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Help me on my soil plz

Here you go

My soil mix which will work from clone to harvest.

Photosynthesis's Organic Soil Mix:

This will make approximately 1 cubic foot of soil
3-gallons of peat moss
2- gallons rice hulls
2- gallons of worm casting/compost
1/2- cup oyster shell flour
1- cup gypsum
1/2- cup azomite
1/4- cup basalt rock dust
1/2- cup bentonite
1/2- cup crab shell meal
1/2- cup fish meal
1/2- cup High P bat guano
1/2- cup alfalfa meal
1/2- cup fish bone meal
1- cup kelp meal
1/4 cup granular humic acid
1/4 cup diatomaceous earth
1/2 gallon 3mm biochar

This mix can be used as a water only mix. Although after about 50-60 days depending on watering style some nutrients will need to be replenished. The easiest way is to veg in this, and then before you flower, top dress with your choice of organic nutrients.

With this mix I only have to water twice per week. Most people find this amazing, but it is how I have done it for years. Even here in Denver (where it is dry as fuck) I only water twice per week. In a 3 gallon smart pot I will only use 2 plastic beer cups worth of water twice per week.

There are a lot of ingredients in this mix that help to facilitate it staying moist, and biologically active. This may vary for you, but it is a good starting point.

You can plant directly into this soil. No need to let it sit. When recycling this soil add in the following per cubic foot of soil:

1/2- cup gypsum
1/4- cup azomite
1/8- cup basalt
1/4- cup crab shells
1/4- cup fish meal
1/4- cup high p guano
1/4- cup alfalfa meal
1/4- cup fish bone meal
1/2- cup kelp meal
1/4- cup diatomaceous earth.

Again no need to let this sit. You can plant in it right away.

I would listen to microbeman before I would listen to Tad about Tea's. Although Tad is educated enough to help you out.

Former Guest

Active member
He can't get a lot of that stuff in the Middle East. I'd prefer MM over Tad but I thought it was a nice run down of basic info. He has a list of stuff he can use :) it's on the page before. I tried to get him to get Neptunes harvest but that isn't available.
He can't get a lot of that stuff in the Middle East. I'd prefer MM over Tad but I thought it was a nice run down of basic info. He has a list of stuff he can use :) it's on the page before. I tried to get him to get Neptunes harvest but that isn't available.

Got it.

I would look at what plants you have available locally to dry, and add to your soil. Also you can use them fresh to make teas.

Unless you are in the Middle of the Desert you can make this work.

Know of any bat caves, or a place where sea birds nest? You should also have plenty of minerals available locally that can supply some of what you need.

Are you in the middle of the Desert? :)
Middle east makes me think of goats, chickens, camels, tea, coffe datepalms, clay flats. NOT ocean sea products. I would look for coir number one and mix that with local dung sources and mushroom compost . Minerals I would forage for in mud flats or rocy outcrops. Egg shells teabags and coffe grounds are some good everyday items you could self source or forage for, citrus peels and banana peels will much down to a high P and K, start a comfrey mint and alfalfa patch, keep a wormbox going, as well a compost/ mulching bin. Lacto B will be one of your greatest ally and is made from rice water and milk or coconut water which CCNW in its self is huge
Compost Tea brewer: anything smaller than a 5 gal easily brewed with a aquarium aerator
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Well. Thanks again all.
Since I am planing to grow only for personal use and don't have the space I can't make aerated tea or have my own worm casting. So if I can't make aeratted tea, does it mean I should not try to make any type of tea ? The article by ted sais non-aeratted teas might be harmfull to the plant. Is there any other way to make ACT without the pomp to blow bubble there?
Putting some organics in a bag and put that bag in a water reservoir for awhile is harmfull to the plant? Won't they get some good stuff from that water ?
Well. Thanks again all.
Since I am planing to grow only for personal use and don't have the space I can't make aerated tea or have my own worm casting. So if I can't make aeratted tea, does it mean I should not try to make any type of tea ? The article by ted sais non-aeratted teas might be harmfull to the plant. Is there any other way to make ACT without the pomp to blow bubble there?
Putting some organics in a bag and put that bag in a water reservoir for awhile is harmfull to the plant? Won't they get some good stuff from that water ?

I think a 100 years of American farmers "steeping" their tea, and using it with success on their farms says something about Tad's statement. Maybe he's talking out of his ass a bit because he is trying to sell compost tea brewers?

