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Help me, Sweet god help me :(


ok, so I'm flowering a sativa, Molokai Frost Landrace

indoors under a 1000k hps in a waterfarm

the plant looked great but today she split under her own weight, the buds are HEAVY and like half of the plant is laying on the grow room floor

I'll take pics if anyone needs them to help

what do I do now?

should I stake it and tie it up to the wall and hope it heals or what?

ugh, so frustrating, out of 10 seeds I get 1 female and this happens

Cozy Amnesia

yeah do what you can to hold her up. Did the stem actually split? If so use a splint and it should heal.


Tie all your colas up to the cieling or other structure above the plant. Wherever the stem cracked, use a splint as cozy suggested, then wire wrap around the break. In time it should heal itself, but make sure the plant is supported so this doesn't happen again.

Wish I had you're problem lol, too much bud!


Ntrader........Make sure you wrap the stem and tie everything up........Get some silicablast and add 5 ml per gallon to your nute mix in your rez asap ...You didn`t state how long till choptime so it might not help this time but you`ll have it to save yer ass next run................You did take cuts off the only female you ended up with right ?.........Good luck........DHF........ :joint: .......
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Here are some pics, you can see the saran wrap

she looks ok, except for the leaves have been yellowing, is it an N defficiency?

how do I correct it? I'm using GH nutes and the lucas formula 0-8-16 ML per gallon of Ph corrected water


m8, i would suggest you to take a clone now, even tho its flowering, and reveg it so that you have it for your next run or simply safety if everything goes wrong. Not that i does, but 9 males of 10.... and 1 female, i would have contacted those i bought the seed from and explained the situation. Sometimes they are understanding and help you with a new pack.

Good luck m8


As long as there is still skin attached after a break, the plant can heal. All the nutes and water travel through the plants skin. I have duct taped broken plants with no problems before.


Active member
saran wrap is good, you don't look like you have too much farther to go with her...how long has she been blooming? indo she is a 11-12+ weeker....she looks very good bro!! you have done a great job indo! no hermie-ism?

it bothers me if you had to pay for those beans, especially if they are pure Moloka'i Frost, as when i gave out the strain, i made it explicit that it should be given away freely to those who want them, and not be sold by any breeders, only in cross form, but i guess someone has not honored that!

anyways, good luck with finishing her off bro!!, and welcome to the Frost!
