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Help me think of something very stealthy to grow in


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I don't know if it's 100% fool-proof but my house is low-traffic and the room it's in is even lower traffic, but this bad boy stood up to my girlfriend's mom's close inspection:

The home-made carbon scrubber is disguising the scent of 13 plants at 7.5 weeks of 12/12. I do take the added precaution of adding one of those wall-unit 'plug-in' air fresheners in a floral scent, but I unplugged it for a few days and only noticed/remembered when I saw it sitting on a table.

Lord Doobie

uh...you said she immediately asked why it was so big
keep in mind this is a woman who can't even find her purse
now she suddenly wants to know all about your cd bookcase
if you hadn't been there to explain why it's 2 feet deep...
just how did you explain it all away?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
i think some of these stealth grows are more trouble then they are worth.

When I was cutting ports through dual layers of steel, I was right there with you. It was such a pain, it took me 15 years to get around to cutting a third hole I should've had all along. Still, a few days work vs 16 years of weed ...

I've lived an open door life too long. There's no way I could change without moving away. When I closed the garage during the Great Inline Fiasco of aught eight, neighbors were knocking on the door to see if I was still alive. Now that the garage is open and they can stare at my cab all day long, they're happy.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
uh...you said she immediately asked why it was so big. keep in mind this is a woman who can't even find her purse
now she suddenly wants to know all about your cd bookcase
if you hadn't been there to explain why it's 2 feet deep...
just how did you explain it all away?

She didn't find out it had a bunch of illegal plants in it that she'd want to protect her only daughter from. She didn't see any light emanating from it. She didn't hear the fans running. She didn't smell anything. She didn't make any attempt to look behind it because she was suspicious. She didn't attempt to see it again on her last (overnight) visit because she had lingering questions.

I'm calling that successful. She only asked to see it in the first place because my girlfriend (stupidly) told her that I was building a CD case during a previous phone call. Otherwise she would've never seen it as I keep that room's door closed to company and pets.

And nobody ever mentioned that she was the kind of idiot that couldn't find her own purse. She's pretty smart for an older gal. I guess YOU have a poor opinion of women.

My explanation, which I posted several times on my thread (which is where the conversation started that you're trying to refute) was that there is a large piece of equipment sitting on top of the cabinet.

Something like this:


(not actually mine. grabbed from google.)

If you wanted a stand for something like that, you would need to make it large, since it is approximately 3.5ft wide and 2.5ft deep. Before I built a cab, I used a kitchen table that would've sat 4 people as a stand.

So.. Anti, why is your stand so big? To protect the large, fragile and expensive piece of electronic equipment that sits on top of it.

So Anti, how come you didn't make better use of that space and only decided to put a CD thing on the front? I was going to build a cabinet but I suck at building things and I couldn't get the cabinet doors hung correctly. Besides, now I can hide my extra cables, mics and equipment in the space behind the CDs and it's less likely to be stolen from me.

If I did not have a large collection of expensive electronics to use to disguise my cab (as well as a desire to have a place to keep my 500+ cds), I would've built an entertainment center on top of it with nooks for TV and stereo and put it in my livingroom. Girlfriend didn't go for that, so I made this.

Lord Doobie

anti...that makes sense now. you never showed that in your thread. I came back too late to mention perhaps placing an large aquarium or somesuch on top of it. Now there's no reason to question the depth. Maybe set a chair in front of it, too. It's probably as close to perfect as it's going to get.

PS - I just happen to know women run around all day asking "Where's my purse????????" :joint:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
anti...that makes sense now. you never showed that in your thread. I came back too late to mention perhaps placing an large aquarium or somesuch on top of it. Now there's no reason to question the depth. Maybe set a chair in front of it, too. It's probably as close to perfect as it's going to get.

There is a chair in front of it. It's installed in my home studio/computer room. I'm sitting in the chair in front of it right now.

You never saw the picture of the mixer before because I am trying to make it difficult for someone who might know me and also be on this forum to put 2+2 together and say "Oh, I know that guy!"

(Which is why the mixer that I showed you is NOT my mixer, nor the same brand. But similar size.)

Anyway. :joint: