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Due to circumstances I am in a situation where I will be splitting the buds from a particular plant with a fellow grower.

It's his plant, in a small soil container, and will be transplanted into a larger container of coco as that is my medium.

I suggested transplanting it and letting sit for a week or 2 so the roots can grow into the new container before it goes into flower.

He wants to transplant and then flower immediately.

An argument followed.

My argument is that if you flower it immediately the plant will be trying to do 2 things at once, grow roots and grow in size, and it will end up smaller with less yield.

He says he believes that it will grow larger his way. Didn't really give me any reasoning as to why he thinks that, but says I need to have faith in him as a grower cause he knows what he's doing.

He's real stubborn and I didn't want to argue so I said we'll have to agree to disagree on that, but fine we'll do it your way.

From everything I've read and experienced with growing, flowering immediately after transplanting makes no sense, but hey I'm willing to be wrong here. I just want to get the most possible out of this girl.

I'm hoping if I am correct, then the opinions of some respected growers he may know on here can help persuade him to change his mind on this.

So please weigh in...


Active member
I think depends on what it always depends on ... how big is the plant? How long in veg and how well developed is the current root system?

If it's big and well developed, I don't think it will make a lot of difference. She will like having some extra room as she goes into flowering/stretch.

If it's a smaller plant, or less than 4/5 weeks veg, I agree with you. I'd give it a week or so to fill in and get ready.



It's not all that big don't know exactly cause I haven't seen it, but it's not a bush that much I know. I'd guess it's about a foot tall give or take a few inches.

But my question is, which method will give a bigger plant with better yield?


Active member
If you are in soil or coco..than I would wait the two weeks. It is so important for that plant to get a nice root mass established before you throw it in to the flowering chamber. Pretty much on your side 100%..and I have been growing in all mediums for a few years.


yep,,,,, bigger root system =bigger plant= bigger yeild,, you need all you can when ur splitting, y chance not doing it ur way


good question !

i would lean toward giving her a couple days to get her roots spread out. all that is is a judgement call. without doing some side by sides its hard to be sure.

good luck scrappy ...... not seeing eye to eye with a gro bro can be the most complicated part of any grow


ICMag Donor
well...if she is at all root bound, where she growing roots fully along the sidewalls, and even minimal spiraling, then it will take her a bit of time to spread out and move into the new medium. This would mean give her time to veg.

If she isnt' root bound but is still holding her mass together, it won't really matter if she has extra root time or not. You will still have a very successful harvest and roots will likely fill the container.

I have done and still do both. My really deciding factor comes to two things...how does the plant feed and how much side branching do I really want. If she feeds and I want her to branch, I give her space and a touch of time usually. My single cola plants are usually intentionally let to root bind in small containers while in veg to encourage stretch while also limit side branching...then flowered directly, with no time to let roots expand, as to once again, limit side branching. They still fill their smaller containers root space all the same.

OF COURSE - bigger roots in this case, in ANY case, will translate to higher yields. Allowing that 2wk veg or even 1wk veg makes a big difference and will always make a positive effect on end numbers. Unless of course, you let her get too big in a too small container and she eats everything and gets to hungry to fast...

But that is organic soil...just add water...I suppose liquid ferts you can grow a tree in a 1/2g as long as she eats multiple times a day on a dripper...

So it really matter your intent and scenario and your desired results as to what you do with this plant. If YIELD is your primary concern, not time or other restraints, yes, you are correct...more root space would play to your advantage...

(typed in a manner to convince a stubborn well meaning friend...not yourself ;) )



Due to circumstances I am in a situation where I will be splitting the buds from a particular plant with a fellow grower.

It's his plant, in a small soil container, and will be transplanted into a larger container of coco as that is my medium.

I suggested transplanting it and letting sit for a week or 2 so the roots can grow into the new container before it goes into flower.

He wants to transplant and then flower immediately.

An argument followed.

My argument is that if you flower it immediately the plant will be trying to do 2 things at once, grow roots and grow in size, and it will end up smaller with less yield.

He says he believes that it will grow larger his way. Didn't really give me any reasoning as to why he thinks that, but says I need to have faith in him as a grower cause he knows what he's doing.

He's real stubborn and I didn't want to argue so I said we'll have to agree to disagree on that, but fine we'll do it your way.

From everything I've read and experienced with growing, flowering immediately after transplanting makes no sense, but hey I'm willing to be wrong here. I just want to get the most possible out of this girl.

I'm hoping if I am correct, then the opinions of some respected growers he may know on here can help persuade him to change his mind on this.

So please weigh in...
If your eggs are in this one plant and you need YIELD, you've gotta let it veg (grow some roots). Otherwise, what was the point in transplanting in the first place? I always like to open up the root mass, too, in order to ensure they find their way into the new material ASAP. A week is often plenty, especially with coir.

Then you'll have to be very careful about trimming up pre- and post-flip, as well as selecting out for only the best bud sites.

This has been my (limited) experience.

joe fresh

Active member
personally i always transplant the day i flip...i veg in 2 or 3 gal pots and when i flip i transplant into 7 gal pots....

the reason i like to flip my lights when transplanting is that i notice by the end of the flowering cycle my plants are pretty much root bound....if i were to transplant first then wait a week or 2 then flip my plants would be well root bound before time to cut....

so since transplanting is not an option during flowering, i like to flip my lights the same day of transplanting...

i should also mention that when i FIM the plants thats also done on the same day i flip...reason being it when i FIM them then flip they really stretch less in general height but the FIM+stretch induces all the side branching to push up really well...
I would show this thread to your parnter so he can see what people are saying about the situation and go from there...

But If I was in your place I would try to give it a wk like you suggest. Let the roots settle in and do their thing.. Like everyone say's. BIGGER ROOTS = BIGGER YIELD


personally i always transplant the day i flip...i veg in 2 or 3 gal pots and when i flip i transplant into 7 gal pots....

the reason i like to flip my lights when transplanting is that i notice by the end of the flowering cycle my plants are pretty much root bound....if i were to transplant first then wait a week or 2 then flip my plants would be well root bound before time to cut....

so since transplanting is not an option during flowering, i like to flip my lights the same day of transplanting...

i should also mention that when i FIM the plants thats also done on the same day i flip...reason being it when i FIM them then flip they really stretch less in general height but the FIM+stretch induces all the side branching to push up really well...
And this is why, for me and specifically with regard to indoor growing I like to do it a week before. I've observed that these ladies tend to begin budding faster and finish faster if they're rootbound, including outdoors. The girls I grow out in the 5gal buckets are always finished weeks before those that are in the raised beds, or 30gal+ tubs.

So, paying for electricity, I prefer to gain yield by growing many more, but smaller, plants. SoG, man, I love seein' that Sea o' GREEN!

Aw, jeez... sometimes, when I have a grow going really well I'll go and check out the buds and get all excited and squeal, just like a little girl. Sometimes, I'll even do a little dance. This is making me think about those moments. I'll be taking that to my grave! Maybe I'll become a Grow Ghost. Hmmmm...

joe fresh

Active member
And this is why, for me and specifically with regard to indoor growing I like to do it a week before. I've observed that these ladies tend to begin budding faster and finish faster if they're rootbound, including outdoors. The girls I grow out in the 5gal buckets are always finished weeks before those that are in the raised beds, or 30gal+ tubs.

So, paying for electricity, I prefer to gain yield by growing many more, but smaller, plants. SoG, man, I love seein' that Sea o' GREEN!

Aw, jeez... sometimes, when I have a grow going really well I'll go and check out the buds and get all excited and squeal, just like a little girl. Sometimes, I'll even do a little dance. This is making me think about those moments. I'll be taking that to my grave! Maybe I'll become a Grow Ghost. Hmmmm...

ya i understand what you mean....for me its just a question of plant/water management, the way i do it at harvest time the roots are all over the side walls as well....i dont really call that rootbound, to me root bound is when the plant is starting to suffer from a small pot and needs to be transplanted....in the last 2 weeks i got no choice but to water every day....thats right a full drench every day and the plants just drink it all up....any more root bound and they would start to suffer, and so would the yield... if i were to transplant then wait a week, that week of root growth will really fill the pots out too much to the point of hurting the plant by harvest time

i guess we all have to work with what we got...my max bucket size is 7 gal i cant go bigger...i got a certain number of plants this place can handle(like max 200) and have to manage my time, also manage to cary in and out all the dirt/equipment as needed.....its an organizational thing for me i guess, i like to keep things simple and work to a minimum....heres how i do

carry in all dirt needed, mix dirt, plant clones

veg 3 weeks

on day 22 i do the following:

carry in all dirt needed, transplant, fim, lollipop all small undergrowth, flip lights

from here on out i just water and fert till cut time

carry out all dirt, clean place, cary in all dirt, repeat process

so as you can see i do things like an organized calander, lol




Its not like slitting your throat and then running a marathon.
(fast transition wont be detrimental to plants growth)

A little transition time should ever so slightly increase in yield.
1-2 weeks isnt necessary. Instant switch definitely wont help yield.

IMHO- split difference do 3-4 days transition.

el dub

Mostly depends on the strain, imo.

But a single foot tall plant going into flower in three gallons doesn't seem like it would be worth getting too concerned over.

You haven't seen the plant. Let the dude take care of it as he wishes. If you don't like the results, it didn't cost too much to figure out you don't want to do much partnering with the guy in question, imo.

(My guess is that you guys will probably be SPLITTING between one and three oz.)



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I think you're right, scrappy. However, as adults, and especially growers, we need to learn to pick our fights and I don't see this as worth fighting. It's one plant. Let him have his way, take your share with a smile. Then, politely, decline to grow with him again.

Useful Idiot

Active member
OK Scrappy,first off, get yourself out of the situation of splitting a harvest off of a single plant with a fellow grower!!! Why are you doing this????? You are a grower ....he is a grower,what gives???? Anyway, you mentioned a small container.My advice is to take the small container,transplant into a larger container for two weeks,then switch to flower mode.That of course if you are looking for better yeild.


OK Scrappy,first off, get yourself out of the situation of splitting a harvest off of a single plant with a fellow grower!!! Why are you doing this????? You are a grower ....he is a grower,what gives???? Anyway, you mentioned a small container.My advice is to take the small container,transplant into a larger container for two weeks,then switch to flower mode.That of course if you are looking for better yeild.

someone beat me to it! let this be a lesson why having "partners" suck


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When I Up Pot I always give a week to recover then she goes into flower. My girls are not small. I veg for 6-8 weeks per plant. This method gives me girls about 4.5' tall and just a bushy(WITH TRAINING). I just started a run 2 of the girls are 3' wide x 3' tall the stretch is not done yet. Ask him to wait a week ant hen put in flower. If he does not go for it I would do what Freezer Boy Recommended.
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joe fresh

Active member
IMO i think who ever is taking the risk and doing the work should decide....i mean whoever is growing it at their house, paying the elec, nutes, equipment, and doing all the work, taking the risk....ect should get all say....just my opinion on the situation...

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