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help my plants are yellow



hi a friend of mines plants have gone a yellow colour and dont seem to do anything ive been told not to water them for a few days till pots go light is this correct ? ive been looking on internet for him as he dont have a pc but not really sure where to look


Active member
hi a friend of mines plants have gone a yellow colour and dont seem to do anything ive been told not to water them for a few days till pots go light is this correct ? ive been looking on internet for him as he dont have a pc but not really sure where to look

high man, here is a link to the infirmary where you should be able to find some help, just find and fill out the form so the experts will be able to help you diagnose your problem.

btw, if you can post up a picture it'll make helping you a lot easier.

peace, SOG

lol, sorry, i forgot the link.

[URL="http://www.icmag.com/ic/forumdisplay.php?f=83"]Cannabis Infirmary[/url]


Active member
Go to the sick plants thread and look at the pictures...

Are they young or old? Veg or flower? We need to know a lot more to help...


they are about 3 weeks in veg they were going well then just went yellow then stopped moving


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
more then likely you over watered them are they heavy as hell? do you let them dry out before you water? is your ph right? not alot of info can be tons of things need to know more and get a picture.


ph at 5.7 mybe overwatered as when i saw them they were heavy so they got left for a few days till they got light now just a little water with a and b set at 12 on a bluelab stick will try get a pic to upload


this is best pic


  • plant1.jpg
    65.3 KB · Views: 7

Mitch Connor

Fill out the infirmary form/sheet with all related grow information.

No one will be able to successfully diagnose the multiple problems your plant could be showing without way more information.

I would suggest reading up a lot as well on general cultivation of marijuana. Considering most people that grow know at least what NPK stands for, it would benefit you and your friend a lot if you gained at least some knowledge of the fundamentals.

Just speaking truth.


i do understand what npk is and have been told that if there is not enough n to put more nutrient A in but not too sure about the p and k part any help would be nice
the pots are allowed to be dried then only adding 100ml of feed per day so not over fed anymore but could do with a bit of advise on how to get them on track

Mitch Connor

Here bud, let me help you out: https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

Copy that form, fill it in with your grow variables, post it here or in the infirmary forum.

Please try, understand no one will be able to help until you provide all of that information.

I'd suggest reading through (at least) all the stickies in the Infirmary forum. Soak in all the information you can or you'll be running in circles.


How long has this problem been going on?2 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing? jackaberry
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)clone
What is the age of your plants?5weeks
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?3.5weeks
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before?yes
How Tall are the plants?9inch
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)10litre
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)100% canna prof
What brand Nutrient's are you using?canna
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? 12 on bluelab stick*Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?once a day
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?12
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?ph pen
How often are you watering?daily
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
How old is your bulbs?
What is the distance to the canopy? 24 inch
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
What is the canopy temperature? 27 degrees
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)22 to 27
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?all time
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?no
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?moist
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?tap

This is as much info as i can tell you

Mitch Connor

Ok, that's a little bit better.

So, by what I can gather, you're using 100% Canna Coco.

I don't understand the reading from your Bluelab stick. Usually you'll get a reading in either EC (Electrical Conductivity) or PPM (Parts per million). The number 12 is not helpful in any way.

I also couldn't find what pH your nutrient solution is at once you mix your nutrients together.

You say you're using Canna nutrients? Is that Canna A + B? You need to be using both at the same time. I'm not sure how much A + B you should be mixing with your tap water, because I cannot figure out what your EC/PPM is. The size your plant is right now, you should be at a reading of about 1.0-1.5 EC (500ppm-750ppm @ .5 conversion) This is taking into account the EC of your tap water as well as your nutrient solution.

You need to find out a proper reading from your Bluelab stick. Find out what values it measures in, either EC or PPM. If it gives PPM, what conversion is it? .5 or .7?

Also, you need to pin down the pH of your initial tap water. Once you find that out, mix together equal parts of A + B, then get a pH test of that.

I'm afraid from what I can tell, you're plant is most likely suffering from too high/low pH. Coco does very well with a pH of 5.5-6.0 You need to keep the pH in this range so you don't get lockouts. Getting your pH in the optimal range is the most crucial aspect of growing in coco. Once you keep the pH in this range over an extended period, you can then start properly assessing what deficiencies you may or may not have.

It would also help to know what kind of light you're growing under.


hi thanks for your info my ph is 5.7 after adding canna a and b at same time, on the stick it shows 1.0 ec i had it about 1.5 but end ok the ok leaves were turning yellow which im told is too much a and b the light are 600w
hope this helps
Also this problem only seemed to start since sprayed with nitrozyme??

Mitch Connor

You said you let the pot dry out because that's what someone told you? That's a nono. You should never let coco dry out, water it every day or 2x a day. Always feed with every watering. Water that pot with about 3 gallons of nutrient solution (yes, 3 gallons) @ 1.0 EC pH 5.7 and you should be seeing improvement in 2 days. Everytime you water you should be letting some drip out the bottoms as well.

You might have salt buildup in the coco or some sort of nutrient lockout. I've never used nitrozyme, just fed foliar with 1/4 strength of my nutrient solution.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
You said you let the pot dry out because that's what someone told you? That's a nono. You should never let coco dry out, water it every day or 2x a day. Always feed with every watering. Water that pot with about 3 gallons of nutrient solution (yes, 3 gallons) @ 1.0 EC pH 5.7 and you should be seeing improvement in 2 days. Everytime you water you should be letting some drip out the bottoms as well.

You might have salt buildup in the coco or some sort of nutrient lockout. I've never used nitrozyme, just fed foliar with 1/4 strength of my nutrient solution.

Did you see the size of his pot? and how small his plant was? and the fact its not in good shape.. He just transplanted... Watering that often will over water the plant IMHO. He needs to let the plant take hold of the pot before he starts to water like that...

Mitch Connor

Once his rootball has been established from his previous container, it is very, very hard to "overwater" no matter how much water you give. What damages/shocks the plant is pouring too much water too fast into the coco, making loose roots displace inside the coco.

It is impossible to overwater coco like in soil. No matter how much water you flush through. All you need to be careful with is how fast the water goes through the medium.

Put 4 freshly rooted clones into 1L, 4L, 10L and 25L containers. Put them all on drip setups watering 5x a day. I guarantee you all of the clones will perform the same. I've done this many times with different drip frequencies and have noticed no difference in growth.

Like I said, what many consider overwatering in coco is the fact that they water too fast. Have you ever watered a container too fast and see the coco rise with the water and slowly submerge back to its original position? Just think what happens to the loose roots when you do that.

Coco does not allow roots to get drowned by too much water/not enough oxygen. Soil does.

Of course, this is only my experience. Please enlighten me as to how you have previously overwatered your plants in coco? I would like to gain insight into this.

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