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Help me make the hardest decision of my life


Thanks :) I made that conclusion myself. Only to come back to the plot and see my babies fucked up from some OSH branded potting soil with time release shit. They are really badly burned. And still in the stuff! I need to make a stealthy mission 2morrow to get them fixed up.


Active member
Hi guys,

I have a dilema my best friend wants in on my guerrilla grow. He said he wants to buy a few clones and plant them at my plot. Not quite partners because he would only harvest the bud from his clones. The problem is that he wants to buy like 2 clones at a cost of 20 bucks for him. So his investment would be 20$ While ive spent 150$ on clones, a whole year of prep and already lugged a total of 1000 pounds worth of soil, shovels, irrigation equipment etc to the plot. He is guilt tripping me and everything. I feel terrible right now, but sticking to my guns and saying no. I feel like this is going to put a strain on our relationship. The last thing is that he lives very close to the plot, but he is also known around the area, leaving and exiting he could be recognized, while I on the other hand am relatively unknown. And he's gunna be pissed when I have a few pounds of GDP... Haha. Yah thats my other problem, 15 GDP girls in Nor Cal, where temps get into the mid 90's on the reg in the summer. And I've read that GDP is prone to hermie-ing at temps over 90.

Anyway fire away and shed some advice on a first time grower long on knowledge, time and $ commitment, but short on moral guidance?
CUT him in an consider it the cost of running your mouth.It's going to cost you more if you dont.
Thanks :) I made that conclusion myself. Only to come back to the plot and see my babies fucked up from some OSH branded potting soil with time release shit. They are really badly burned. And still in the stuff! I need to make a stealthy mission 2morrow to get them fixed up.

He knows where it is and he is fucking with your plants. You're pretty much screwed. I guess that is what you get for having a best friend that is the kind of person that would rip you off.


He knows where it is and he is fucking with your plants. You're pretty much screwed. I guess that is what you get for having a best friend that is the kind of person that would rip you off.

Lol know they are fucked up fucked up from nute burn. LEaves curled and a dead burned color. Cant take a clone and then go straight to a commercial potting mix with timer release ferts in it.


Patient Grower
The one time I had partners in a guerrilla grow the plants disappeared sometime between three days before and our planned harvest date. Of course we didn't have game cameras back in the early '90s. Really I can't say they or one of them did it did it, they were righteous dudes, and frankly it's that it made me doubt them that really was painful. Be ready to lose a friend if you go through with it, I lost two who I thought were good ones when I got to the site and found nothing but stalks. It really, really sucks not knowing, even worse than if I knew for certain that one or both did it. Since it was likely one of the two that means I did lose a friend who was a stand up guy, that being the one who didn't participate. Of course it could have just been an outside party in which case I lost two good friends. Anyway I look at it I wish I hadn't included them. Friendship is more important in the long run than a bunch of buds. Really what's so hard about digging the holes yourself?


Patient Grower
Another thought is that you're putting a big chunk of snitch currency in his pocket. He may be the most stand up guy in the world but IMO most people fold when given the choice of themselves or somebody else. If he gets busted between now and harvest he'll realize that he's got a pocketful of snitch currency and couldn't be human if he didn't think seriously about using it.
Lol know they are fucked up fucked up from nute burn. LEaves curled and a dead burned color. Cant take a clone and then go straight to a commercial potting mix with timer release ferts in it.

Oh, you put your plants in that shit! That's cool. Sorry, I thought you were saying he must have added it or something. Damn, with all that hauling you should go organic, man.


Yah. I'm gunna go out to the plot tomorrow and dump all that poison dirt and give them some all natural shit. I'm gunna have to ditch all the water crystals that i put in my poison dirt. :( Those were hard to obtain without ordering them online. Yah weird situation.. Growing near where my friend lives, etc
Help me make the hardest decision of my life

You came to the right conclusion. At harvest time if you think you really can trust him then you should have him trim with you. Slide him a few dry ounces and make him your apprentice next year. That's assuming he is trustworthy. However it's almost pointless as 15 plants is rather small compared to the risk you are taking on by adding another person. What's the risk vs reward of adding a new partner? Glad to see you told him no, now go lend that fool some reading material


hell no....if you deny him,youll have one issue to get over as friends....if you dont, you will be stuck working together until either you have the harvest (60days+) or some shit goes down....during that time, alot of things can happen. it soudns like you dont need him to do anything and your shit is already in order. just keep things smooth sailing dont add all those extra variables you mentioned in your first post. the part about him being known around the area raises a red flag....just my 2cts!