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HELP!!! Nute Deficiancy ?


Big V

I have been growing in soil for some time now but I have recently switched to Hydro and I seem to be haveing troubles with nute deficiancies. I am feeding the GH nutes according to their Keep It Simple recirculating chart from their website. I am feeding it at full strength with 5 ml per galon of cal-mag added and keeping my ph dialed in at 5.3 to 5.8 and I continually am batteling Nute deficiancies. The last crop I thought it was overnuteing but when I cut back the nutes my shit almost all died. I jumped the nutes up to 1300 ppm on a .5 conversion and they started looking better but the damage was done and they finished out well below their potential.

I hope someone can help shed some light on this for me so I have added a couple pics of the leaf burn. This crop is only 15 days into bloom, is a totally diffrent strain then the previous and I am getting the same thing.

Keep in mind that I am useing RO water and I change the nutes every 14 days to avoid salt build up and I add great white micorhizea and hygrozyme.




I use the gh but stick with the Lucas formula, 8ml micro and 16ml bloom. Sometimes I have to make minor adjustments but I gave good results.


ICMag Donor
I'd raise ph to between 5.6 to 6.2 for hydro and wonder if ph issues are your problem. Improper ph (5.3 in my book is too low imo)

good luck


I'd like to agree with Weedhound - it seems you have plenty of good nutrients (I'm running almost exactly the same kind of nutrient regimen - I'm trying to do the expert recirculating now), but if you're showing nutrient deficiencies... maybe they're just not available to the plant? I think if you were running an aero system 5.3 would be fine, but I think you may be experiencing the effects of a PH that is a little too acidic - give 5.8 a try. It looks to me like you've been very meticulous in making sure your plant has no deficiencies with the addition of cal-mag & all - not to hijack, but this is my first grow, and I'm running about the same line as you are, how's the cal-mag working out for you? I've been wondering when to add mine. Was there anything in your experience that showed you to better add magnesium - or are you more doing this as a preventative measure?

Big V

More as a preventative measure. I use R/O water so I add cal-mag. I will try raising the ph, the reason I had it that low was bcause I was told that it was better there. I don't want this grow to be like the last. It turned out ok but just everything was brown and ugly the last 3 weeks. The thing is, everything looks great until about the second week of flower and then the leaves slowly all start looking like the ones above.


How is the circulation (oxygen level) in your dwc tub? This can greatly effect the uptake of nutrients. Do you have enough air stones or whatever you are using? Also, if you are using distilled water and the proper nutrients you should not need any additives, in my opinion additives usually only add another factor to worry about and often do more harm than good. Interesting dilemma, sorry I cannot be of more help. Also, what weedhound said.

Big V

How is the circulation (oxygen level) in your dwc tub? This can greatly effect the uptake of nutrients. Do you have enough air stones or whatever you are using? Also, if you are using distilled water and the proper nutrients you should not need any additives, in my opinion additives usually only add another factor to worry about and often do more harm than good. Interesting dilemma, sorry I cannot be of more help. Also, what weedhound said.

I have only one airstone in the main resevoir. Should I put one in each bucket?


ICMag Donor
There is no such thing as too much areation so I completely agree w/that and I also like the ph as 5.8 better as well.

good luck


Active member
Since you're feeding full strength, and add cal-mag, there is no reason for deficiencies unless your pH is low. With it at 5.3, you did some damage. Looks like cal-mag def. and more. 5.5-6.0 is what most say. I think 5.8-6.2.
And why not throw an airstone into each bucket, couldn't hurt.
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Big V

Ok, I upped my PH last night to 5.8 and today I put an airstone in each bucket. Now all I can do is wait. Right now I am only seeing dammage on about 10% of the leaves so they are still in very good condition.

Here are a few pics I took yesterday. They are 17 days into flower today.




I hope like hell this pulls them out of it. Thanks a bunch for your help everybody. I will keep you all updated.

Big V

Wow I didn't even know a DWC could make it that long without an airstone near the roots

Well I have one in the main resevoir and it constantly drips. Here is a pic of the system. three 10 gallon buckets and a resevoir. There was no air going directly to the buckets but the res was oxegenated. Now each bucket has a 6 inch airstone in them as well.




ICMag Donor
Good work Big V, lets see what this regimen does for your girls. Best of luck..Increasing areation will cause a rise in ph, simply return your ph to normal....it should only happen when you first add the airstones but o2 in your water will raise ph a bit. just an fyi. Dont overdue the peroxide. :)


ICMag Donor
I'm not really familiar w/gh nutes so can't offer anything there. Hydroron is very light, bumpy, and full of airholes so that does two things.....lets the hydroton dry very quickly and #2 hydroton loves to hang to excess salts and nutes often requiring more flusing than some other mediums. Watch your ph carefully.

good luck.


flush and feed with a complete plant fertilizer... best advice anyone can give ya.

when in doubt... flush flush flush, feed feed feed! ec 2.0, no additives.


Hello, again good to see you add more oxygen to your reservoir, this will not only help nutrient absorption but help with preventing mold and algae. You should look into the Lucas Formula it has always worked for me. For the flowering cycle it is simply 8 mL of GH Micro per gallon and 16 mL of Gh Bloom per gallon (the same gallon). or 8/16 mL Micro and Bloom per gallon of water (ideally distilled). You should not need anything else. This has worked for me and many others on this forum.