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HELP!! my crack diesel is in distress!!??HELP!!

Hello i am a 2nd time indoor grower in need of help for my luv..
she is a bagseed from summ of the stankiest diesel i ever came across.. anyways everything went very well all through out veg an a few of the leaves started to do this here an there but now im worried....
im now cumn on week 5 of flower and budd production seemd to be going well until now this problem has seemd to dramatically get worse now effecting most fan leaves and even the bud leaves up top crusty curling up and discolored... very saddenning.. :comfort:
she is in my cab under a 400hps in cool tube in recently transplanted about 3 weeks ago from 3-5 gal pot in fox farm ocean forest soil an been feeding 3 feeds than plain water following the general hydroponics drain to waste program with substitutions last 3 feeds were 1tsp per gal flora nova bloom, (all per gal.) 1/2 tsp liquid kool bloom, and 1 1/2 tsp flora nectar.. should be enough rite??
so for the most part ive been keepin my ph at 6.5 ish maybea lil lower a few times not knowing better and lately have been tryan for 6.8 as a friend suggested but 6.6 is as close as i could get without fear of going over with the ph up.. could that be a reason in the lil difference of 6.5-6.8?? ive found to get 6.8 with these nutes i must add a full tsp per gal to get 6.8 .. is it bad to add so much?? also last water called for plain water so i added 1 1/2 tsp per gal. of flora clean witch is like a flusher kind of, sapposed to clean excess salts an ferts from root area i think..ph was 6.8 so i was hopin this would help... lol so many questions an i hope some body can take the time to help me out... ive heard of sum people sayi ng they have problems in late flower in fox farm if they do not add dolomite lime but not sure,,, hehe,, please help any feedback on the pics is greatly appreciated!!!:tiphat:

please HELP my baby girl!!!!


Active member
What up DANK! Sorry you're having problems but here's what I would like you to to. You have some nice soil so don't add all those extra additives. Here's what I need you to do, on one of the plants that is affected, when it needs water, very slowly water the plant (with pH'd water to 6.7) and let a small amount of water (a pint or less) run out into a clean tray. Please make sure you add the water pretty slow, even if it takes you 15 minutes to do it. You know when your plants are bone dry and you try to water and it goes right through. I don't want that to happen so that's why I want you to do it slow. Then let me know the PPM's and pH of your run-off. Also, I need exact details on every day that you added nutes or anything extra to your plants, and how many waterings you made until you nuted again. Feel free to PM me the info if you would like. Good luck and peace!

EDIT: For future reference you don't want to transplant your plants when they are in the flowering stage. I don't understand why your were using those nutes in your soil when your FFOF soil has everything that you need in it already. You transplanted 3 weeks ago and you've been nuting which doesn't make any sense. Your soil is not like hydro and your soil holds nutes in the soil for a long time so you don't need to be nuting. Also when I tested the PPM's of FFOF out of the bag it was over 1800 PPM and you can use that for about 4 weeks since you put them into 5 gallon pots. If I was you I would have just been adding water. Stop listening to those nute companys, they make money when you use all those nutes so of course they are going to tell you to use them. If you want to add nutes that bad then don't use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Use ProMix if you can't control yourself from giving plants nutes. I know how you feel though, I always want to nute so bad but I hold back from it because I know what'll happen if I do. Just remember, I didn't nute my plants at all until after 81 days in 5 gallon containers. There's a reason why FFOF cost all that money. My healthiest plants that I have are the ones that I never nuted, ever. I'll bet when you check your run-off either your pH is going to be in the 5's or your PPM's are going to be over 2000 PPM or both. If you see that I'm right about your run-off, then I would get your run-off to about 6.5 and flush it with 10 gallons (for your 5 gallon pots, 6 gallons with your 3 gallon pots) of pH'd 6.8 water and just give pH'd water for the rest of the cycle until harvest.
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Guest 18340

Imo, you are burning the hell outta them.
If I'm reading your typing correctly, you're feeding 3X's then you water? Should be the other way around no?
It's early, I'm baked...
wow.. ok snype 1st of all i gta say thank u for havin my back on this.. and i must be a dummy sittin here everyday reading ur every post and learning yet i watch u testin ppm's an explaining how much nutes r in ur soil n holding off on the feeding, an i go ahead an smother my ladies with food an mess em up.. lol
wow.. like im not even listening to ya.. lol...
well now i see why you do what u do an i have no excuse to ever let this happen again..
i will get myselfa ppm meter and do a run off check like u said by next water and will post up the details to see if there is anything else i must do..
and next water i will flush with 10 gal. of 6.8 ph water,, an u say dependin on what the runoff say i may not have to nute at all again through harvest?? or jus read the ppms an see what they tell me.. thanks man.. i will keep updatinfg this with her progress and again i appreciate u takin the time to keep my lady from croaking..lol...

ps.. out of the 7 fems i have in flowering all been eating the same feedings, she is the only 1 thatseems to b hurting from it.. but i will do like u said an ill read them all an see what they tell me..
oh yea,, ay snype should i now be pullin off these damaged leaves or should i leave them?? i heard i could lose budd production if i dont pull em cuz energy will be put into tryan to repair them??


Active member
That's good that's it's happening to only one plant. If all the plants came from the same MOM and the problem is with just one of them then there could be other things happening. Anyway there's nothing that I can tell you if you can't tell me the run-offs of the soil. I don't understand, how do you know what pH you are feeding them if you don't have a pH meter to check the run-off? What ever information you can get from your plants, you should be getting it, esp if there's a problem. You need to learn about what your plants like and don't like so you can better maximize your grows and yields in the future. The problem is that I can't tell you what step you should take if I don't have the information cause it would be a guess and I don't like to guess. Good Luck!
ahh my bad i ment i dont have a ppm meter.. i DO have a ph pen but have to wait til friday to get the ppm and she shouldnt need water til than any way,, so i will def water 1 gal strait water ph 6.8 over aboiut 15 min worth of time an read the ph and ppm's of the runoff and post back here an hope u can help.. everything u r telling me makes perfect sence an ill do whatever u say is best,,, jus got back and only 1 kush needs water today so im gna feed plain water phd 6.8 an get the run off as well.. for 3 gal u said only give 3/4 ofa gal?? dang. there may be another problem as well as i was givin the 3's 1 whole gal of all the same feed and the 5's 1-1 1/2 gal............so maybe a lil over soakin as well if that possible.. do u feed a 5 gal more if u get little or no drainage after slowly adding 1 gal..?? im learning how much more sensitive sum plants are from others,, all these are different strains an i understand now why u do so much work with your plants tooo understand them fully.. as i want to learn and i thank u for takin ghte time to teach me what u have..