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Help me make a picnic basket for a hot girl

Smooth B

I saw this girl today and know where she works. There is a park maybe 1/2 mile away. I thought hmmm. Take her on her lunch hour for a picnic.

I was thinking cheese like Brie, crackers, and fruit like grapes. What else? :1help: This date only will last maybe 40 minutes. 10 minutes there and 10 minutes back out of an hour.

This girl is a 10 out of 10. Smooth's not kiddin' about this. :D

Help me munchie mansion. Get your Yogi Bear on.... What's in your pic nic basket?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
dude i aint playin nigga. if you want to wow her, strawberries dipped in chocolate, but here is the kicker. you do the dipping. it is easy as fuck i amke them all the time and they taste fuckin incredible. BAM! you marry her.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Skittles and starburst ! Angry whoppers are good to, but don't use the best dish on the first picnic. Start light, maybe a filet of fish and a fry.

I'm just playing man, I would say don't go overboard trying to impress her. A 1 hour lunch and you bring grapes, cheese, and crackers? A nice gesture, but better suited for a day in the park or a stroll outrdoors. If I am working all day and my lunch date showed up with grapes, crackers, and cheese I would be starvin! Bring a small grill and some charcoal and cook her up some meat and vegtables, maybe chicken and steak marinated in hawain marinade on skewers with red peppers, green peppers, onion, and pineapple! Marinade the skewers prior and bring them already on their sticks in a large enough gladware. Light the coals, cook em up!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
All you need Player LMAO



12 bags of peanuts,
11 comic books,
10 beers,
09 packs of bubblegum
08 lollipops
07 packs of cheese crackers
06 Cans of Pepsi
05 orders of onion rings
04 fried chickens
03 French Fries
02 Boxes of Chocolate Turtles
01 And a big fat doobie