I personally wouldn't use it, but in your case it could be worth a try. Just don't over do it.

You can steep plants, and make a plant tea that will be very beneficial. What plants can you readily go out, and pick in your area?

I got to thinking last night about you being in the Middle East. Do you, or does someone you know raise pigeons? I thought pigeons were a popular food item in some parts of the Middle East? If so you can use their poop.

Composted Camel poop in small amounts could work as well. Although I have read that Camel poop is high in salts so you would have to use sparingly. Composted horse manure would work as well.

I hope you get it figured out, and you have balls growing in the Middle East. :)


I got to thinking last night about you being in the Middle East. Do you, or does someone you know raise pigeons? I thought pigeons were a popular food item in some parts of the Middle East? If so you can use their poop.

Composted Camel poop in small amounts could work as well. Although I have read that Camel poop is high in salts so you would have to use sparingly. Composted horse manure would work as well.

I hope you get it figured out, and you have balls growing in the Middle East. :)
Well pigeons are not food item but ppl do take care of them as pets in groups in their roof. It's an old habit of ppl here. My uncle used to do it. I might be able to get some pigen poop. But camel poop I can't get. I am actually in Iran so don't have as many camels as they have in Arab countries nor do we have as much deserted areas.


There are lots of plants available in the area. I can't name them all but most flowers, fruits, and vegetables you get in flower shops and groceries in state or Europe I can get here unless it's a rare fruit, veggie, etc in this part of the world. Ive red that some fruit skins like cucumber, grapefruit, potato,etc are good source of organic P and K. How can I apply them to my medium? If i am not making my own compost with them then how do I use them? Powdered? Dried? Burned ash?
What about making a tea out of them? How do I do that? Just smash and mix with water and let it sit for a day?


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
say you mulched w/ a layer of compost, forest duff, leaf mold, or EWC; when you water that you'll be making a slurry of compost or EWC or ???

Former Guest

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To use the fruit and stuff, you would compost it either by hot composting or vermicomposting which is better than regular hot composting but whichever is easiest.

You can also vermicompost indoors if you want to hide it or grow some veggies to use as an excuse for having one outside.


Well after 3 pages of consultation and getting advice from you guys and reading tons and tons of info online. I think I am ready to put all the theories into action. So here is what I am gonna do:
This weekend I am taking a 6 hours drive to the north of the country by the Caspian sea. My girlfriend is accompanying me on the trip. It's a long drive and someone should roll the joints ;) I smoke traditional made Iranian/afghan hashish so the process involves heating and firing the hashish and mixing it with tobacco or dried cannabis leaves from trimming. I can't do all that while driving lol. Anyways, My cousin lives there and he is a farmer like many other northern people. He doesn't own any animals he is a agricultural type of farmer. He has 7 acres of land. And he plants veggie and other plants for a living. He is in his 50s and been doing this since childhood. The only thing that changed during the years is technology. Newer devices, machines, techniques and materials. But the basics are the same. I can defenately use his knowledge. Enough about my cousin. He has what I need or he can get it easily from his farmer friends locally with a very good quality. This is the list of stuff he had available than I MIGHT need for my soil mix. Some are not needed but I thought I can have some just in case I wanted to change something. So here we go:
1- blood meal
2- bone meal
3- fish meal
4- alfalfa meal
5- Pottasium phosphate
6- vermicompost (worm casting)
7-Epsom salt
8- agricultural lime
9- chicken manure
10- cow manure
11- sheep manure
12- bag of potting soil
And thise are what I found within the country that I can have them delivered to my location:
13- kelp meal
14- organic product called biofish (3-1-2) it's liquid. The seller told me it has fish and kelp in it
15- PROSImal L (0-2-2) it's made in Spain. It's liquid seaweed. Here is nut value on that:
Seaweed 20%
Free amino 3%
P2o5 2%
K2o 2%
Organics 20%
I also currently have:
16- Peatmoss
17- perlite
18- coco peat. I really don't wana use it. No matter how many times I watch and let it sit it water they still have sand and salt visible by the naked eye !! Just forget about this coco. I hate it. If needed I ll buy a good quality one.
19- lava rocks
20- sand
That's it. It's all I could gather here in this god forsaken country. I am pretty sure I can make a decent organic soil with the stuff I got. I can also copy some of the well known soil mixes posted in the soil thread. Well I am leaving in a few days. Do you guys have anything else I should add to my list? Just so you know. There isn't any guanos of any kind bat seabird etc. there isn't any green sand either. I think you can only get them in U.S. it's new jersey green sand after all. Well thanks again guys.you ve helped me a lot in this quest. I will definitely make journal / diary and keep u guys posted as soon as I start growing.
CheeeeeerZ. Wish me luck


