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HELP ME!! small white mould in coco


New member
CAN ANYONE HELP? I did six clones on sunday and this morning have found that the coco has developed small white mould spores through it and on the surface but none on the clones. Also the mother plant which was re-potted after cloning and put onto flowering cycle has some mould on the surface of the fresh coco and again none on the plant. The same with a newly planted seed.The same coco was used for all!! WHAT can I do? What is it? I have been told that baking soda can be used or aspirin to kill it off. Is this true? Am I going to loose all my plants? I have already reduced the humidity and lifted the dome off the clones. NEED advice quickly plz :puppydoge :bashhead:


Take Five...
You are on the right track. You must get good direct air circulation on them. The air needs to be moving all around each clone. Warm + humid always = mold.

Next time you try the dome, leave one side off (offset the dome long ways so some hangs off one side but comes up short on the opposite side) so there is some fresh air circulation under the dome, especially as we start getting into these hot humid days.

As long as you get the circulation up and/or humidity down the clones should be good. Are they affected or wilty now at all? That white mold is pretty common for stagnant humid and warm conditions. You shouldn't need any other product, but hydrogen peroxide sprayed on the mold may tamp it down. You can also scrape the top of the coco to get rid of some, but as long as conditions are good, it won't grow back.
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Check out Safers 3 in 1 organic spray.Works great for PM.About $3 something for the small bottle,but its an insecticide,miticide and a mildew killer,they sell it most everywhere.Good luck Bro..Peace and stay safe,DancesWithWeed :wave:


New member
found the cause!!

found the cause!!

I appear to have found the cause of the mould, checked thorough the coco and it was damp at the bottom with mould it!! I have rinsed the clones with half an aspirin per litre and the mother with 1 aspirin tablet per litre. Now i've just got to wait and watch. Watch this space!!! :fsu:


i find that covering it with perlite will smother the mold and prevent it from growing.


New member
looking good (i think!)

looking good (i think!)

Well peeps heres the update, after one flush of aspirin the mold didn't totally disappear but all plants still looked very healthy and the clones started rooting, the mold appeared to be kept at bay. However, on friday a further inspection showed the mold to be re-forming with fresh spores slowly spreading again. I rinsed again with aspirin and left for 24hrs. I then re-potted (excuse the pun!!) the clones today carefully removing as much of the infected coco as possible, the root system looked quite encouraging. I haven't re-potted the flowering mother as it looks more than happy as it. The problem with reducing the the humidity is that it works on the coco that is open to the elements but not on the stuff within the pot which is moist. I think so long as I nurture all my babies more than normal I can stop the mold from engulfing them and probally killing me!!!! Will keep posting updates. Thanks for all your responses. :rasta: :wave:


Active member
I got some mold going in my coco a couple of times. I added some bleach to water and flushed the pots real well. After a couple of flushings, the mold was gone. I added beneficials back to the pots and all was good. The plants never showed any reaction to the chlorine bleach.



New member


:cuss: I had heard of using bleach or hydrogen peroxide but thought they would do more damage to the new clones and seedling than the mold. All the plants still look really well apart from the seedling, after 2 wks it is only as big as a seed I planted 2 days ago, which has shot out! I think the aspirin has probably stumped the growth but it's better than loosing them all. Am quite surprised that even with a forensic science degree, that mold could even "stump" me. Have to raise a J to the effing mold though, if my plants grew as quick as it does I'd live in a jungle. NICE THOUGHT eh!! :canabis: :canabis:
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stikky budz

Active member
Alreet there Hazy ;-)

yeah, you gotta be careful with that H2O2. Over do it and you might just burn all the roots off like i did in my hydro a few years back...lol

If ya passin'.....drop us in a spliff,,,,im gaggin'....no harvest here 'til near little un's b/day :tongue:


the white crusty looking stuff that forms on coco is not mold
actually a show of a heathy grow.
good luck

stikky budz

Active member
Hi easyrasta

We're not talking about the naturally occuring beneficial fungus you get on the top of the coco when its exposed to air. I know hazy and other half personally they assure me this stuff is throughout the coco,,,,from the top of the pots to the bottom.

thoughts / suggestions?


edit : Hazy,,,,, next time ur on-line, it might be worthwhile asking about this in the Coco forum ;-)
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Active member
easyrasta said:
the white crusty looking stuff that forms on coco is not mold
actually a show of a heathy grow.
good luck

LOL - I always thought it was salt. What are you saying it is?

pSi007 said:
i find that covering it with perlite will smother the mold and prevent it from growing.

That's a great point. The perlite dries out faster than the coco, and helps wick away moisture that rises to the surface.


New member
Hey stikky!!!
As far as it being beneficial, ie, easyrasta. Since when was mold crusty? It's a contradiction in it's self!! mold can't be crusty it's caused by moisture. Trust me rasta it was definately mold!! The poorly seedling has still only grown about a ml, damn shame aswell coz it was a powerplant seed from dutch passion which we purchased whilst in the dam, not cheap either. I haven't binned it yet coz it is still alive and am curious to see what it does. As for the clones am pretty sure they have been stumped slightly but are growing and look really healthy. The mother which was one of your clones stikky (bluebonic) looks fantastic, i've trained it and the top bud is huge and still a couple of weeks to go. Gotta be our best plant yet, so cheers stikky, you will be chief taster!!!! Til next time all my fellow chongers!!!!!


New member
:bashhead: forgot to say stikky, it was off your advice that i used aspirin, cheers for telling me about the roots with your hydro, lol!!! The trouble with aspirin am pretty sure is the ph, it is made from salicylic acid after all.
:spank: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta:

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