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help me explain the chemical fert vs organics debate better


Active member
Chemical nutes are a petroleum product resulting in excessive use of non renewable resources while working to release stored carbon into the air. While they can produce fine weed, the salts they contain poison your soil, killing off most of your microlife resulting in further dependence on chemicals to supplement the soil.
While we have a right to grow weed, we have an obligation to the earth that supersedes that right. to me, it's a matter of religion more than anything. Chemical fertilizers are a sin. One we should try to avoid.


Chemical nutes are a petroleum product resulting in excessive use of non renewable resources while working to release stored carbon into the air. While they can produce fine weed, the salts they contain poison your soil, killing off most of your microlife resulting in further dependence on chemicals to supplement the soil.
While we have a right to grow weed, we have an obligation to the earth that supersedes that right. to me, it's a matter of religion more than anything. Chemical fertilizers are a sin. One we should try to avoid.

And I say that if folks are going to toe that line, then neither should they be growing indoors using all that electricity that indoor cultivation is so well known for consuming. How many are using renewable electricity, really?

Just playing devil's advocate here, but also making a salient point, even if it is rather pointed.

Al, I know of nothing that acts like the PGRs I think you're referring to in organic cultivation. The PGRs may be forcing very unnatural results. Again, to me, it's a bottom-line thing. Sure, you can spend a shit-ton of money growing the weed, but if it's for resale then that shit-ton of money is hitting your bottom line pretty hard. How can that be argued?


Active member
And I say that if folks are going to toe that line, then neither should they be growing indoors using all that electricity that indoor cultivation is so well known for consuming. How many are using renewable electricity, really?

Just playing devil's advocate here, but also making a salient point, even if it is rather pointed.

Al, I know of nothing that acts like the PGRs I think you're referring to in organic cultivation. The PGRs may be forcing very unnatural results. Again, to me, it's a bottom-line thing. Sure, you can spend a shit-ton of money growing the weed, but if it's for resale then that shit-ton of money is hitting your bottom line pretty hard. How can that be argued?
I'll admit to using the occasional CFL to get things started in winter but not the picking up prostitutes on Indio Boulivard part, that was my cousin Jimmy.
Never said I don't sin, I just try to work my way past it.


Thank you both, very awesome points, HH...definitely along the lines of what I was looking for.
I definitely think we have a responsibility to the earth. But my views are a bit different, in that I think a GMO canola grower coming to the willamette valley to poison the organic valley, I feel its okay to poison their crops, like those kids were talking about in eugene

Red Swan

Budswel is great. I use it with gh 3 part or on its own. No need for more than 5 ml per gallon and cut it a week or two before harvest. Will really bump up smell , size and resin. I've used it with general Organics as well as Sann ie s tabs .

I hit Pure Kush with MOAB once in week 5 in an otherwise organic grow and got the biggest buds off that plant. Normally a pitiful yielder.

You can also try a compost tea specifically designed for flower.
Awhile back some older dude told me(as reasoning for organics)would you spray that shit in your mouth(chemical pestisides)? Then why on earth would you spray it on your food(or in this case herb). On the flipside neem and mint are both used internally to treat stuff wrong with people as well as plants. Dunno if your bud even uses pesticides or w/e but if so get him to try neem oil with pro-tect or some pot sil product. Works better than all the other junk and that sheen it puts on the leaves is pretty enticing. If it gets the organic foot in the door so to speak, the rest usually follows and if not at least his "patients" won't be suckin in as much junk.

As for the hardness of the buds i think thats kinda genetics dependant. i've had the densest buds i've ever tried with organics fwiw. Must be an odd market this guy caters to that judges weed solely by how hard you can squeeze it(roidin muscle types maybe?)

I recently started with the neem oil, had 5 drops last night. I am going to try and think of some thing to mask the taste. maybe onion? then I mixed some for the plants, and went with 2 drops/cup of the solution. mist at dark, lamps all the way up and fans on in the morning.


Neem oil is used for male birth control. The Indians use that shit for everything.

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