Active member
Well after 3 pages of consultation and getting advice from you guys and reading tons and tons of info online. I think I am ready to put all the theories into action. So here is what I am gonna do:
This weekend I am taking a 6 hours drive to the north of the country by the Caspian sea. My girlfriend is accompanying me on the trip. It's a long drive and someone should roll the joints ;) I smoke traditional made Iranian/afghan hashish so the process involves heating and firing the hashish and mixing it with tobacco or dried cannabis leaves from trimming. I can't do all that while driving lol. Anyways, My cousin lives there and he is a farmer like many other northern people. He doesn't own any animals he is a agricultural type of farmer. He has 7 acres of land. And he plants veggie and other plants for a living. He is in his 50s and been doing this since childhood. The only thing that changed during the years is technology. Newer devices, machines, techniques and materials. But the basics are the same. I can defenately use his knowledge. Enough about my cousin. He has what I need or he can get it easily from his farmer friends locally with a very good quality. This is the list of stuff he had available than I MIGHT need for my soil mix. Some are not needed but I thought I can have some just in case I wanted to change something. So here we go:
1- blood meal
2- bone meal
3- fish meal
4- alfalfa meal
5- Pottasium phosphate
6- vermicompost (worm casting)
7-Epsom salt
8- agricultural lime
9- chicken manure
10- cow manure
11- sheep manure
12- bag of potting soil
And thise are what I found within the country that I can have them delivered to my location:
13- kelp meal
14- organic product called biofish (3-1-2) it's liquid. The seller told me it has fish and kelp in it
15- PROSImal L (0-2-2) it's made in Spain. It's liquid seaweed. Here is nut value on that:
Seaweed 20%
Free amino 3%
P2o5 2%
K2o 2%
Organics 20%
I also currently have:
16- Peatmoss
17- perlite
18- coco peat. I really don't wana use it. No matter how many times I watch and let it sit it water they still have sand and salt visible by the naked eye !! Just forget about this coco. I hate it. If needed I ll buy a good quality one.
19- lava rocks
20- sand
That's it. It's all I could gather here in this god forsaken country. I am pretty sure I can make a decent organic soil with the stuff I got. I can also copy some of the well known soil mixes posted in the soil thread. Well I am leaving in a few days. Do you guys have anything else I should add to my list? Just so you know. There isn't any guanos of any kind bat seabird etc. there isn't any green sand either. I think you can only get them in U.S. it's new jersey green sand after all. Well thanks again guys.you ve helped me a lot in this quest. I will definitely make journal / diary and keep u guys posted as soon as I start growing.
CheeeeeerZ. Wish me luck

If you have not been up that route before if it was me I would think twice before making that journey in the dark some of the most dangerous roads in the world to travel , faith in god crazy fuckers overtake on blind bends up through the mountains , when you look over down the 1000ft sheer drops you will see all the smashed metal down there , holes punched in the barriers by truck and cars as they go over , be careful

Pigeon poop will help you. I was just reading up on what animals are raised as livestock, and for Iran it lists, sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys, horses, water buffalo, and mules. Any of their poop would be good. If they are enclosed in a pen then scraping the poop, hay, etc, from the pen floor would be great to use.

I also read that you should have fish available. Fish bones will give you an organic source of phosphorus. The rest of the fish will give you nitrogen. If you can get fresh, or frozen fish you can chunk it up, and put it in the bottom of your pots. I say this because you say composting is not possible.

If you can get fish meal then that could take care of a lot of nutrients.

You could read over this, and it will give you more ideas where to source things in your Country.

