASE let me know.

Oh, that reminds me - I also wanted to tell you that if I were you, I'd use some baking soda around that plant thats giving you trouble.
Adding some baking soda to the grow environment can be helpful in getting rid of any mold/mildew problems.


It's reveging mate, and it is stressing out about it. Something fucked up the light schedule.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Do you know what chemicals "Spinosad" is made with? Is it made with the same active-pest killing- chemical that neem oil uses?

So is "Spinosad" a poison as well? Or is it an all-natural pest treatment?

Hey teddy - try the search function while your typing - answers in an instant - and ya learn summtin 2!

you may be AMAZED!

And I don't have to re-type shit that would take me years

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