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Help me figure this out


Hi all,

I have a super lemon haze clone, probably close to 8 months old that I was going to keep as a mother plant.

It was vegged over a low light ~4 months, then flowered for ~2.5months, then revegged again successfully for another ~2months.

It was successfully reverted to veg state, and going super healthy/happy until 3 days ago, I was able to cut enough clones before, so thank god for that at least.

As you can see the plant is wilting as if it has no water or something. I just don't understand what could be the cause for that.

The only thing that comes to mind is watering once with a little bit of water that was high (8+) pH, after watering with reverse osmosis water only for a while.

I gave it a little fox farm veg fertilizer about 2 weeks ago when it started to yellow, so it's not nute burn. It's been watered regularly, so it isn't dry and the soil has 33% (1/3) perlite so it's hard to overwater. No pests or diseases that I could see. The plant looks goofy because it was reveged after nearly getting killed in late flower. But again, it was doing perfectly well until about 3 days ago. I looked at the roots, and it is really rootbound, but could that make a plant just wilt over and die??

Please have a look at the pictures, and let me know what you think. It's the hardest thing to see a perfectly healthy plant suddenly wilt over and die for no apparent reason? Even though I didn't need it anymore since I took enough cuttings, it just bugs me big time. Help me figure this out please.



wow thats extreme eh...I suggest flushing with ph adjusted water at about 6.2. Flush the crap out of it and wait. If you see any sighns of pick up, top dress with worm castings and water through again. The plant probably got right locked out when you watered it high. Dont shock it by feeding it hoping to make it kick up this will do the opposite. The worm casting s will give the plant only what it needs so long as you flushed anything out of that soil


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I'd carve all that dead crap off the top and give that bitch a thinning down under too and re-pot her.

As long as you keep the top groomed and trimmed so that it constantly has new growth and keep the roots from getting too bound in the pot then she will keep going. But damn I usually eliminate about half of the roots when I re-veg.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Dont waste your time with that plant. Start fresh, clean pot, new soil, make sure you ph the water everytime.


This is interesting because this happened to 4 of my slh in late, late, late flower last round. One day fine next dead or almost dead. Your roots do not look very healthy. I grow in all perlite and my roots had a lite rot look to them, just a little hint of brown. They did not have that big white pearly look.

This strain or some pheno's may be very sensitive to any kind of root rot. One slight change like ph a little off or no food and boom, dead. You are going want to watch those clones very close and I would start reading up on preventative measures.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you need to stimulate new root growth as well as topgrowth when you reveg. it looks like you didnt repot it or anything and the roots have just carried on dying and are now finished.

like stress test says i root prune and repot with some fresh soil in a smaller pot to get them reveging


Thank you all so much for giving me insights into this. I really appreciate it!

Hi VG, it's an honor to have my mentor (I bet you didn't even know you're that) post in my thread :). Organic Rocks!

You are absolutely right, I did not repot, or root prune at all. The plant has been in this container for over 8 months. I just did not know that this would cause the roots to eventually die, along with the plant. I was just thinking that if I kept chemically feeding a revegged mother plant in the same small container, that it would be ok.

bobman, I am watching over those clones like they are my own flesh and blood !
MagicChef - The thing about the high pH with this slh is that I had actually borrowed it to a friend of mine (who nearly killed it by having to leave it without water for like 2.5weeks, don't ask me how it survived, I still can't believe it myself), who watered it only this kind of high pH water, and the high pH didn't bother the plant at all
NorCalBob - I agree, that plant is going to the pot cemetery.
Stress_test - thank you, I'll definitely thin down the roots, and repot next time. I am still new at this, and was thinking that if it's not organic, but chemically fed, that I can get away without repoting.

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