Well after 3 pages of consultation and getting advice from you guys and reading tons and tons of info online. I think I am ready to put all the theories into action. So here is what I am gonna do:
This weekend I am taking a 6 hours drive to the north of the country by the Caspian sea. My girlfriend is accompanying me on the trip. It's a long drive and someone should roll the joints ;) I smoke traditional made Iranian/afghan hashish so the process involves heating and firing the hashish and mixing it with tobacco or dried cannabis leaves from trimming. I can't do all that while driving lol. Anyways, My cousin lives there and he is a farmer like many other northern people. He doesn't own any animals he is a agricultural type of farmer. He has 7 acres of land. And he plants veggie and other plants for a living. He is in his 50s and been doing this since childhood. The only thing that changed during the years is technology. Newer devices, machines, techniques and materials. But the basics are the same. I can defenately use his knowledge. Enough about my cousin. He has what I need or he can get it easily from his farmer friends locally with a very good quality. This is the list of stuff he had available than I MIGHT need for my soil mix. Some are not needed but I thought I can have some just in case I wanted to change something. So here we go:
1- blood meal
2- bone meal
3- fish meal
4- alfalfa meal
5- Pottasium phosphate
6- vermicompost (worm casting)
7-Epsom salt
8- agricultural lime
9- chicken manure
10- cow manure
11- sheep manure
12- bag of potting soil
And thise are what I found within the country that I can have them delivered to my location:
13- kelp meal
14- organic product called biofish (3-1-2) it's liquid. The seller told me it has fish and kelp in it
15- PROSImal L (0-2-2) it's made in Spain. It's liquid seaweed. Here is nut value on that:
Seaweed 20%
Free amino 3%
P2o5 2%
K2o 2%
Organics 20%
I also currently have:
16- Peatmoss
17- perlite
18- coco peat. I really don't wana use it. No matter how many times I watch and let it sit it water they still have sand and salt visible by the naked eye !! Just forget about this coco. I hate it. If needed I ll buy a good quality one.
19- lava rocks
20- sand
That's it. It's all I could gather here in this god forsaken country. I am pretty sure I can make a decent organic soil with the stuff I got. I can also copy some of the well known soil mixes posted in the soil thread. Well I am leaving in a few days. Do you guys have anything else I should add to my list? Just so you know. There isn't any guanos of any kind bat seabird etc. there isn't any green sand either. I think you can only get them in U.S. it's new jersey green sand after all. Well thanks again guys.you ve helped me a lot in this quest. I will definitely make journal / diary and keep u guys posted as soon as I start growing.
CheeeeeerZ. Wish me luck

You can make a very high quality soil with those ingredients. You have most every base covered. When you get an idea of what your recipe will be you can post it, and we can help change things if need be.

I gotta repeat that you have giant balls for growing in Iran. :)


If you have not been up that route before if it was me I would think twice before making that journey in the dark some of the most dangerous roads in the world to travel , faith in god crazy fuckers overtake on blind bends up through the mountains , when you look over down the 1000ft sheer drops you will see all the smashed metal down there , holes punched in the barriers by truck and cars as they go over , be careful

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I've been throu the route hundreds of times. My uncle actualy died to a car crash in the same route some 10 years ago.It is surely dangerous but so is just passing the street in my country. How do you know my country that well anyways? Either originally from here or maybe visited the place before!?


I gotta repeat that you have giant balls for growing in Iran. :)
Well I am growing just a few plants for personal use in my rooms closets. It's not as risky as you think. A friend of mine plants out door every year. Something like 100 to 150 plants. It certainly is risky but it payes him very well. He has balls of steel I guess lol


Active member
I've been throu the route hundreds of times. My uncle actualy died to a car crash in the same route some 10 years ago.It is surely dangerous but so is just passing the street in my country. How do you know my country that well anyways? Either originally from here or maybe visited the place before!?

I have been up and down that road a few times amazing views and so green and lust with the rainfall in comparison to central Iran,

Other times refused to travel as did not trust the driver, I am European



I have been up and down that road a few times amazing views and so green and lust with the rainfall in comparison to central Iran,

Other times refused to travel as did not trust the driver, I am European

Well my dads family is originally from north. I visit them once a month. It's 6 hours drive or if u hate the road you can go by plane 25 minutes. Airport in 3 cites north west, north east and north center the name of the cities are Gorgan, Rasht, Sari it's less than half an hour from the capital by plane. Try it on your next visit if the road gives you stress. We Iranians are used to fucked up quality of the roads. It's a part of life here like traffic, air pollution and Islamic laws. All are harmfull but what can we do ?!? Ignore Islamic laws and smoke weed in the traffic lol


Active member
Best source for calcium and trace minerals ....unicorn horn dust and leprechaun beard trimmings. Just add peat and water... BoooYAA,,!