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!st timer needing help

Hi guys eres a pic of my northern lights, "few there in gallery"
Thing is Im just wonderin when to place under the BIG LIGHT, time 20 hours on and 4 hours off ? Is this correct ?
ive had mine under a 400w hps light for 24 hours for the first few days then switched 2 18/6 mainly 2 save a bit on electricity! but then i am also on my first grow so i wouldnt take that as advice :)


how big are they. also how old, You can see from my gallery my plants, also how big a pot should I transplant them into when puttin them under big light
mine are at almost exactly the same stage as ur's. i started germinatin just before xmas. and once they broke soil i put em under 24.cus i didnt have a timer. that was about 28th of dec. about 3 days ago i put em on 18/6.
i personally dont believe 24hr is good for plants, from the very basic things i remember from school about how plants respire at night. plus i think mother nature knows better than me.
wut sort of light are u using? i made the mistake of misreading info on many different sites about the height of the lights from the plants. everywhere was saying 2 keep them about 2 inches above the plants. but i failed 2 notice that this was for fluorescent lights. so i had a 400w hps light about 6 inches from the soil lol. lost a few from that heheh.now i have it as high as it will go and im still havin trouble keepin the temp down.
another error i made was the pot size. i started mine in pots a bit 2 large, im not exactly sure of the implications, but it makes watering and feeding more difficult.
if i wher u, id keep them in those pots for a while longer. they look big enough for now. i suppose it depends on how big u want the plants to be as 2 how big a pot u put it in, ive read a few places sayin 2 have about a gallon for every foot of growth.
again i am also new 2 this so dont take anything i say as good advice, jus throwin in my 2 cents. u should put a post up in 1 of the main forums wher experienced growers can give u some decent advice!
im lookin forward 2 watchin ur plants grow cus ur on almost exactly the same schedule as me :) im gona try and get some pics uploaded soon.


how big is your big light? and yes 20 hrs on 4 hrs off untill the plant is half the size you want it to be...then you switch to 12 on 12 off
deefirl said:
!st timer needing help

Hi guys eres a pic of my northern lights, "few there in gallery"
Thing is Im just wonderin when to place under the BIG LIGHT, time 20 hours on and 4 hours off ? Is this correct ?
RE transplanting. Let those plants grow for a week or two until you get about four leaf internodes, and then lift the plant out of the pot and have a look at what stage the roots are at. If the sides of the soil have a good filigree of roots, then it's time to change up to a bigger pot.

I use 5", 7" and 10" round pots. I generally have them into the 10" ones by the time I switch to 12/12.


cool lads thanks again for all the info, I have up dated my gallery wit a a few more pics of plants and set up including my 250 light... & reflecter
how big is that cab man? its hard 2 tell from ur pics but it looks a bit small for a 250. as i said i got a 400w hps in a full length built in closet, with a big ish fan, and im havin some trouble keepin the temps down.
could be alright thou.
u got exactly the same reflector as me :)
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Its a meter sq. 1 meter sq ? think its ok as you can see from the pics I got a goo strong fan there to, A well time will soon tell. lol