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Help me diagnose this problem please.


Peat moss,perlite,dolomite lime soiless
AN cony 60ml
Big bud 30ml
Floraliscious + 5ml
1 tbsp unsulfured molasses
All. Mixed in 5 gallons tap water and fed at 5.8 ph
4th week flower

First ill say that if i dont use all 5 gallons I store in a dark cool place. When I return to use the rest of the res it develops a film on top. I always thought its a sign of biological activity but i think its good activity from the floraliscious+. Insight on this would help.

Second and more importantly my younger growth is showing tiny rust specks that looks like calcium def. But I was of the mind that calcium supplement was not necessary with tap water only RO water. Also a little chlorosis on my newer growth already which seems early for 4 weeks in my experience but this only my second run with AN so I'm still tweaking dosage. Also some of my older leaves are showing some rust like necrosis possibly salt build up but just speculation at this point.

Sorry no pics but I don't know maybe just add some cal mag? Good flush? Both? Opinions please. Thanx icmag community


The film is most likely from the molasses. I had that happen in my rez so I stopped using it. Personally I always have bad results with molasses but that's because I don't know how to use it properly with the nutrients that I have.

As far as your other problems go, I would check the Ph of your run off. When I'm in peat, I usually Ph at 6.2 but I go as high as 6.4 depending on the strain and observations. If I was in your shoes I would see what the run off says. It may be lower or higher than you think. I'm also not sure if its a good idea to store mixed nutes with molasses. Someone will chime in about that. Personally I would like the run off to be at t least 6.0. If its far less than that then I would fix it. If the Ph is fine then I would see how much PPM that I was giving and how often. If you feed every watering then I would be around 750 pom. If it wasn't as often then I would go up to 1200 depending on strain and observations. In my experience plants do better with less. I give them just enough to keep them green and nice.

Sat X RB

I agree with Molasses theorists above. happens to me.

seems to me the statement that "calcium supplement was not necessary with tap water ..." is too general. that all tap water contains Ca is unscientific. have you tested yours?

if you suspect there is a mineral imbalance Google "Mulder's Chart" which shows how minerals in incorrect balance may militate against one another.

For example, if my memory is correct, Zn from the inside of corroded galavanised pipes may militate against the appropriate uptake of Mg. which in turn may militate against the uptake of Ca. you may be dealing with an imbalance 'chain'.


So is the film from molasses good or bad? I can say for sure I have been adding molasses and floraliscious for lilttle longer than a week and they have made things smell and swell awesome! But thw tiny rust spots on the leaves bother me. Think I will grab some cal mag and use RO so I know exactly where I'm starting at 0ppm.(that galvinized pipe zinc theory is interesting and scary at the same time).


The molasses film is likely having no effect on your feeding. It could just as likely be dust that's gathered on top of the water column as anything else.

Tap water is usually treated with products to preserve the supply lines. That means often CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). CaCO3 is not, in my experience, a readily available form of Ca. So I cannot recommend relying solely on what's in tap for your source of Ca, especially knowing how important it is (it should be listed as a major or macroelement, IMO).

Upper leaves spotting brown, along margins or interveinally is typically a Ca-. Treat it, but don't use Cal-Mag, use only a Ca product.

Also, look at the Mulders Chart Sat X RB mentions, it really helps to visualize how one nutrient/mineral/element being off can throw others off.


Active member
I'll only type this once more in this thread.

6/9 has *Plenty* of Ca... you don't need to supplement it, regardless of what's in your water. It works perfect with R/O that has NO Ca in it. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Little update, I added some gh calimagic to the mix and the good people at the garden shop gave me a sample bottle of a silica product from dyna gro.

I tested my runoff today and it came out at 5.8. Perfect so I'm wondering if they were using more cal than availible? Or maybe early signs of salt buildup? But that's hard to think of for me because although I don't use a tds I have cut back my base nutes by about 20ml from what the bottle says to.

So ill wait a couple days and c at thos point. Anyone have any good pics of early toxic salt build up??


Active member
(Edit: Just realized that this post was connected with a different thread than this one. *sigh* Total bone-head move. My apologies.)

More Ca?


Where's the *slapforehead* icon?

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Last edited:


Active member
I'll only type this once more in this thread.

6/9 has *Plenty* of Ca... you don't need to supplement it, regardless of what's in your water. It works perfect with R/O that has NO Ca in it. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

This is plainly not true for some strains.

Sat X RB

just to say ... my example re Mulder's Chart was just that ... an example!

I was NOT suggesting yr water pipes might be causing a Ca shortage.

In fact we have not determined there even IS a Ca shortage!

if you are using peat moss it has a habit of increasing soil acidity for a time after it's mixed with soil. such increased acidity (altho you seem pleased with yr run-off pH) may be causing the problems you point to. so check yr soil pH too!



I realize peat moss acidic tendency, that's why its amended with lime...you seem hostile for no reason. Thankyou for your insight. sat x rb

I'm going to get a soil ph probe to test the medium...may b a lock ou for sure. I'll post pics tommorow and update. Thakyou all


Ill comment on the molasses issue, I find If I dont aerate nutrient when it contains molasess it goes stagnant quickly although water temp plays a big part also wether your using chem or organic nutes.


just to say ... my example re Mulder's Chart was just that ... an example!

I was NOT suggesting yr water pipes might be causing a Ca shortage.

In fact we have not determined there even IS a Ca shortage!

if you are using peat moss it has a habit of increasing soil acidity for a time after it's mixed with soil. such increased acidity (altho you seem pleased with yr run-off pH) may be causing the problems you point to. so check yr soil pH too!

Just some information for people to help them understand what peat can do to even very hard water. I used to use it as a filtration media for the most delicate South American animals, wild-collected. It locks onto the carbonates, thus softening and acidifying the water column, gently and naturally.

As for whether or not a given formula has plenty of a given nutrient, to me it's kind of like dieting. You can lie to yourself, but your body knows. So you can tell the plants all you like that this has enough of something, but if they're not feelin' it, they're just not feelin' it. Ca is just so easy to supplement and in my opinion it's not given enough import or credit as a major nutrient, seems to be simple enough to go ahead and offer more via a foliar application to stop progression until you figure out what went wrong where.

Or, you may be growing a Ca-whore like The White. That one variety required easily double the Ca I give anything else.


Well its been 3 days since I added the cali magic from gh to my feeding and I cam say the problem has not seemed to get any worse but not any better. Affected growth will never heal so I've been trimming a little every other day. Sigh with as many years experience I have hard to believe problems like this still arise...liveand learn..

Any comments on the pics would be greatlyy appreciated. Thanx


Active member
I'm battling Thrips/cooties so everything looks like cootie damage to me now!!!!! LOL...Sorry my friend. I wish I knew what to tell ya...Sending positive grow vibes your way and hope that does something because my advice sure isn't gonna do squat..

Good Luck